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Releases: sdv-dev/RDT

v0.4.0 - 2021-02-24

24 Feb 19:54
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In this release a change in the HyperTransformer allows using it to transform and
reverse transform a subset of the columns seen during training.

The anonymization functionality which was deprecated and not being used has also
been removed along with the Faker dependency.

Issues closed

  • Allow the HyperTransformer to be used on a subset of the columns - Issue #152 by @csala
  • Remove faker - Issue #150 by @csala

v0.3.0 - 2021-01-27

27 Jan 19:50
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This release changes the behavior of the HyperTransformer to prevent it from
modifying any column in the given DataFrame if the transformers dictionary
is passed empty.

Issues closed

  • If transformers is an empty dict, do nothing - Issue #149 by @csala

v0.2.10 - 2020-12-18

18 Dec 17:24
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This release adds a new argument to the HyperTransformer which gives control over
which transformers to use by default for each dtype if no specific transformer
has been specified for the field.

This is also the first version to be officially released on conda.

Issues closed

  • Add dtype_transformers argument to HyperTransformer - Issue #148 by @csala
  • Makes Copulas an optional dependency - Issue #144 by @fealho

v0.2.9 - 2020-11-27

27 Nov 19:57
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This release fixes a bug that prevented the CategoricalTransformer from working properly
when being passed data that contained numerical data only, without any strings, but also
contained None or NaN values.

Issues closed

  • KeyError: nan - CategoricalTransformer fails on numerical + nan data only - Issue #142 by @csala

v0.2.8 - 2020-11-20

20 Nov 21:38
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This release fixes a few minor bugs, including some which prevented RDT from fully working
on Windows systems.

Thanks to this fixes, as well as a new testing infrastructure that has been set up, from now
on RDT is officially supported on Windows systems, as well as on the Linux and macOS systems
which were previously supported.

  • TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for: 'NoneType' and 'int' - Issue #132 by @csala
  • Example does not work on Windows - Issue #114 by @csala
  • OneHotEncodingTransformer producing all zeros - Issue #135 by @fealho
  • OneHotEncodingTransformer support for lists and lists of lists - Issue #137 by @fealho

v0.2.7 - 2020-10-16

16 Oct 17:02
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In this release we drop the support for the now officially dead Python 3.5
and introduce a new feature in the DatetimeTransformer which reduces the dimensionality
of the generated numerical values while also ensuring that the reverted datetimes
maintain the same level as time unit precision as the original ones.

  • Drop Py35 support - Issue #129 by @csala
  • Add option to drop constant parts of the datetimes - Issue #130 by @csala

v0.2.6 - 2020-10-05

05 Oct 16:13
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v0.2.5 - 2020-09-18

18 Sep 20:14
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Minor bug fixing release.

Bugs Fixed

  • Handle NaNs in OneHotEncodingTransformer - Issue #118 by @csala
  • OneHotEncodingTransformer fails if there is only one category - Issue #119 by @csala
  • All NaN column produces NaN values enhancement - Issue #121 by @csala
  • Make the CategoricalTransformer learn the column dtype and restore it back - Issue #122 by @csala

v0.2.4 - 2020-08-08

08 Aug 00:00
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General Improvements

v0.2.3 - 2020-07-09

09 Jul 19:14
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New Features

  • Implement OneHot and Label encoding as transformers - Issue #112 by @csala