From e4aa99fe7afaabf846d9c67dc68364e7661a0bde Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rich Kadel <>
Date: Sat, 2 Jan 2021 09:40:15 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] Inlining enabled by -mir-opt-level > 1 is incompatible with

Fixes: #80060

Also adds additional test cases for coverage of doctests.
 compiler/rustc_mir/src/transform/    |   9 ++
 compiler/rustc_session/src/          |  10 +-
 .../expected_show_coverage.doctest.txt        | 124 +++++++++++-------
 ...est.main.-------.InstrumentCoverage.0.html | 104 +++++++--------
 .../run-make-fulldeps/coverage/     |  43 +++++-
 .../        |  21 +++
 .../inline-instrument-coverage-fail.stderr    |   2 +
 7 files changed, 210 insertions(+), 103 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/test/ui/mir/mir-inlining/
 create mode 100644 src/test/ui/mir/mir-inlining/inline-instrument-coverage-fail.stderr

diff --git a/compiler/rustc_mir/src/transform/ b/compiler/rustc_mir/src/transform/
index 6e7575c1d71bb..f06172ab7da8a 100644
--- a/compiler/rustc_mir/src/transform/
+++ b/compiler/rustc_mir/src/transform/
@@ -41,6 +41,15 @@ impl<'tcx> MirPass<'tcx> for Inline {
+        if tcx.sess.opts.debugging_opts.instrument_coverage {
+            // Since `Inline` happens after `InstrumentCoverage`, the function-specific coverage
+            // counters can be invalidated, such as by merging coverage counter statements from
+            // a pre-inlined function into a different function. This kind of change is invalid,
+            // so inlining must be skipped. Note: This check is performed here so inlining can
+            // be disabled without preventing other optimizations (regardless of `mir_opt_level`).
+            return;
+        }
         if inline(tcx, body) {
             debug!("running simplify cfg on {:?}", body.source);
diff --git a/compiler/rustc_session/src/ b/compiler/rustc_session/src/
index c9ddcbdb5f5cc..e42889670b9dc 100644
--- a/compiler/rustc_session/src/
+++ b/compiler/rustc_session/src/
@@ -1830,11 +1830,17 @@ pub fn build_session_options(matches: &getopts::Matches) -> Options {
         if debugging_opts.mir_opt_level > 1 {
+            // Functions inlined during MIR transform can, at best, make it impossible to
+            // effectively cover inlined functions, and, at worst, break coverage map generation
+            // during LLVM codegen. For example, function counter IDs are only unique within a
+            // function. Inlining after these counters are injected can produce duplicate counters,
+            // resulting in an invalid coverage map (and ICE); so this option combination is not
+            // allowed.
-                    "`-Z mir-opt-level={}` (any level > 1) enables function inlining, which \
-                    limits the effectiveness of `-Z instrument-coverage`.",
+                    "`-Z mir-opt-level={}` (or any level > 1) enables function inlining, which \
+                    is incompatible with `-Z instrument-coverage`. Inlining will be disabled.",
diff --git a/src/test/run-make-fulldeps/coverage-reports/expected_show_coverage.doctest.txt b/src/test/run-make-fulldeps/coverage-reports/expected_show_coverage.doctest.txt
index e1731c7223c5d..8f67170561a2a 100644
--- a/src/test/run-make-fulldeps/coverage-reports/expected_show_coverage.doctest.txt
+++ b/src/test/run-make-fulldeps/coverage-reports/expected_show_coverage.doctest.txt
@@ -21,50 +21,86 @@
    20|       |//!
    21|       |//! doctest returning a result:
    22|      1|//! ```
-   23|      1|//! #[derive(Debug)]
-   24|      1|//! struct SomeError;
-   25|      1|//! let mut res = Err(SomeError);
-   26|      1|//! if res.is_ok() {
-   27|      0|//!   res?;
-   28|      1|//! } else {
-   29|      1|//!   res = Ok(0);
-   30|      1|//! }
-   31|       |//! // need to be explicit because rustdoc cant infer the return type
-   32|      1|//! Ok::<(), SomeError>(())
-   33|      1|//! ```
-   34|       |//!
-   35|       |//! doctest with custom main:
-   36|       |//! ```
-   37|       |//! #[derive(Debug)]
-   38|       |//! struct SomeError;
-   39|       |//!
-   40|       |//! extern crate doctest_crate;
-   41|       |//!
-   42|      1|//! fn doctest_main() -> Result<(), SomeError> {
-   43|      1|//!     doctest_crate::fn_run_in_doctests(2);
-   44|      1|//!     Ok(())
-   45|      1|//! }
-   46|       |//!
-   47|       |//! // this `main` is not shown as covered, as it clashes with all the other
-   48|       |//! // `main` functions that were automatically generated for doctests
-   49|       |//! fn main() -> Result<(), SomeError> {
-   50|       |//!     doctest_main()
-   51|       |//! }
-   52|       |//! ```
-   53|       |
-   54|       |/// doctest attached to fn testing external code:
-   55|       |/// ```
-   56|      1|/// extern crate doctest_crate;
-   57|      1|/// doctest_crate::fn_run_in_doctests(3);
-   58|      1|/// ```
-   59|       |///
-   60|      1|fn main() {
-   61|      1|    if true {
-   62|      1|        assert_eq!(1, 1);
-   63|       |    } else {
-   64|       |        assert_eq!(1, 2);
-   65|       |    }
-   66|      1|}
+   23|      2|//! #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+                       ^1
+   24|      1|//! struct SomeError {
+   25|      1|//!     msg: String,
+   26|      1|//! }
+   27|      1|//! let mut res = Err(SomeError { msg: String::from("a message") });
+   28|      1|//! if res.is_ok() {
+   29|      0|//!     res?;
+   30|       |//! } else {
+   31|      1|//!     if *res.as_ref().unwrap_err() == *res.as_ref().unwrap_err() {
+   32|      1|//!         println!("{:?}", res);
+   33|      1|//!     }
+                   ^0
+   34|      1|//!     if *res.as_ref().unwrap_err() == *res.as_ref().unwrap_err() {
+   35|      1|//!         res = Ok(1);
+   36|      1|//!     }
+                   ^0
+   37|      1|//!     res = Ok(0);
+   38|       |//! }
+   39|       |//! // need to be explicit because rustdoc cant infer the return type
+   40|      1|//! Ok::<(), SomeError>(())
+   41|      1|//! ```
+   42|       |//!
+   43|       |//! doctest with custom main:
+   44|       |//! ```
+   45|      1|//! fn some_func() {
+   46|      1|//!     println!("called some_func()");
+   47|      1|//! }
+   48|       |//!
+   49|       |//! #[derive(Debug)]
+   50|       |//! struct SomeError;
+   51|       |//!
+   52|       |//! extern crate doctest_crate;
+   53|       |//!
+   54|      1|//! fn doctest_main() -> Result<(), SomeError> {
+   55|      1|//!     some_func();
+   56|      1|//!     doctest_crate::fn_run_in_doctests(2);
+   57|      1|//!     Ok(())
+   58|      1|//! }
+   59|       |//!
+   60|       |//! // this `main` is not shown as covered, as it clashes with all the other
+   61|       |//! // `main` functions that were automatically generated for doctests
+   62|       |//! fn main() -> Result<(), SomeError> {
+   63|       |//!     doctest_main()
+   64|       |//! }
+   65|       |//! ```
+   66|       |
+   67|       |/// doctest attached to fn testing external code:
+   68|       |/// ```
+   69|      1|/// extern crate doctest_crate;
+   70|      1|/// doctest_crate::fn_run_in_doctests(3);
+   71|      1|/// ```
+   72|       |///
+   73|      1|fn main() {
+   74|      1|    if true {
+   75|      1|        assert_eq!(1, 1);
+   76|       |    } else {
+   77|       |        assert_eq!(1, 2);
+   78|       |    }
+   79|      1|}
+   80|       |
+   81|       |// FIXME(Swatinem): Fix known issue that coverage code region columns need to be offset by the
+   82|       |// doc comment line prefix (`///` or `//!`) and any additional indent (before or after the doc
+   83|       |// comment characters). This test produces `llvm-cov show` results demonstrating the problem.
+   84|       |//
+   85|       |// One of the above tests now includes: `derive(Debug, PartialEq)`, producing an `llvm-cov show`
+   86|       |// result with a distinct count for `Debug`, denoted by `^1`, but the caret points to the wrong
+   87|       |// column. Similarly, the `if` blocks without `else` blocks show `^0`, which should point at, or
+   88|       |// one character past, the `if` block's closing brace. In both cases, these are most likely off
+   89|       |// by the number of characters stripped from the beginning of each doc comment line: indent
+   90|       |// whitespace, if any, doc comment prefix (`//!` in this case) and (I assume) one space character
+   91|       |// (?). Note, when viewing `llvm-cov show` results in `--color` mode, the column offset errors are
+   92|       |// more pronounced, and show up in more places, with background color used to show some distinct
+   93|       |// code regions with different coverage counts.
+   94|       |//
+   95|       |// NOTE: Since the doc comment line prefix may vary, one possible solution is to replace each
+   96|       |// character stripped from the beginning of doc comment lines with a space. This will give coverage
+   97|       |// results the correct column offsets, and I think it should compile correctly, but I don't know
+   98|       |// what affect it might have on diagnostic messages from the compiler, and whether anyone would care
+   99|       |// if the indentation changed. I don't know if there is a more viable solution.
     1|       |/// A function run only from within doctests
diff --git a/src/test/run-make-fulldeps/coverage-spanview/expected_mir_dump.doctest/doctest.main.-------.InstrumentCoverage.0.html b/src/test/run-make-fulldeps/coverage-spanview/expected_mir_dump.doctest/doctest.main.-------.InstrumentCoverage.0.html
index 8d074558aae20..333476a2df573 100644
--- a/src/test/run-make-fulldeps/coverage-spanview/expected_mir_dump.doctest/doctest.main.-------.InstrumentCoverage.0.html
+++ b/src/test/run-make-fulldeps/coverage-spanview/expected_mir_dump.doctest/doctest.main.-------.InstrumentCoverage.0.html
@@ -69,59 +69,59 @@
-<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 59"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>fn main() <span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">{</span></span>
-<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">    if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="61:8-61:12: @0[1]: _1 = const true
-61:8-61:12: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _1)"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>true<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
-<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">        </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="62:9-62:26: @5[0]: _2 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@5⦊</span></span></span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 2" title="62:9-62:26: @6[5]: _75 = const main::promoted[3]
-62:9-62:26: @6[6]: _18 = &amp;(*_75)
-62:9-62:26: @6[7]: _17 = &amp;(*_18)
-62:9-62:26: @6[8]: _16 = move _17 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
-62:9-62:26: @6[17]: _26 = &amp;(*_8)
-62:9-62:26: @6[18]: _25 = &amp;_26
-62:9-62:26: @6[21]: _28 = &amp;(*_9)
-62:9-62:26: @6[22]: _27 = &amp;_28
-62:9-62:26: @6[23]: _24 = (move _25, move _27)
-62:9-62:26: @6[26]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _24)
-62:9-62:26: @6[28]: _29 = (_24.0: &amp;&amp;i32)
-62:9-62:26: @6[30]: _30 = (_24.1: &amp;&amp;i32)
-62:9-62:26: @6[33]: _32 = &amp;(*_29)
-62:9-62:26: @6[35]: _33 = &lt;&amp;i32 as Debug&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r &amp;i32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
-62:9-62:26: @6.Call: _31 = ArgumentV1::new::&lt;&amp;i32&gt;(move _32, move _33) -&gt; [return: bb7, unwind: bb17]
-62:9-62:26: @7[4]: _35 = &amp;(*_30)
-62:9-62:26: @7[6]: _36 = &lt;&amp;i32 as Debug&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r &amp;i32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
-62:9-62:26: @7.Call: _34 = ArgumentV1::new::&lt;&amp;i32&gt;(move _35, move _36) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb17]
-62:9-62:26: @8[2]: _23 = [move _31, move _34]
-62:9-62:26: @8[7]: _22 = &amp;_23
-62:9-62:26: @8[8]: _21 = &amp;(*_22)
-62:9-62:26: @8[9]: _20 = move _21 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
-62:9-62:26: @8.Call: _15 = Arguments::new_v1(move _16, move _20) -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb17]
-62:9-62:26: @9.Call: core::panicking::panic_fmt(move _15) -&gt; bb17"><span class="annotation">@4,6,7,8,9⦊</span>assert_eq!(1, 1);<span class="annotation">⦉@4,6,7,8,9</span></span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="62:9-62:26: @5[0]: _2 = const ()"><span class="annotation">⦉@5</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
+<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 72"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>fn main() <span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">{</span></span>
+<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">    if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="74:8-74:12: @0[1]: _1 = const true
+74:8-74:12: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _1)"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>true<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
+<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">        </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="75:9-75:26: @5[0]: _2 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@5⦊</span></span></span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 2" title="75:9-75:26: @6[5]: _75 = const main::promoted[3]
+75:9-75:26: @6[6]: _18 = &amp;(*_75)
+75:9-75:26: @6[7]: _17 = &amp;(*_18)
+75:9-75:26: @6[8]: _16 = move _17 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
+75:9-75:26: @6[17]: _26 = &amp;(*_8)
+75:9-75:26: @6[18]: _25 = &amp;_26
+75:9-75:26: @6[21]: _28 = &amp;(*_9)
+75:9-75:26: @6[22]: _27 = &amp;_28
+75:9-75:26: @6[23]: _24 = (move _25, move _27)
+75:9-75:26: @6[26]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _24)
+75:9-75:26: @6[28]: _29 = (_24.0: &amp;&amp;i32)
+75:9-75:26: @6[30]: _30 = (_24.1: &amp;&amp;i32)
+75:9-75:26: @6[33]: _32 = &amp;(*_29)
+75:9-75:26: @6[35]: _33 = &lt;&amp;i32 as Debug&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r &amp;i32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
+75:9-75:26: @6.Call: _31 = ArgumentV1::new::&lt;&amp;i32&gt;(move _32, move _33) -&gt; [return: bb7, unwind: bb17]
+75:9-75:26: @7[4]: _35 = &amp;(*_30)
+75:9-75:26: @7[6]: _36 = &lt;&amp;i32 as Debug&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r &amp;i32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
+75:9-75:26: @7.Call: _34 = ArgumentV1::new::&lt;&amp;i32&gt;(move _35, move _36) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb17]
+75:9-75:26: @8[2]: _23 = [move _31, move _34]
+75:9-75:26: @8[7]: _22 = &amp;_23
+75:9-75:26: @8[8]: _21 = &amp;(*_22)
+75:9-75:26: @8[9]: _20 = move _21 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
+75:9-75:26: @8.Call: _15 = Arguments::new_v1(move _16, move _20) -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb17]
+75:9-75:26: @9.Call: core::panicking::panic_fmt(move _15) -&gt; bb17"><span class="annotation">@4,6,7,8,9⦊</span>assert_eq!(1, 1);<span class="annotation">⦉@4,6,7,8,9</span></span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="75:9-75:26: @5[0]: _2 = const ()"><span class="annotation">⦉@5</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
 <span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">    } else {</span></span>
-<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">        </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="64:9-64:26: @11[0]: _37 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@11⦊</span></span></span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 2" title="64:9-64:26: @12[5]: _72 = const main::promoted[0]
-64:9-64:26: @12[6]: _53 = &amp;(*_72)
-64:9-64:26: @12[7]: _52 = &amp;(*_53)
-64:9-64:26: @12[8]: _51 = move _52 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
-64:9-64:26: @12[17]: _61 = &amp;(*_43)
-64:9-64:26: @12[18]: _60 = &amp;_61
-64:9-64:26: @12[21]: _63 = &amp;(*_44)
-64:9-64:26: @12[22]: _62 = &amp;_63
-64:9-64:26: @12[23]: _59 = (move _60, move _62)
-64:9-64:26: @12[26]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _59)
-64:9-64:26: @12[28]: _64 = (_59.0: &amp;&amp;i32)
-64:9-64:26: @12[30]: _65 = (_59.1: &amp;&amp;i32)
-64:9-64:26: @12[33]: _67 = &amp;(*_64)
-64:9-64:26: @12[35]: _68 = &lt;&amp;i32 as Debug&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r &amp;i32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
-64:9-64:26: @12.Call: _66 = ArgumentV1::new::&lt;&amp;i32&gt;(move _67, move _68) -&gt; [return: bb13, unwind: bb17]
-64:9-64:26: @13[4]: _70 = &amp;(*_65)
-64:9-64:26: @13[6]: _71 = &lt;&amp;i32 as Debug&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r &amp;i32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
-64:9-64:26: @13.Call: _69 = ArgumentV1::new::&lt;&amp;i32&gt;(move _70, move _71) -&gt; [return: bb14, unwind: bb17]
-64:9-64:26: @14[2]: _58 = [move _66, move _69]
-64:9-64:26: @14[7]: _57 = &amp;_58
-64:9-64:26: @14[8]: _56 = &amp;(*_57)
-64:9-64:26: @14[9]: _55 = move _56 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
-64:9-64:26: @14.Call: _50 = Arguments::new_v1(move _51, move _55) -&gt; [return: bb15, unwind: bb17]
-64:9-64:26: @15.Call: core::panicking::panic_fmt(move _50) -&gt; bb17"><span class="annotation">@10,12,13,14,15⦊</span>assert_eq!(1, 2);<span class="annotation">⦉@10,12,13,14,15</span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="64:9-64:26: @11[0]: _37 = const ()"><span class="annotation">⦉@11</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
+<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">        </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="77:9-77:26: @11[0]: _37 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@11⦊</span></span></span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 2" title="77:9-77:26: @12[5]: _72 = const main::promoted[0]
+77:9-77:26: @12[6]: _53 = &amp;(*_72)
+77:9-77:26: @12[7]: _52 = &amp;(*_53)
+77:9-77:26: @12[8]: _51 = move _52 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
+77:9-77:26: @12[17]: _61 = &amp;(*_43)
+77:9-77:26: @12[18]: _60 = &amp;_61
+77:9-77:26: @12[21]: _63 = &amp;(*_44)
+77:9-77:26: @12[22]: _62 = &amp;_63
+77:9-77:26: @12[23]: _59 = (move _60, move _62)
+77:9-77:26: @12[26]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _59)
+77:9-77:26: @12[28]: _64 = (_59.0: &amp;&amp;i32)
+77:9-77:26: @12[30]: _65 = (_59.1: &amp;&amp;i32)
+77:9-77:26: @12[33]: _67 = &amp;(*_64)
+77:9-77:26: @12[35]: _68 = &lt;&amp;i32 as Debug&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r &amp;i32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
+77:9-77:26: @12.Call: _66 = ArgumentV1::new::&lt;&amp;i32&gt;(move _67, move _68) -&gt; [return: bb13, unwind: bb17]
+77:9-77:26: @13[4]: _70 = &amp;(*_65)
+77:9-77:26: @13[6]: _71 = &lt;&amp;i32 as Debug&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r &amp;i32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
+77:9-77:26: @13.Call: _69 = ArgumentV1::new::&lt;&amp;i32&gt;(move _70, move _71) -&gt; [return: bb14, unwind: bb17]
+77:9-77:26: @14[2]: _58 = [move _66, move _69]
+77:9-77:26: @14[7]: _57 = &amp;_58
+77:9-77:26: @14[8]: _56 = &amp;(*_57)
+77:9-77:26: @14[9]: _55 = move _56 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
+77:9-77:26: @14.Call: _50 = Arguments::new_v1(move _51, move _55) -&gt; [return: bb15, unwind: bb17]
+77:9-77:26: @15.Call: core::panicking::panic_fmt(move _50) -&gt; bb17"><span class="annotation">@10,12,13,14,15⦊</span>assert_eq!(1, 2);<span class="annotation">⦉@10,12,13,14,15</span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="77:9-77:26: @11[0]: _37 = const ()"><span class="annotation">⦉@11</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
 <span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">    }</span></span>
-<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="66:2-66:2: @16.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@16⦊</span>‸<span class="annotation">⦉@16</span></span></span></span></div>
+<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="79:2-79:2: @16.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@16⦊</span>‸<span class="annotation">⦉@16</span></span></span></span></div>
diff --git a/src/test/run-make-fulldeps/coverage/ b/src/test/run-make-fulldeps/coverage/
index e41d669bf0c76..ec04ea5706379 100644
--- a/src/test/run-make-fulldeps/coverage/
+++ b/src/test/run-make-fulldeps/coverage/
@@ -20,13 +20,21 @@
 //! doctest returning a result:
 //! ```
-//! #[derive(Debug)]
-//! struct SomeError;
-//! let mut res = Err(SomeError);
+//! #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+//! struct SomeError {
+//!     msg: String,
+//! }
+//! let mut res = Err(SomeError { msg: String::from("a message") });
 //! if res.is_ok() {
-//!   res?;
+//!     res?;
 //! } else {
-//!   res = Ok(0);
+//!     if *res.as_ref().unwrap_err() == *res.as_ref().unwrap_err() {
+//!         println!("{:?}", res);
+//!     }
+//!     if *res.as_ref().unwrap_err() == *res.as_ref().unwrap_err() {
+//!         res = Ok(1);
+//!     }
+//!     res = Ok(0);
 //! }
 //! // need to be explicit because rustdoc cant infer the return type
 //! Ok::<(), SomeError>(())
@@ -34,12 +42,17 @@
 //! doctest with custom main:
 //! ```
+//! fn some_func() {
+//!     println!("called some_func()");
+//! }
 //! #[derive(Debug)]
 //! struct SomeError;
 //! extern crate doctest_crate;
 //! fn doctest_main() -> Result<(), SomeError> {
+//!     some_func();
 //!     doctest_crate::fn_run_in_doctests(2);
 //!     Ok(())
 //! }
@@ -64,3 +77,23 @@ fn main() {
         assert_eq!(1, 2);
+// FIXME(Swatinem): Fix known issue that coverage code region columns need to be offset by the
+// doc comment line prefix (`///` or `//!`) and any additional indent (before or after the doc
+// comment characters). This test produces `llvm-cov show` results demonstrating the problem.
+// One of the above tests now includes: `derive(Debug, PartialEq)`, producing an `llvm-cov show`
+// result with a distinct count for `Debug`, denoted by `^1`, but the caret points to the wrong
+// column. Similarly, the `if` blocks without `else` blocks show `^0`, which should point at, or
+// one character past, the `if` block's closing brace. In both cases, these are most likely off
+// by the number of characters stripped from the beginning of each doc comment line: indent
+// whitespace, if any, doc comment prefix (`//!` in this case) and (I assume) one space character
+// (?). Note, when viewing `llvm-cov show` results in `--color` mode, the column offset errors are
+// more pronounced, and show up in more places, with background color used to show some distinct
+// code regions with different coverage counts.
+// NOTE: Since the doc comment line prefix may vary, one possible solution is to replace each
+// character stripped from the beginning of doc comment lines with a space. This will give coverage
+// results the correct column offsets, and I think it should compile correctly, but I don't know
+// what affect it might have on diagnostic messages from the compiler, and whether anyone would care
+// if the indentation changed. I don't know if there is a more viable solution.
diff --git a/src/test/ui/mir/mir-inlining/ b/src/test/ui/mir/mir-inlining/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..2437155d9810a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/mir/mir-inlining/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Ensures -Zmir-opt-level=2 (specifically, inlining) is not allowed with -Zinstrument-coverage.
+// Regression test for issue #80060.
+// needs-profiler-support
+// build-pass
+// compile-flags: -Zmir-opt-level=2 -Zinstrument-coverage
+fn foo() {}
+pub fn baz() {
+    bar();
+fn bar() {
+    foo();
+fn main() {
+    bar();
diff --git a/src/test/ui/mir/mir-inlining/inline-instrument-coverage-fail.stderr b/src/test/ui/mir/mir-inlining/inline-instrument-coverage-fail.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..eb50e5075ca8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ui/mir/mir-inlining/inline-instrument-coverage-fail.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+warning: `-Z mir-opt-level=2` (or any level > 1) enables function inlining, which is incompatible with `-Z instrument-coverage`. Inlining will be disabled.