Docker images describe how to set up a container for running an application, including what files are present, and what program to run. provides an introduction to Docker. describes the
: a file which describes how to set up the image.
sbt-native-packager focuses on creating a Docker image which can "just run" the application built by SBT.
The docker plugin depends on the :ref:`universal-plugin`.
You need the version 1.3 or higher of the docker console client installed. SBT Native Packager doesn't use the REST API, but instead uses the CLI directly.
It is currently not possible to provide authentication for Docker repositories from within the build.
The docker
binary used by the build should already have been configured with the appropriate
authentication details. See
sbt docker:publishLocal
You can also use the java-based spotify Docker client. Add this to your build.sbt
and this to your plugins.sbt
libraryDependencies += "com.spotify" % "docker-client" % "3.5.13"
The Docker-spotify client is a provided dependency. You have to explicitly add it on your own. It brings a lot of dependencies that could slow your build times. This is the reason the dependency is marked as provided.
Settings and Tasks inherited from parent plugins can be scoped with Docker
mappings in Docker := mappings.value
packageName in Docker
- The name of the package for Docker (if different from general name). This will only affect the image name.
version in Docker
- The version of the package for Docker (if different from general version). Often takes the form
.maintainer in Docker
- The maintainer of the package, required by the Dockerfile format.
- The image to use as a base for running the application. It should include binaries on the path for
, have a discoverablejava
binary, and include the user configured bydaemonUser
, by default).daemonUser in Docker
- The user to use when executing the application. Files below the install path also have their ownership set to this user.
- A list of TCP ports to expose from the Docker image.
- A list of UDP ports to expose from the Docker image.
- A list of data volumes to make available in the Docker image.
- A map of labels that will be applied to the Docker image.
- Overrides the default entrypoint for docker-specific service discovery tasks before running the application. Defaults to the bash executable script, available at
bin/<script name>
in the currentWORKDIR
- The repository to which the image is pushed when the
task is run. This should be of the form[username]
(assumes use of
repository) or[]/[username]
- The flag to automatic update the latest tag when the
task is run. Default value isFALSE
. In order to use this setting, the minimum docker console version required is 1.10. See #871 for a detailed explanation.dockerAlias
- The alias to be used for tagging the resulting image of the Docker build. The type of the setting key is
. Defaults to[dockerRepository/][name]:[version]
- Overrides the default Docker build options. Defaults to
Seq("--force-rm", "-t", "[dockerAlias]")
. This default is expanded ifdockerUpdateLatest
is set to true.dockerExecCommand
- Overrides the default Docker exec command. Defaults to
- Overrides the default Docker build command. The reason for this is that many systems restrict docker execution to root, and while the accepted guidance is to alias the docker command
alias docker='/usr/bin/docker'
, neither Java nor Scala support passing aliases to sub-processes, and most build systems run builds using a non-login, non-interactive shell, which also have limited support for aliases, which means that the only viable option is to usesudo docker
directly. Defaults toSeq("[dockerExecCommand]", "build", "[dockerBuildOptions]", ".")
- Overrides the default Docker rmi command. This may be used if force flags or other options need to be passed to the command
docker rmi
. Defaults toSeq("[dockerExecCommand]", "rmi")
and will be directly appended with the image name and tag.
The Docker plugin provides the following commands:
- Generates a directory with the Dockerfile and environment prepared for creating a Docker image.
- Builds an image using the local Docker server.
- Builds an image using the local Docker server, and pushes it to the configured remote repository.
- Removes the built image from the local Docker server.
There are some predefined settings which you can easily customize. These settings are explained in some detail in the next sections. If you want to describe your Dockerfile completely yourself, you can provide your own docker commands as described in Custom Dockerfile.
packageName in Docker := packageName.value
version in Docker := version.value
dockerBaseImage := "openjdk"
dockerRepository := Some("dockeruser")
dockerExposedPorts := Seq(9000, 9443)
dockerExposedVolumes := Seq("/opt/docker/logs")
In order to work properly with USER daemon the exposed volumes are first created (if they do not existend) and then chowned.
The path to which the application is written can be changed with the location setting.
The files from mappings in Docker
are extracted underneath this directory.
defaultLinuxInstallLocation in Docker := "/opt/docker"
All settings before are used to create a single sequence of docker commands. You have the option to write all of them on your own, filter or change existing commands or simply add some.
First of all you should take a look what you docker commands look like. In your sbt console type
> show dockerCommands
[info] List(Cmd(FROM,openjdk:latest), Cmd(MAINTAINER,Your Name <[email protected]>), ...)
SBT Native Packager adds commands you may not need. For example, the chowning of a exposed volume:
import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.docker._
// we want to filter the chown command for '/data'
dockerExposedVolumes += "/data"
// use filterNot to return all items that do NOT meet the criteria
dockerCommands := dockerCommands.value.filterNot {
// ExecCmd is a case class, and args is a varargs variable, so you need to bind it with @
case ExecCmd("RUN", args @ _*) => args.contains("chown") && args.contains("/data")
// don't filter the rest; don't filter out anything that doesn't match a pattern
case cmd => false
Since dockerCommands
is just a Sequence
, adding commands is straightforward:
import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.docker._
// use += to add an item to a Sequence
dockerCommands += Cmd("USER", (daemonUser in Docker).value)
// use ++= to merge a sequence with an existing sequence
dockerCommands ++= Seq(
// setting the run script executable
"chmod", "u+x",
s"${(defaultLinuxInstallLocation in Docker).value}/bin/${executableScriptName.value}"),
// setting a daemon user
Cmd("USER", "daemon")
You can simply wipe out all docker commands with
dockerCommands := Seq()
Now let's start adding some Docker commands.
import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.docker._
dockerCommands := Seq(
Cmd("FROM", "openjdk:latest"),
Cmd("MAINTAINER", maintainer.value),
ExecCmd("CMD", "echo", "Hello, World from Docker")
Busybox is a popular minimal Docker base image that uses ash, a much
more limited shell than bash. By default, the Java archetype (:ref:`java-app-plugin`) generates two files for shell
support: a bash
file, and a Windows .bat
file. If you build a Docker image for Busybox using the defaults, the
generated bash launch script will likely not work.
To handle this, you can use AshScriptPlugin, an ash-compatible archetype that is derived from the :ref:`java-app-plugin` archetype. . Enable this by including:
With this plugin enabled an ash-compatible launch script will be generated in your Docker image.
Just like for :ref:`java-app-plugin`, you have the option of overriding the default script by supplying
your own src/templates/ash-template
file. When overriding the file don't forget to include
somewhere to populate $app_classpath $app_mainclass
from your sbt project.
You'll likely need these to launch your program.