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Triage meeting 2021-04-06 |
triage-meeting |
- Meeting date: 2021-04-06
- Watch the recording
- Team members: Josh, Scott, Niko, Felix
- Others: simulacrum, oliver
- Action item scribe: Mark
- Note-taker: nikomatsakis
Planning meeting tomorrow!
- Open issues for possible design meetings
- there are a few open already
- Status updates for open projects etc
Link: #86
- Still waiting for summary, no action needed
- Inclined to close for now, take action item to make sure summary happens
Link: #89
- Change behavior of
when you are inside a modulem
was declared with a#[path]
attribute - This would have to be tied to an edition, for compatibility reasons
- Too late for Rust 2021 -- deadline for decisions has passed, and it's not very urgent
- There are also a few options to consider, so don't want to rush into it
- Summary:
- when using
to specify a relative path for a module... - ...this result is affected by whether the current module is a
) pattern... - versus a
file. - This MCP tries to tweak those rules.
- when using
- Scott: General idea of matching the
pattern seems reasonable- ...but so does having
work only like normal filesystem stuff, so who knows
- ...but so does having
- Defer detailed discussion for now till a future meeting or async.
- Question for today: push on 2021 Edition?
- Felix: I fear the pattern that of not taking things for Rust 2021 but then not thinking about it again until just before next edition ships
- Josh: Agree! I think we should still talk this over very soon, but not target Rust 2021.
- Meeting consensus
- Do not target Rust 2021
- But do continue discussing as a possible item for a future edition (and do not wait until right up until the deadline)
Link: rust-lang/rfcs#2845
- Unable to define a subtrait that inherits from a supertrait where both define the same method and to deal with it unambiguously
- Scott nominated: 1 check box away from FCP, what do we think?
- Niko's comment
- Conclusion:
- Niko and Felix to take action itms to review
- May need a change to the RFC to reflect the request for an ambiguity error when invoked from inside the trait
Link: rust-lang/rfcs#3016
- Been discussed in numerous previous meetings
- Ralf rewrote the RFC along the lines we suggested in previous meeting:
- Concluded that, at least for now, we do not want to mandate UB detection but to leave it as implementation guidance
- Niko proposed fresh FCP
- Action items for folks to read and check their boxes
Link: rust-lang/rfcs#3098
- Currently in FCP
- There have been some concerns raised on the thread
- We may want to pause the FCP. Some reasons:
- Major concern raised is basically
- "would we wind up taking long enough to process the non-keyword part of any change that the keyword can just take the next edition"
- but also "user experience is substantially worse"
- Eric raised the question of opting in with feature to using the new keyword
- The argument against features we made before is that we don't want the combinatorial explosion of "dialects of Rust"
- e.g., this project uses feature A but not feature B
- The argument against features we made before is that we don't want the combinatorial explosion of "dialects of Rust"
- Felix feels the wording is misleading about the word
- Meeting consensus
- Cancel the FCP
- Note in the OP the following next steps:
- Prioritize 3101 to secure the necessary edition space
- Want the results of a crater run to deterine whether
can be used across all editions
Link: rust-lang/rfcs#3101
- Reserves token space without defining semantics for anything in that token space
- Effect of current RFC is to forbid the following from being tokenized (in all cases, with no whitespace):
- Reserves
- Reserves
- Reserves
- It's weird right now that
is three tokens butb"xyz"
is one token, which this RFC would resolve. - Some debate about the right time to issue an error:
- Tokenization time?
- Pass on through and make it usable in a macro?
- If we allow passing on to macros, you can implement prototypes of new syntax
- But you can implement macros that use this space in ways that could conflict with our reservation!
- Also, if you are going to prototype, you might as well just use the actual keyword, not
, right?
- RFC had proposed that we "don't worry" about breaking things that conflict, but it's better if we don't have to make that judgement call
- Cross edition compatibility:
- Rust 2021 code can use older macros with whitespace; macro-rules macros cannot observe this
- Only concern might be a procedural macro that was comparing spans to tell if two tokens were truly adjacent
- Tokenization error is forwards compatible with all future options
- Also compatible with tokenizing differently from a single token, should we want that, or being handled in special ways
- Concerns with FCP merge?
- Mark: General concern with speed, but no concrete concerns
- Scott: major impact would be if people are using this in macros already (e.g.,
- Josh to start an FCP
- Edition decision:
- Can do in Rust 2021
- If no impact, Rust 2018 and 2015 as well
"fn() -> Out
is a valid type for unsized types Out
, and it implements FnOnce<(), Output = Out>
" rust#82633
Link: rust-lang/rust#82633
- Previous consensus:
- Want to prohibit function types that return unsized types
- estebank has opened PR #83915 to do that
- some discussion about whether it's sufficient, as the PR doesn't cover
impl Trait
- some discussion about whether it's sufficient, as the PR doesn't cover
- now up for compiler team review
Link: rust-lang/reference#970
- Discussion centers around what language to use regarding provenance, and whether it is preserved
- Long Zulip thread without a concise summary
- The reference PR itself doesn't summarize advantages or disadvantages, simply states that provenance is lost
- Niko: This is wading into stacked borrows territory, why would we want to say this specific thing?
- Seems clear we won't be able to reach a conclusion in this meeting
- Need a good summary of tradeoffs etc, perhaps a design meeting
- Need Ralf in that design meeting
- Better topic might be "let's plan the things to address and in what order" than to decide on this specific PR
- Question is: is this question something we can do incrementally or only as part of a larger effort?
- Action item:
- Niko to summarize that we want to have the above discussion first and that we would prefer not to make this decision in a PR on the reference but rather an RFC etc
Link: rust-lang/rust#81789
Link: rust-lang/rust#83167
- Decision that needs making: do we want to require const generics for the intrinsics
- No updates, seems like we are unsure what the right next steps would be
- Have passed on that we would like feedback from actual users
- No further consideration required at this time, un-nominate
- Note that we are up against the Rust 2021 deadline, but then again we have to keep it for Rust 2018; nobody is too worried about having to delay until next edition.
- Historical note:
- How did this get stabilize without langs being invoked?
- Was overlooked as a procedural "misstep", essentially.
- How did this get stabilize without langs being invoked?
- Ordinarily lang doesn't give a lot of scrutiny to rustc attributes, but in this case it becomes part of the public interface
- Proposed rule:
should not be used for things that affect the public API
- Action item: Mark to leave a summary comment and un-nominate (for lang)
Link: rust-lang/rust#83213
Link: rust-lang/rust#83312
Link: rust-lang/rust#83366
Link: rust-lang/rust#83386
- Niko wants people to look at this. But we did not discuss in meeting.
Link: rust-lang/rust#83595
- This is actually about putting the attribute on a field, which AFAIK has never actually done anything.
- I think this is by design? IIRC we talked about this one in some meeting when the PR went it to check it...
Link: rust-lang/rust#83713