3.0.0-beta.0 (2020-07-20)
- AgmMarker: match Marker iconUrl input type to native api (4e38075), closes #1740 #1622 #1580
- FitBounds: unsubscribe after unsuccessful computation (ea471aa), closes #1810
- Language config bug fixed (#1775) (d2ef77c)
- update to angular 9/10 and @types/googlemaps (7982bfb)
1.1.0 emma (2019-11-21)
- MapTypeControlStyle enum values (8abe038), closes #1688
- GoogleMapsAPIWrapper: run Google Maps Apis outside of Angular (#1714) (57685f2), closes #815
- AgmGeocoder: add geocoder service and tests (#1743) (3549ccf), closes #1694
- AgmMarker: add dblclick observable (#1739) (c16e666), closes #1601
- google map language to default to LOCALE_ID (#1754) (56a858e)
- support google maps drawing library (#1749) (a1a17a6)
1.0.0 emma-soon (2019-09-17)
- AgmCluster: styles type and remove code duplication (e55daaa)
- AgmMap: respect disableDefaultUI (#1709) (b70cbbc), closes #933
- FitBounds: add null check for null fit-bounds input (2bf73de)
- FitBounds: remove old location on loc change (#1710) (b746ca3), closes #1512
- Support for Bicycling Layer (#1678) (a9b2a9c)
- use packagr to build as angular package format (#1634) (df05277), closes #1647 #1157
- AgmCircle: add getNativeMap function (23c42cd)
- AgmMap: add optional fit bounds padding (29e4ebb), closes #1660 #1471
- AgmMap: Add tilesloaded event to AgmMap (#1706) (d4f1371), closes #1701
- FitBounds: add fitBounds to agm-polyline-point (74ceb2f), closes #1693
- MarkerClusterer: enable clusterclick event (1f2724b), closes #1272
1.0.0-beta.7 green-ink (2019-07-14)
- google is not defined when using fitBounds (#1652) (c9e1313), closes #1586
- Remove "constructors" from interfaces (2bb6102)
- AgmCircle: circle strokeWeight error (0442aa0), closes #770
- FitBounds: correct distinct algorythm (#1673) (75bcfa0)
- PolylinePoint: prevent accessing undefined variable on change (21efc4f), closes #1597
- Add placeId to map click events (34f651b), closes #691 #1539
- Support for Transit Layer (0f71222)
- AgmMap: add controlSize option (7922546), closes #1646
- AgmMap: add tilt option (49890c5)
- AgmMap: fix fitBounds causing protractor timeout (#1611) (565b6a7), closes #1548
- Polyline: add IconSequences to Polylines (46a39b7), closes #721
1.0.0-beta.6 opal-clarinet (2019-06-01)
- AgmCircle: dragstart event misspelled (8b2f2dc), closes #1537
- AgmMap: _updateBounds not creating newBounds object (#1553) (0e8f1ab)
- core/marker: drag and dragStart outputs (#1604) (ba7c97e)
- add experimental angular 7/8 support (e754bc7)
- AgmMap: add area restriction option (7201a75), closes #1624
- AgmMarker: add drag and dragStart event support (#1575) (1e6395d)
- AgmMarkerCluster: add calculator option (#1599) (03ceb1c)
- GoogleMapsAPILoader: change default API version (#1577) (2fc1a21), closes #1573
- polygon, polyline: add path change event (#1643) (f9352a8)
1.0.0-beta.5 yellow-tape (2018-09-24)
1.0.0-beta.4 beryl-cobra (2018-09-22)
This release adds the long awaited auto fitBounds feature: #1389
- AgmPolygon: double click (#1442) (ca0b8f0), closes #1202
- polyline: icon to icons (fc042ae), closes #948
- AgmMarker: add rightclick support (#1443) (8abefa0), closes #1362
- AgmMarker: auto-convert string to Number for lat/lng (#1424) (c1d6c6d), closes #771
- AgmMarker: include marker instance in markerClick emitter (89b6e5c)
- core: add rectangle support (#1450) (2e4878b), closes #570
- core: support auto fitBounds (4d3103c)
1.0.0-beta.3 orange-disk (2018-05-24)
- AgmMap: memory leak when map gets destroyed (6006617)
- AgmPolygon: createPolygon type fix (2563cae)
- Lazy Loading: check if google maps script was already loaded (e513c57), closes #692
- LazyMapsAPILoader: multiple google maps api scripts on page (07de5a4), closes #315 #775 #1260
- all packages: Support angular 6 (44fba48)
- AgmMap: EventEmitter for maptypeid_changed event (f9c23aa)
- AgmMarker: add animation field to markers (c57ab39), closes #580 #852
- AgmMarker: allow objects as label (658de77)
- AgmMap: run resolve outside angular zone (078c2a5)
Angular 4.x is not officially supported anymore. Please update to Angular 5.x or 6.x.
1.0.0-beta.2 angular-five (2017-10-31)
- AgmInfoWindow: disableAutoPan option (bf99108)
- AgmMarkerCluster: fixes info windows (e547df8), closes #1126
- ControlPosition: correct enum values (6081e57), closes #1105
- datalayer: smarter ngOnChanges (91cff2a), closes #1099
- LazyMapsApiLoader: Change OpaqueToken to InjectionToken (f1163fd)
- snazzy-info-window: fix passing of closeOnMapClick param (#1221) (305320a), closes #1118
- support for angular 4.x and 5.x (4f2a750)
- js-marker-clusterer: support angular 4.x and 5.x (b14a4c2)
- snazzy-info-window: support angular 4.x and 5.x (28c9646)
Angular 2.x is not officially supported anymore. Please update to Angular 4.x or 5.x.
1.0.0-beta.1 - diamond-compressor (2017-08-22)
- AgmCircle: clickable input (7468bb4)
- AgmPolygon: fix editable input (4b1b42d), closes #990
- AgmPolyline: fix doubleclick output (4caeb0d), closes #1041
Two new NPM packages!
- @agm/snazzy-info-window for Snazzy Info Window support with AGM
- @agm/js-marker-clusterer for clustered markers support with AGM
Detailed feature list:
- add clustered markers support (5cbc515), closes #1044
- support snazzy-info-window (1205c96)
- AgmDataLayer: add loadGeoJson method (128c8f3), closes #1003
- AgmMap: recentering for triggerResize (faea24d), closes #789 #976
- AgmMarker: add clickable support (fec8b01), closes #994
- GoogleMapsAPIWrapper: add panBy method (1afb152)
1.0.0-beta.0 - green-zebra (2017-04-09)
Please read the BREAKING CHANGES below!
- AgmMap: Add missing control opt inputs (52315b3), closes # 863
- AgmMap: mapDblClick output fixed (500dce0), closes [#879](h ttps://github.com//issues/879) #880
- AgmMarker: fix mislocated info window (c5a2414), closes [#752] (#752) #754
- change project name to AGM - Angular Google Maps (d1bab5a)
- Support data layer (66806e5), closes [#809](https://github.com/ /issues/809) #819
- AgmMap: add gestureHandling option (f863228), closes [#919] (#919)
- AgmMap: add mapTypeId support (edf6e4f), closes [#774](http s://github.com//issues/774)
- AgmMap: know when map is ready (2788dba), closes [#740](htt ps://github.com//issues/740) #972
- AgmMap: Add attribute „clickableIcons“ to map ([9960522](https://github.com/SebastianM/angular-google-maps/commit/996052 2))
- AgmMap: Add control options support (0048ccf)
- support angular 4.0 and 2.0 (263e92d)
The project and NPM package name changes:
Old name: angular2-google-maps New NPM pkg name: @agm/core
To have a consistent naming pattern, we also change the component/directive names:
Old class name / old selector | New class name / new selector |
SebmGoogleMap / sebm-google-map | AgmMap / agm-map |
SebmGoogleMapCircle / sebm-google-map-circle | AgmCircle / agm-circle |
SebmGoogleMapInfoWindow / sebm-google-map-info-window | AgmInfoWindow / agm-info-window |
SebmGoogleMapKmlLayer / sebm-google-map-kml-layer | AgmKmlLayer / agm-kml-layer |
SebmGoogleMapMarker / sebm-google-map-marker | AgmMarker / agm-marker |
SebmGoogleMapPolygon / sebm-map-polygon | AgmPolygon / agm-polygon |
SebmGoogleMapPolyline / sebm-google-map-polyline | AgmPolyline / agm-polyline |
SebmGoogleMapPolylinePoint / sebm-google-map-polyline-point | AgmPolylinePoint / agm-polyline-point |
You can simply migrate by search/replace these class/selector names.
The package structure also changes. The root directory now contains esm code (ES5 code with ES2015 modules).
A CommonJS compatible format and TS are not part of the package any more! This change aligns with structure of the @angular packages.
The styling of the maps is now more intuitive.
To style the map, please use the agm-map
element (or a custom class or
ID) directly.
The .sebm-google-map-container
css class is deprecated and will be
gone with the next version.
The .sebm.google-map-container-inner
is now called
. .sebm-google-map-container-inner
depcrecated and will be gone with the next version.
0.17.0 christmas-edition (2016-12-22)
- core.umd.js: ship ES5 compatible UMD file (c81a15f), closes #783
- InfoWindow: fire infoWindowClose Event (b669aea), closes #728 #811
- package: remove indirect peerDependencies (0f93e39), closes #792 #794
- core.umd.js: The files under
are ES5 (before: ES2015) based with ES2015 modules. In the real world, this should not cause troubles.
0.16.0 violet-sun (2016-11-07)
- SebmGoogleMapPolyline: fix private member state (758d3e0)
- SebmGoogleMapMarker: fix private member state (648856d)
- SebmGoogleMapMarker: remove unused fitBounds (d625ab6)
- AOT support (d28ad96), closes #709 #629
- SebmGoogleMapMarker: support mouseover and mouseout event (59ba45b), closes #662
- SebmGoogleMapPolygon: support polygons (8437c74), closes #615 #652
is gone. Please use theAgmCoreModule#forRoot
method instead. -
is gone and is now a token namedLAZY_MAPS_API_CONFIG
. Please use theAgmCoreModule#forRoot
method instead.
0.15.0 urban-filly (2016-09-15)
- LazyMapsAPILoader: HTTP loading mode (cb2c465), closes #655
- MapTypeStyle: set attrs to optional (c340ffd), closes #617
- SebmGoogleMapCircle: removing circles (fb402f3), closes #650 #657
- SebmGoogleMapInfoWindow: zIndex and maxWidth (1bc2ed8), closes #651 #656
- support angular 2.0.0 (8059b44), closes #658 #659
- SebmGoogleMap: support mapTypeControl (28ec00c), closes #612
0.14.0 tundra-snow (2016-09-02)
- core: dont import full RxJS library (84dfaaa), closes #619
- SebmGoogleMapCircle: circleDblClick output (6224dc3), closes #582
- core: remove GOOGLE_MAPS_PROVIDERS (1995d4a), closes #607
- core: remove GOOGLE_MAPS_DIRECTIVES (05544d5), closes #608
- Support for Angular 2 RC6 (c50bc92), closes #604 #613
- AgmCoreModule: support loader config (dba6a36), closes #609
- core: previously deprecated GOOGLE_MAPS_DIRECTIVES was removed. Please use AgmCoreModule instead.
- core: previously deprecated GOOGLE_MAPS_PROVIDERS was removed. Please use AgmCoreModule instead.
0.13.0 onyx-piranha (2016-08-15)
- SebmGoogleMap: zoom listener (b379c73)
- SebmGoogleMapMarker: cleanup event listeners (c20d005)
- SebmGoogleMapMarker: set marker title (9544a00), closes #505
- support angular 2.0.0-rc.5 (43df74e), closes #564
- support @NgModule (1d0cd9c), closes #560 #571
- MarkerManager: set a visible option to marker. (f8a6553), closes #524
- polylines: add support for Polylines (a0ba861), closes #554
- SebmGoogleMap: support draggable map option (836078a), closes #556
- SebmGoogleMap: support fitBounds (e913394), closes #283 #492
- SebmGoogleMap: support scaleControl option (468a1a8), closes #502
- SebmGoogleMap: support zoom_changed event (df34d0e), closes #555
- SebmGoogleMapMarker: support opacity (8ed927b), closes #523 #522
- SebmGoogleMapMarker: support zIndex option (75f37a6), closes #559 #558
0.12.0 unexpected-lion (2016-06-21)
- support Circle (d5cc7b1), closes #432 #449
- SebmGoogleMap: support bounds_changed event (4bbc3b3), closes #200 #450
- SebmGoogleMap: support streetViewControl opt (e7426c5), closes #418 #438
0.11.0 red-motherboard (2016-06-12)
- SebmGoogleMap: remove event listeners on destroy (223d0de), closes #425
- tests: fix path in unit tests (f03f04f)
- provide an UMD bundle (531110d)
- rename ANGULAR2_GOOGLE_MAPS constants (8efa96d), closes #406
- infoWindow: emit event when closed (00f4f2d), closes #306 #317 #360
- InfoWindow: support initial open state (4947efc), closes #382 #390
- LazyMapsApiLoader: add the channel parameter (52fe30e), closes #319
- LazyMapsAPILoader: provide shortcut (997aa80), closes #388 #420
- npm: define dependencies as peerDependencies (b85ad0e), closes #399 #403
- SebmGoogleMap: support idle event (c5d5744), closes #393 #417
- SebmGoogleMap: support panning (760f410), closes #412 #416
- SebmGoogleMaps: support styles (0e61df3), closes #387
- SebmGoogleMap:
The latitude, longitude and zoom inputs of must be of type number now. Strings are not supported any more.
Old (now unsupported way):
<sebm-google-map latitude="33" longitude="22" zoom="8">...
<sebm-google-map [latitude]="33" [longitude]="22" [zoom]="8">...
is now calledgetNativeMap()
. -
. -
The SystemJS based bundle located in the bundles/
dir is gone!
Please use the new UMD bundle located under core/core.umd.js
SystemJS example:
packages: {
'angular2-google-maps/core': { main: 'core.umd.js', defaultExtension: 'js' }
0.10.0 agate-octopus (2016-05-12)
0.9.0 icy-lama (2016-03-22)
- Expose GoogleMapsAPIWrapper (8999da2)
- Expose InfoWindowManager (7c95e55)
- Expose MarkerManager (0726ddb)
- GoogleMapsAPIWrapper: expose map instance (69e3c0e), closes #161
- LazyMapsAPILoaderConfig: add clientId (652b711), closes #198
- SebmGoogleMap: support backgroundColor opt (bda7ca8), closes #233
- SebmGoogleMap: support centerChange event (20ad62b), closes #212
- SebmGoogleMap: support draggableCursor opt (00d26e5), closes #234
- SebmGoogleMap: support draggingCursor opt (553842a), closes #235
- SebmGoogleMap: support keyboardShortcuts opt (1a14570), closes #236
- SebmGoogleMap: support scrollwheel mapOption (e19d99b), closes #232 #159 #211
- SebmGoogleMap: support zoomControl opt (a5b909a), closes #237
- SebmGoogleMap: triggering resize events (b27ae46), closes #166 #188
- SebmGoogleMapInfoWindow: Basic support (a3df794), closes #150 #238
- support angular2.0.0-beta.11 (e187ae6)
- SebmGoogleMapMarker: add custom icon support (13ec2a1), closes #123 #224
0.8.1 (2016-02-28)
- SebmGoogleMap: allow styling via comp styles (509b610), closes #162 #169
- SebmGoogleMapMarker: longitude changes (e4ca50b), closes #163 #167
0.8.0 clean-phantom (2016-02-21)
- SebmGogleMapMarker: label updates (e2b9923)
- rename MapMouseEvent to MouseEvent (978e881), closes #148
- support angular beta.7 (66ccfe7), closes #144
- LazyMapsAPILoader: support libraries query param (a94662f), closes #114
- LazyMapsAPILoader: support region & language (a127a79), closes #102 #125
- SebmGoogleMap: support disableDefaultUI MapOption (a5c9002), closes #103 #113
- SebmGoogleMapMarker: add draggable option (a8ba736), closes #70 #147
- SebmGoogleMapMarker: support dragend event (8f60c54), closes #71 #149
is now calledMouseEvent
. Please update your imports:
import {MapMouseEvent} from 'angular2-google-maps/core';
import {MouseEvent} from 'angular2-google-maps/core';
This release was incorrect; replaced with 0.8.0
0.6.1 shiny-neutron (2016-01-30)
- SebmGoogleMap: show map when zoom is not set (b975c76), closes #81
- SebmGoogleMapMarker: run click event in zone (2a3e390)
- SebMGoogleMapMarker: 0 value for lat/lng (e65568e), closes #82 #101
- angular2: support angular2-beta.2 (592648c)
0.6.0 supersonic-scorpion (2016-01-12)
- LazyMapsAPILoader: make Google Maps API version configurable (728960d)
0.5.0 eager-electron (2015-12-27)
- package: align peer & JSPM dependencies with ng2 beta.0 (4fcd9af)
- change file naming convention (5a1ac76)
- packaging: change package structure (77d634e)
- SebmGoogleMap: support map click event (c18640c)
- SebmGoogleMap: support disableDoubleClickZoom mapOption (fff0a29)
- SebmGoogleMap: support double-click event (5f1ae68)
- SebmGoogleMap: support right click event (eab715e)
- When you import a directive directly, you have to change the import path:
import {SebmGoogleMap} from 'angular2-google-maps/directives/google_map';
import {SebmGoogleMap} from 'angular2-google-maps/directives/google-map';
- The module name has changed. So you have to change your import path.
- ES5 files that can be consumed using CommonJS are now in the root directory (old path was
) - The ES6 files directory has changed:
Old dir:
New dir:/es6
- The TypeScript files directory has changed:
Old dir:
New dir:/ts
- The
directory with bundled typings was deleted. (Typings are now in the root directory seperated by file)
0.4.0 (2015-12-17)
- angular2: support 2.0.0-beta.0 (0bae421), closes #51
- SebmGoogleMapMarker: support click event (2926de7)
- angular2_google_maps/components module renamed to angular2_google_maps/directives
0.3.0 (2015-12-10)
- angular2: add angular2.0.0-alpha.52 support (8a1d813)
0.2.0 (2015-11-19)
- GoogleMapsAPILoading: lazy load mechanism (d05e6d3)
- sebmGoogleMapMarker: support basic label (f2e1257)
- GoogleMapsAPILoading:
- You have to add the ANGULAR2_GOOGLE_MAPS_PROVIDERS to your
- You have to add the ANGULAR2_GOOGLE_MAPS_PROVIDERS to your
import {ANGULAR2_GOOGLE_MAPS_PROVIDERS} from 'angular2_google_maps/angular2_google_maps';
bootstrap(myComponent, [ANGULAR2_GOOGLE_MAPS_PROVIDERS]);
- Google Maps API v3 gets loaded automatically now by default. So you can remove the Google Maps API script tag from your page. Alternatively, you can tell angular2-google-maps that the Google Maps API is already loaded on the page with this configuration:
bootstrap(App, [
// If you don't want to let angular2-google-maps load the Google Maps API script,
// you can use the NoOpMapsAPILoader like this:
provide(MapsAPILoader, {useClass: NoOpMapsAPILoader})