in debate/fallacies/proving-too-much.md, the conclusion could technically be a theorem with no corresponding fact, so the definition is inaccurateRemoved truth and fact notions -
add extra diagrams to the hom-set sections in epimorphism.md and monomorphism.mdUnnecessary -
define functor in diagram.mdDone -
define covariance in functor.mdDone -
rename precategories to "categories" and categories to "univalent categories"Done -
define "opposite category"Done -
change categories to use \mathcalDone -
change : to \colon where applicableDone - finish the presheaf definition of a limit in limit.md
- define the category
$\text{Typ}$ in univalent-category.md - finish the "presheaves are colimits" section in presheaf.md
- define adjunctions and add references
- define free diagrams
- define functions, surjection, injection, bijection
- define strawmanning
- define straw-steelmanning