diff --git a/CHANGES.rst b/CHANGES.rst
index 6d63973231..368364e4a2 100644
--- a/CHANGES.rst
+++ b/CHANGES.rst
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ Changelog
+- #1429 Add2: Do not set template values on already filled fields
- #1427 Improved performance of Sample header table rendering
- #1417 Cache allowed transitions for analyses on the request
- #1413 Improved Email Publication
diff --git a/bika/lims/browser/js/bika.lims.analysisrequest.add.js b/bika/lims/browser/js/bika.lims.analysisrequest.add.js
index 8d4eeb4adc..0327f6418b 100644
--- a/bika/lims/browser/js/bika.lims.analysisrequest.add.js
+++ b/bika/lims/browser/js/bika.lims.analysisrequest.add.js
@@ -1,95 +1,84 @@
+/* Please use this command to compile this file into the parent `js` directory:
+ coffee --no-header -w -o ../ -c bika.lims.analysisrequest.add.coffee
+ */
(function() {
- /* Please use this command to compile this file into the parent `js` directory:
- coffee --no-header -w -o ../ -c bika.lims.analysisrequest.add.coffee
- */
- var hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
- indexOf = [].indexOf;
- window.AnalysisRequestAdd = class AnalysisRequestAdd {
- constructor() {
- this.load = this.load.bind(this);
- /* METHODS */
- this.bind_eventhandler = this.bind_eventhandler.bind(this);
- this.debounce = this.debounce.bind(this);
- this.template_dialog = this.template_dialog.bind(this);
- this.render_template = this.render_template.bind(this);
- this.get_global_settings = this.get_global_settings.bind(this);
- this.recalculate_records = this.recalculate_records.bind(this);
- this.recalculate_prices = this.recalculate_prices.bind(this);
- this.update_form = this.update_form.bind(this);
- this.get_portal_url = this.get_portal_url.bind(this);
- this.get_base_url = this.get_base_url.bind(this);
- this.get_authenticator = this.get_authenticator.bind(this);
- this.get_form = this.get_form.bind(this);
- this.get_fields = this.get_fields.bind(this);
- this.get_field_by_id = this.get_field_by_id.bind(this);
- this.set_reference_field_query = this.set_reference_field_query.bind(this);
- this.set_reference_field = this.set_reference_field.bind(this);
- this.set_client = this.set_client.bind(this);
- this.set_contact = this.set_contact.bind(this);
- this.set_sample = this.set_sample.bind(this);
- this.set_sampletype = this.set_sampletype.bind(this);
- this.set_template = this.set_template.bind(this);
- this.set_service = this.set_service.bind(this);
- this.set_service_spec = this.set_service_spec.bind(this);
- this.get_service = this.get_service.bind(this);
- this.hide_all_service_info = this.hide_all_service_info.bind(this);
- this.on_client_changed = this.on_client_changed.bind(this);
- this.on_contact_changed = this.on_contact_changed.bind(this);
- this.on_analysis_specification_changed = this.on_analysis_specification_changed.bind(this);
- this.on_analysis_details_click = this.on_analysis_details_click.bind(this);
- this.on_analysis_lock_button_click = this.on_analysis_lock_button_click.bind(this);
- this.on_sample_changed = this.on_sample_changed.bind(this);
- this.on_sampletype_changed = this.on_sampletype_changed.bind(this);
- this.on_specification_changed = this.on_specification_changed.bind(this);
- this.on_analysis_template_changed = this.on_analysis_template_changed.bind(this);
- this.on_analysis_profile_selected = this.on_analysis_profile_selected.bind(this);
- // Note: Context of callback bound to this object
- this.on_analysis_profile_removed = this.on_analysis_profile_removed.bind(this);
- this.on_analysis_checkbox_click = this.on_analysis_checkbox_click.bind(this);
- this.on_service_listing_header_click = this.on_service_listing_header_click.bind(this);
- this.on_service_category_click = this.on_service_category_click.bind(this);
- this.on_copy_button_click = this.on_copy_button_click.bind(this);
- // Note: Context of callback bound to this object
- this.ajax_post_form = this.ajax_post_form.bind(this);
- this.on_ajax_start = this.on_ajax_start.bind(this);
- this.on_ajax_end = this.on_ajax_end.bind(this);
- // Note: Context of callback bound to this object
- this.on_form_submit = this.on_form_submit.bind(this);
- this.init_file_fields = this.init_file_fields.bind(this);
+ var bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; },
+ slice = [].slice,
+ hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
+ indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; };
+ window.AnalysisRequestAdd = (function() {
+ function AnalysisRequestAdd() {
+ this.init_file_fields = bind(this.init_file_fields, this);
+ this.on_form_submit = bind(this.on_form_submit, this);
+ this.on_ajax_end = bind(this.on_ajax_end, this);
+ this.on_ajax_start = bind(this.on_ajax_start, this);
+ this.ajax_post_form = bind(this.ajax_post_form, this);
+ this.on_copy_button_click = bind(this.on_copy_button_click, this);
+ this.on_service_category_click = bind(this.on_service_category_click, this);
+ this.on_service_listing_header_click = bind(this.on_service_listing_header_click, this);
+ this.on_analysis_checkbox_click = bind(this.on_analysis_checkbox_click, this);
+ this.on_analysis_profile_removed = bind(this.on_analysis_profile_removed, this);
+ this.on_analysis_profile_selected = bind(this.on_analysis_profile_selected, this);
+ this.on_analysis_template_changed = bind(this.on_analysis_template_changed, this);
+ this.on_specification_changed = bind(this.on_specification_changed, this);
+ this.on_sampletype_changed = bind(this.on_sampletype_changed, this);
+ this.on_sample_changed = bind(this.on_sample_changed, this);
+ this.on_analysis_lock_button_click = bind(this.on_analysis_lock_button_click, this);
+ this.on_analysis_details_click = bind(this.on_analysis_details_click, this);
+ this.on_analysis_specification_changed = bind(this.on_analysis_specification_changed, this);
+ this.on_contact_changed = bind(this.on_contact_changed, this);
+ this.on_client_changed = bind(this.on_client_changed, this);
+ this.hide_all_service_info = bind(this.hide_all_service_info, this);
+ this.get_service = bind(this.get_service, this);
+ this.set_service_spec = bind(this.set_service_spec, this);
+ this.set_service = bind(this.set_service, this);
+ this.set_template = bind(this.set_template, this);
+ this.set_sampletype = bind(this.set_sampletype, this);
+ this.set_sample = bind(this.set_sample, this);
+ this.set_contact = bind(this.set_contact, this);
+ this.set_client = bind(this.set_client, this);
+ this.set_reference_field = bind(this.set_reference_field, this);
+ this.set_reference_field_query = bind(this.set_reference_field_query, this);
+ this.get_field_by_id = bind(this.get_field_by_id, this);
+ this.get_fields = bind(this.get_fields, this);
+ this.get_form = bind(this.get_form, this);
+ this.get_authenticator = bind(this.get_authenticator, this);
+ this.get_base_url = bind(this.get_base_url, this);
+ this.get_portal_url = bind(this.get_portal_url, this);
+ this.update_form = bind(this.update_form, this);
+ this.recalculate_prices = bind(this.recalculate_prices, this);
+ this.recalculate_records = bind(this.recalculate_records, this);
+ this.get_global_settings = bind(this.get_global_settings, this);
+ this.render_template = bind(this.render_template, this);
+ this.template_dialog = bind(this.template_dialog, this);
+ this.debounce = bind(this.debounce, this);
+ this.bind_eventhandler = bind(this.bind_eventhandler, this);
+ this.load = bind(this.load, this);
- load() {
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.load = function() {
- // load translations
this._ = window.jarn.i18n.MessageFactory("senaite.core");
- // disable browser autocomplete
$('input[type=text]').prop('autocomplete', 'off');
- // storage for global Bika settings
this.global_settings = {};
- // services data snapshot from recalculate_records
- // returns a mapping of arnum -> services data
this.records_snapshot = {};
- // brain for already applied templates
this.applied_templates = {};
- // Remove the '.blurrable' class to avoid inline field validation
- // bind the event handler to the elements
- // N.B.: The new AR Add form handles File fields like this:
- // - File fields can carry more than one field (see init_file_fields)
- // - All uploaded files are extracted and added as attachments to the new created AR
- // - The file field itself (Plone) will stay empty therefore
- // get the global settings on load
- // recalculate records on load (needed for AR copies)
return this.recalculate_records();
- }
+ };
+ /* METHODS */
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.bind_eventhandler = function() {
- bind_eventhandler() {
* Binds callbacks on elements
@@ -98,68 +87,48 @@
- // Categories header clicked
$("body").on("click", ".service-listing-header", this.on_service_listing_header_click);
- // Category toggle button clicked
$("body").on("click", "tr.category", this.on_service_category_click);
- // Save button clicked
$("body").on("click", "[name='save_button']", this.on_form_submit);
- // Composite Checkbox clicked
$("body").on("click", "tr[fieldname=Composite] input[type='checkbox']", this.recalculate_records);
- // InvoiceExclude Checkbox clicked
$("body").on("click", "tr[fieldname=InvoiceExclude] input[type='checkbox']", this.recalculate_records);
- // Analysis Checkbox clicked
$("body").on("click", "tr[fieldname=Analyses] input[type='checkbox']", this.on_analysis_checkbox_click);
- // Client changed
$("body").on("selected change", "tr[fieldname=Client] input[type='text']", this.on_client_changed);
- // Contact changed
$("body").on("selected change", "tr[fieldname=Contact] input[type='text']", this.on_contact_changed);
- // Analysis Specification changed
$("body").on("change", "input.min", this.on_analysis_specification_changed);
$("body").on("change", "input.max", this.on_analysis_specification_changed);
$("body").on("change", "input.warn_min", this.on_analysis_specification_changed);
$("body").on("change", "input.warn_max", this.on_analysis_specification_changed);
- // Analysis lock button clicked
$("body").on("click", ".service-lockbtn", this.on_analysis_lock_button_click);
- // Analysis info button clicked
$("body").on("click", ".service-infobtn", this.on_analysis_details_click);
- // Sample changed
$("body").on("selected change", "tr[fieldname=PrimaryAnalysisRequest] input[type='text']", this.on_sample_changed);
- // SampleType changed
$("body").on("selected change", "tr[fieldname=SampleType] input[type='text']", this.on_sampletype_changed);
- // Specification changed
$("body").on("selected change", "tr[fieldname=Specification] input[type='text']", this.on_specification_changed);
- // Analysis Template changed
$("body").on("selected change", "tr[fieldname=Template] input[type='text']", this.on_analysis_template_changed);
- // Analysis Profile selected
$("body").on("selected", "tr[fieldname=Profiles] input[type='text']", this.on_analysis_profile_selected);
- // Analysis Profile deselected
$("body").on("click", "tr[fieldname=Profiles] img.deletebtn", this.on_analysis_profile_removed);
- // Copy button clicked
$("body").on("click", "img.copybutton", this.on_copy_button_click);
/* internal events */
- // handle value changes in the form
$(this).on("form:changed", this.debounce(this.recalculate_records, 500));
- // recalculate prices after data changed
$(this).on("data:updated", this.debounce(this.recalculate_prices, 3000));
- // update form from records after the data changed
$(this).on("data:updated", this.debounce(this.update_form, 300));
- // hide open service info after data changed
$(this).on("data:updated", this.debounce(this.hide_all_service_info, 300));
- // handle Ajax events
$(this).on("ajax:start", this.on_ajax_start);
return $(this).on("ajax:end", this.on_ajax_end);
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.debounce = function(func, threshold, execAsap) {
- debounce(func, threshold, execAsap) {
* Debounce a function call
* See: https://coffeescript-cookbook.github.io/chapters/functions/debounce
var timeout;
timeout = null;
- return function(...args) {
- var delayed, obj;
+ return function() {
+ var args, delayed, obj;
+ args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
obj = this;
delayed = function() {
if (!execAsap) {
@@ -174,88 +143,80 @@
return timeout = setTimeout(delayed, threshold || 100);
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.template_dialog = function(template_id, context, buttons) {
- template_dialog(template_id, context, buttons) {
- var content;
* Render the content of a Handlebars template in a jQuery UID dialog
[1] http://handlebarsjs.com/
[2] https://jqueryui.com/dialog/
- // prepare the buttons
+ var content;
if (buttons == null) {
buttons = {};
buttons[this._("Yes")] = function() {
- // trigger 'yes' event
return $(this).dialog("close");
buttons[this._("No")] = function() {
- // trigger 'no' event
return $(this).dialog("close");
- // render the Handlebars template
content = this.render_template(template_id, context);
- // render the dialog box
return $(content).dialog({
width: 450,
resizable: false,
closeOnEscape: false,
buttons: buttons,
open: function(event, ui) {
- // Hide the X button on the top right border
return $(".ui-dialog-titlebar-close").hide();
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.render_template = function(template_id, context) {
- render_template(template_id, context) {
- var content, source, template;
* Render Handlebars JS template
- // get the template by ID
- source = $(`#${template_id}`).html();
+ var content, source, template;
+ source = $("#" + template_id).html();
if (!source) {
- // Compile the handlebars template
template = Handlebars.compile(source);
- // Render the template with the given context
content = template(context);
return content;
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.get_global_settings = function() {
- get_global_settings() {
* Submit all form values to the server to recalculate the records
return this.ajax_post_form("get_global_settings").done(function(settings) {
console.debug("Global Settings:", settings);
- // remember the global settings
this.global_settings = settings;
- // trigger event for whom it might concern
return $(this).trigger("settings:updated", settings);
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.recalculate_records = function() {
- recalculate_records() {
* Submit all form values to the server to recalculate the records
return this.ajax_post_form("recalculate_records").done(function(records) {
console.debug("Recalculate Analyses: Records=", records);
- // remember a services snapshot
this.records_snapshot = records;
- // trigger event for whom it might concern
return $(this).trigger("data:updated", records);
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.recalculate_prices = function() {
- recalculate_prices() {
* Submit all form values to the server to recalculate the prices of all columns
@@ -269,70 +230,53 @@
for (arnum in data) {
if (!hasProp.call(data, arnum)) continue;
prices = data[arnum];
- $(`#discount-${arnum}`).text(prices.discount);
- $(`#subtotal-${arnum}`).text(prices.subtotal);
- $(`#vat-${arnum}`).text(prices.vat);
- $(`#total-${arnum}`).text(prices.total);
+ $("#discount-" + arnum).text(prices.discount);
+ $("#subtotal-" + arnum).text(prices.subtotal);
+ $("#vat-" + arnum).text(prices.vat);
+ $("#total-" + arnum).text(prices.total);
- // trigger event for whom it might concern
return $(this).trigger("prices:updated", data);
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.update_form = function(event, records) {
- update_form(event, records) {
- var me;
* Update form according to the server data
+ var me;
console.debug("*** update_form ***");
me = this;
- // initially hide all lock icons
- // set all values for one record (a single column in the AR Add form)
return $.each(records, function(arnum, record) {
- // set client
$.each(record.client_metadata, function(uid, client) {
return me.set_client(arnum, client);
- // set contact
$.each(record.contact_metadata, function(uid, contact) {
return me.set_contact(arnum, contact);
- // set services
$.each(record.service_metadata, function(uid, metadata) {
var lock;
- // lock icon (to be displayed when the service cannot be deselected)
- lock = $(`#${uid}-${arnum}-lockbtn`);
- // service is included in a profile
+ lock = $("#" + uid + "-" + arnum + "-lockbtn");
if (uid in record.service_to_profiles) {
- // service is part of the template
- // if uid of record.service_to_templates
- // lock.show()
- // select the service
return me.set_service(arnum, uid, true);
- // set template
$.each(record.template_metadata, function(uid, template) {
return me.set_template(arnum, template);
- // set specification
$.each(record.specification_metadata, function(uid, spec) {
return $.each(spec.specifications, function(uid, service_spec) {
return me.set_service_spec(arnum, uid, service_spec);
- // set sample
$.each(record.sample_metadata, function(uid, sample) {
return me.set_sample(arnum, sample);
- // set sampletype
$.each(record.sampletype_metadata, function(uid, sampletype) {
return me.set_sampletype(arnum, sampletype);
- // handle unmet dependencies, one at a time
return $.each(record.unmet_dependencies, function(uid, dependencies) {
var context, dialog, service;
service = record.service_metadata[uid];
@@ -342,35 +286,32 @@
dialog = me.template_dialog("dependency-add-template", context);
dialog.on("yes", function() {
- // select the services
$.each(dependencies, function(index, service) {
return me.set_service(arnum, service.uid, true);
- // trigger form:changed event
return $(me).trigger("form:changed");
dialog.on("no", function() {
- // deselect the dependant service
me.set_service(arnum, uid, false);
- // trigger form:changed event
return $(me).trigger("form:changed");
- // break the iteration after the first loop to avoid multiple dialogs.
return false;
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.get_portal_url = function() {
- get_portal_url() {
* Return the portal url (calculated in code)
var url;
url = $("input[name=portal_url]").val();
return url;
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.get_base_url = function() {
- get_base_url() {
* Return the current (relative) base url
@@ -380,23 +321,26 @@
return base_url.split("/portal_factory")[0];
return base_url.split("/ar_add")[0];
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.get_authenticator = function() {
- get_authenticator() {
* Get the authenticator value
return $("input[name='_authenticator']").val();
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.get_form = function() {
- get_form() {
* Return the form element
return $("#analysisrequest_add_form");
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.get_fields = function(arnum) {
- get_fields(arnum) {
* Get all fields of the form
@@ -404,35 +348,32 @@
form = this.get_form();
fields_selector = "tr[fieldname] td[arnum] input";
if (arnum != null) {
- fields_selector = `tr[fieldname] td[arnum=${arnum}] input`;
+ fields_selector = "tr[fieldname] td[arnum=" + arnum + "] input";
fields = $(fields_selector, form);
return fields;
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.get_field_by_id = function(id, arnum) {
- get_field_by_id(id, arnum) {
- var field_id, name, suffix;
* Query the field by id
- // split the fieldname from the suffix
- [name, suffix] = id.split("_");
- // append the arnum
- field_id = `${name}-${arnum}`;
- // append the suffix if it is there
+ var field_id, name, ref, suffix;
+ ref = id.split("_"), name = ref[0], suffix = ref[1];
+ field_id = name + "-" + arnum;
if (suffix != null) {
- field_id = `${field_id}_${suffix}`;
+ field_id = field_id + "_" + suffix;
- // prepend a hash if it is not there
if (!id.startsWith("#")) {
- field_id = `#${field_id}`;
+ field_id = "#" + field_id;
- console.debug(`get_field_by_id: $(${field_id})`);
- // query the field
+ console.debug("get_field_by_id: $(" + field_id + ")");
return $(field_id);
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.flush_reference_field = function(field) {
- flush_reference_field(field) {
* Empty the reference field
@@ -441,53 +382,53 @@
if (!catalog_name) {
- // flush values
$("input[type=hidden]", field.parent()).val("");
return $(".multiValued-listing", field.parent()).empty();
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.set_reference_field_query = function(field, query, type) {
+ var catalog_name, catalog_query, new_query, options, url;
+ if (type == null) {
+ type = "base_query";
+ }
- set_reference_field_query(field, query, type = "base_query") {
* Set the catalog search query for the given reference field
* XXX This is lame! The field should provide a proper API.
- var catalog_name, catalog_query, new_query, options, url;
catalog_name = field.attr("catalog_name");
if (!catalog_name) {
- // get the combogrid options
options = $.parseJSON(field.attr("combogrid_options"));
- // prepare the new query url
url = this.get_base_url();
- url += `/${options.url}`;
- url += `?_authenticator=${this.get_authenticator()}`;
- url += `&catalog_name=${catalog_name}`;
- url += `&colModel=${$.toJSON(options.colModel)}`;
- url += `&search_fields=${$.toJSON(options.search_fields)}`;
- url += `&discard_empty=${$.toJSON(options.discard_empty)}`;
- url += `&minLength=${$.toJSON(options.minLength)}`;
- // get the current query (either "base_query" or "search_query" attribute)
+ url += "/" + options.url;
+ url += "?_authenticator=" + (this.get_authenticator());
+ url += "&catalog_name=" + catalog_name;
+ url += "&colModel=" + ($.toJSON(options.colModel));
+ url += "&search_fields=" + ($.toJSON(options.search_fields));
+ url += "&discard_empty=" + ($.toJSON(options.discard_empty));
+ url += "&minLength=" + ($.toJSON(options.minLength));
catalog_query = $.parseJSON(field.attr(type));
- // update this query with the passed in query
$.extend(catalog_query, query);
new_query = $.toJSON(catalog_query);
- console.debug(`set_reference_field_query: query=${new_query}`);
+ console.debug("set_reference_field_query: query=" + new_query);
if (type === 'base_query') {
- url += `&base_query=${new_query}`;
- url += `&search_query=${field.attr('search_query')}`;
+ url += "&base_query=" + new_query;
+ url += "&search_query=" + (field.attr('search_query'));
} else {
- url += `&base_query=${field.attr('base_query')}`;
- url += `&search_query=${new_query}`;
+ url += "&base_query=" + (field.attr('base_query'));
+ url += "&search_query=" + new_query;
options.url = url;
options.force_all = "false";
return field.attr("search_query", "{}");
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.set_reference_field = function(field, uid, title) {
- set_reference_field(field, uid, title) {
* Set the value and the uid of a reference field
* XXX This is lame! The field should handle this on data change.
@@ -496,34 +437,29 @@
me = this;
$field = $(field);
if (!$field.length) {
- console.debug(`field ${field} does not exist, skip set_reference_field`);
+ console.debug("field " + field + " does not exist, skip set_reference_field");
$parent = field.closest("div.field");
fieldname = field.attr("name");
- console.debug(`set_reference_field:: field=${fieldname} uid=${uid} title=${title}`);
+ console.debug("set_reference_field:: field=" + fieldname + " uid=" + uid + " title=" + title);
uids_field = $("input[type=hidden]", $parent);
existing_uids = uids_field.val();
- // uid is already selected
if (existing_uids.indexOf(uid) >= 0) {
- // nothing in the field -> uid is the first entry
if (existing_uids.length === 0) {
} else {
- // append to the list
uids = uids_field.val().split(",");
- // set the title as the value
- // handle multivalued reference fields
mvl = $(".multiValued-listing", $parent);
if (mvl.length > 0) {
portal_url = this.get_portal_url();
- src = `${portal_url}/++resource++bika.lims.images/delete.png`;
+ src = portal_url + "/++resource++bika.lims.images/delete.png";
img = $("
img.attr("src", src);
img.attr("data-contact-title", title);
@@ -536,10 +472,10 @@
return $field.val("");
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.set_client = function(arnum, client) {
- set_client(arnum, client) {
- var contact_title, contact_uid, field, query;
* Filter Contacts
* Filter CCContacts
@@ -549,12 +485,10 @@
* Filter Specification
* Filter SamplingRound
- // filter Contacts
- field = $(`#Contact-${arnum}`);
+ var contact_title, contact_uid, field, query;
+ field = $("#Contact-" + arnum);
query = client.filter_queries.contact;
this.set_reference_field_query(field, query);
- // handle default contact for /analysisrequests listing
- // https://github.com/senaite/senaite.core/issues/705
if (document.URL.indexOf("analysisrequests") > -1) {
contact_title = client.default_contact.title;
contact_uid = client.default_contact.uid;
@@ -562,164 +496,139 @@
this.set_reference_field(field, contact_uid, contact_title);
- // filter CCContacts
- field = $(`#CCContact-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#CCContact-" + arnum);
query = client.filter_queries.cc_contact;
this.set_reference_field_query(field, query);
- // filter InvoiceContact
- // XXX Where is this field?
- field = $(`#InvoiceContact-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#InvoiceContact-" + arnum);
query = client.filter_queries.invoice_contact;
this.set_reference_field_query(field, query);
- // filter Sample Points
- field = $(`#SamplePoint-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#SamplePoint-" + arnum);
query = client.filter_queries.samplepoint;
this.set_reference_field_query(field, query);
- // filter AR Templates
- field = $(`#Template-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#Template-" + arnum);
query = client.filter_queries.artemplates;
this.set_reference_field_query(field, query);
- // filter Analysis Profiles
- field = $(`#Profiles-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#Profiles-" + arnum);
query = client.filter_queries.analysisprofiles;
this.set_reference_field_query(field, query);
- // filter Analysis Specs
- field = $(`#Specification-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#Specification-" + arnum);
query = client.filter_queries.analysisspecs;
this.set_reference_field_query(field, query);
- // filter Samplinground
- field = $(`#SamplingRound-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#SamplingRound-" + arnum);
query = client.filter_queries.samplinground;
this.set_reference_field_query(field, query);
- // filter Sample
- field = $(`#PrimaryAnalysisRequest-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#PrimaryAnalysisRequest-" + arnum);
query = client.filter_queries.sample;
return this.set_reference_field_query(field, query);
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.set_contact = function(arnum, contact) {
- set_contact(arnum, contact) {
* Set CC Contacts
var field, me;
me = this;
- field = $(`#CCContact-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#CCContact-" + arnum);
return $.each(contact.cccontacts, function(uid, cccontact) {
var fullname;
fullname = cccontact.fullname;
return me.set_reference_field(field, uid, fullname);
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.set_sample = function(arnum, sample) {
- set_sample(arnum, sample) {
- var contact, field, fullname, title, uid, value;
* Apply the sample data to all fields of arnum
- // set the client
- field = $(`#Client-${arnum}`);
+ var contact, field, fullname, title, uid, value;
+ field = $("#Client-" + arnum);
uid = sample.client_uid;
title = sample.client_title;
this.set_reference_field(field, uid, title);
- // set the client contact
- field = $(`#Contact-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#Contact-" + arnum);
contact = sample.contact;
uid = contact.uid;
fullname = contact.fullname;
this.set_reference_field(field, uid, fullname);
this.set_contact(arnum, contact);
- // set the sampling date
- field = $(`#SamplingDate-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#SamplingDate-" + arnum);
value = sample.sampling_date;
- // set the date sampled
- field = $(`#DateSampled-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#DateSampled-" + arnum);
value = sample.date_sampled;
- // set the sample type (required)
- field = $(`#SampleType-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#SampleType-" + arnum);
uid = sample.sample_type_uid;
title = sample.sample_type_title;
this.set_reference_field(field, uid, title);
- // set environmental conditions
- field = $(`#EnvironmentalConditions-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#EnvironmentalConditions-" + arnum);
value = sample.environmental_conditions;
- // set client sample ID
- field = $(`#ClientSampleID-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#ClientSampleID-" + arnum);
value = sample.client_sample_id;
- // set client reference
- field = $(`#ClientReference-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#ClientReference-" + arnum);
value = sample.client_reference;
- // set the client order number
- field = $(`#ClientOrderNumber-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#ClientOrderNumber-" + arnum);
value = sample.client_order_number;
- // set composite
- field = $(`#Composite-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#Composite-" + arnum);
field.prop("checked", sample.composite);
- // set the sample condition
- field = $(`#SampleCondition-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#SampleCondition-" + arnum);
uid = sample.sample_condition_uid;
title = sample.sample_condition_title;
this.set_reference_field(field, uid, title);
- // set the sample point
- field = $(`#SamplePoint-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#SamplePoint-" + arnum);
uid = sample.sample_point_uid;
title = sample.sample_point_title;
this.set_reference_field(field, uid, title);
- // set the storage location
- field = $(`#StorageLocation-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#StorageLocation-" + arnum);
uid = sample.storage_location_uid;
title = sample.storage_location_title;
this.set_reference_field(field, uid, title);
- // set the default container type
- field = $(`#DefaultContainerType-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#DefaultContainerType-" + arnum);
uid = sample.container_type_uid;
title = sample.container_type_title;
this.set_reference_field(field, uid, title);
- // set the sampling deviation
- field = $(`#SamplingDeviation-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#SamplingDeviation-" + arnum);
uid = sample.sampling_deviation_uid;
title = sample.sampling_deviation_title;
return this.set_reference_field(field, uid, title);
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.set_sampletype = function(arnum, sampletype) {
- set_sampletype(arnum, sampletype) {
- var field, query, title, uid;
* Recalculate partitions
* Filter Sample Points
- // restrict the sample points
- field = $(`#SamplePoint-${arnum}`);
+ var field, query, title, uid;
+ field = $("#SamplePoint-" + arnum);
query = sampletype.filter_queries.samplepoint;
this.set_reference_field_query(field, query);
- // set the default container
- field = $(`#DefaultContainerType-${arnum}`);
- // apply default container if the field is empty
+ field = $("#DefaultContainerType-" + arnum);
if (!field.val()) {
uid = sampletype.container_type_uid;
title = sampletype.container_type_title;
this.set_reference_field(field, uid, title);
- // restrict the specifications
- field = $(`#Specification-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#Specification-" + arnum);
query = sampletype.filter_queries.specification;
return this.set_reference_field_query(field, query);
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.set_template = function(arnum, template) {
- set_template(arnum, template) {
* Apply the template data to all fields of arnum
var field, me, template_uid, title, uid;
me = this;
- // apply template only once
- field = $(`#Template-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#Template-" + arnum);
uid = field.attr("uid");
template_uid = template.uid;
if (arnum in this.applied_templates) {
@@ -728,65 +637,62 @@
- // remember the template for this ar
this.applied_templates[arnum] = template_uid;
- // set the sample type
- field = $(`#SampleType-${arnum}`);
- uid = template.sample_type_uid;
- title = template.sample_type_title;
- this.flush_reference_field(field);
- this.set_reference_field(field, uid, title);
- // set the sample point
- field = $(`#SamplePoint-${arnum}`);
- uid = template.sample_point_uid;
- title = template.sample_point_title;
- this.flush_reference_field(field);
- this.set_reference_field(field, uid, title);
- // set the analysis profile
- field = $(`#Profiles-${arnum}`);
- uid = template.analysis_profile_uid;
- title = template.analysis_profile_title;
- this.flush_reference_field(field);
- this.set_reference_field(field, uid, title);
- // set the remarks
- field = $(`#Remarks-${arnum}`);
- field.text(template.remarks);
- // set the composite checkbox
- field = $(`#Composite-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#SampleType-" + arnum);
+ if (!field.val()) {
+ uid = template.sample_type_uid;
+ title = template.sample_type_title;
+ this.flush_reference_field(field);
+ this.set_reference_field(field, uid, title);
+ }
+ field = $("#SamplePoint-" + arnum);
+ if (!field.val()) {
+ uid = template.sample_point_uid;
+ title = template.sample_point_title;
+ this.flush_reference_field(field);
+ this.set_reference_field(field, uid, title);
+ }
+ field = $("#Profiles-" + arnum);
+ if (!field.val()) {
+ uid = template.analysis_profile_uid;
+ title = template.analysis_profile_title;
+ this.flush_reference_field(field);
+ this.set_reference_field(field, uid, title);
+ }
+ field = $("#Remarks-" + arnum);
+ if (!field.val()) {
+ field.text(template.remarks);
+ }
+ field = $("#Composite-" + arnum);
field.prop("checked", template.composite);
- // set the services
return $.each(template.service_uids, function(index, uid) {
- // select the service
return me.set_service(arnum, uid, true);
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.set_service = function(arnum, uid, checked) {
- set_service(arnum, uid, checked) {
- var el, poc;
* Select the checkbox of a service by UID
- console.debug(`*** set_service::AR=${arnum} UID=${uid} checked=${checked}`);
- // get the service checkbox element
- el = $(`td[fieldname='Analyses-${arnum}'] #cb_${uid}`);
- // select the checkbox
+ var el, poc;
+ console.debug("*** set_service::AR=" + arnum + " UID=" + uid + " checked=" + checked);
+ el = $("td[fieldname='Analyses-" + arnum + "'] #cb_" + uid);
el.prop("checked", checked);
- // get the point of capture of this element
poc = el.closest("tr[poc]").attr("poc");
- // make the element visible if the categories are visible
if (this.is_poc_expanded(poc)) {
return el.closest("tr").addClass("visible");
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.set_service_spec = function(arnum, uid, spec) {
- set_service_spec(arnum, uid, spec) {
- var el, max, min, warn_max, warn_min;
* Set the specification of the service
- console.debug(`*** set_service_spec::AR=${arnum} UID=${uid} spec=`, spec);
- // get the service specifications
- el = $(`div#${uid}-${arnum}-specifications`);
+ var el, max, min, warn_max, warn_min;
+ console.debug("*** set_service_spec::AR=" + arnum + " UID=" + uid + " spec=", spec);
+ el = $("div#" + uid + "-" + arnum + "-specifications");
min = $(".min", el);
max = $(".max", el);
warn_min = $(".warn_min", el);
@@ -795,9 +701,10 @@
return warn_max.val(spec.warn_max);
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.get_service = function(uid) {
- get_service(uid) {
* Fetch the service data from server by UID
@@ -812,43 +719,42 @@
return this.ajax_post_form("get_service", options).done(function(data) {
return console.debug("get_service::data=", data);
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.hide_all_service_info = function() {
- hide_all_service_info() {
* hide all open service info boxes
var info;
info = $("div.service-info");
return info.hide();
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.is_poc_expanded = function(poc) {
- is_poc_expanded(poc) {
* Checks if the point of captures are visible
var el;
- el = $(`tr.service-listing-header[poc=${poc}]`);
+ el = $("tr.service-listing-header[poc=" + poc + "]");
return el.hasClass("visible");
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.toggle_poc_categories = function(poc, toggle) {
- toggle_poc_categories(poc, toggle) {
- var categories, el, services, services_checked, toggle_buttons;
* Toggle all categories within a point of capture (lab/service)
* :param poc: the point of capture (lab/field)
* :param toggle: services visible if true
+ var categories, el, services, services_checked, toggle_buttons;
if (toggle == null) {
toggle = !this.is_poc_expanded(poc);
- // get the element
- el = $(`tr[data-poc=${poc}]`);
- // all categories of this poc
- categories = $(`tr.category.${poc}`);
- // all services of this poc
- services = $(`tr.service.${poc}`);
- // all checked services
+ el = $("tr[data-poc=" + poc + "]");
+ categories = $("tr.category." + poc);
+ services = $("tr.service." + poc);
services_checked = $("input[type=checkbox]:checked", services);
toggle_buttons = $(".service-category-toggle");
if (toggle) {
@@ -863,9 +769,13 @@
return toggle_buttons.text("+");
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.on_client_changed = function(event) {
- on_client_changed(event) {
* Eventhandler when the client changed (happens on Batches)
@@ -875,19 +785,18 @@
$el = $(el);
uid = $el.attr("uid");
arnum = $el.closest("[arnum]").attr("arnum");
- console.debug(`°°° on_client_changed: arnum=${arnum} °°°`);
- // Flush client depending fields
+ console.debug("°°° on_client_changed: arnum=" + arnum + " °°°");
field_ids = ["Contact", "CCContact", "InvoiceContact", "SamplePoint", "Template", "Profiles", "PrimaryAnalysisRequest", "Specification"];
$.each(field_ids, function(index, id) {
var field;
field = me.get_field_by_id(id, arnum);
return me.flush_reference_field(field);
- // trigger form:changed event
return $(me).trigger("form:changed");
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.on_contact_changed = function(event) {
- on_contact_changed(event) {
* Eventhandler when the contact changed
@@ -897,30 +806,29 @@
$el = $(el);
uid = $el.attr("uid");
arnum = $el.closest("[arnum]").attr("arnum");
- console.debug(`°°° on_contact_changed: arnum=${arnum} °°°`);
- // Flush client depending fields
+ console.debug("°°° on_contact_changed: arnum=" + arnum + " °°°");
field_ids = ["CCContact"];
$.each(field_ids, function(index, id) {
var field;
field = me.get_field_by_id(id, arnum);
return me.flush_reference_field(field);
- // trigger form:changed event
return $(me).trigger("form:changed");
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.on_analysis_specification_changed = function(event) {
- on_analysis_specification_changed(event) {
- var me;
* Eventhandler when the specification of an analysis service changed
+ var me;
console.debug("°°° on_analysis_specification_changed °°°");
me = this;
- // trigger form:changed event
return $(me).trigger("form:changed");
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.on_analysis_details_click = function(event) {
- on_analysis_details_click(event) {
* Eventhandler when the user clicked on the info icon of a service.
@@ -929,33 +837,28 @@
$el = $(el);
uid = $el.attr("uid");
arnum = $el.closest("[arnum]").attr("arnum");
- console.debug(`°°° on_analysis_column::UID=${uid}°°°`);
+ console.debug("°°° on_analysis_column::UID=" + uid + "°°°");
info = $("div.service-info", $el.parent());
data = info.data("data");
- // extra data to extend to the template context
extra = {
profiles: [],
templates: [],
specifications: []
- // get the current snapshot record for this column
record = this.records_snapshot[arnum];
- // inject profile info
if (uid in record.service_to_profiles) {
profiles = record.service_to_profiles[uid];
$.each(profiles, function(index, uid) {
return extra["profiles"].push(record.profile_metadata[uid]);
- // inject template info
if (uid in record.service_to_templates) {
templates = record.service_to_templates[uid];
$.each(templates, function(index, uid) {
return extra["templates"].push(record.template_metadata[uid]);
- // inject specification info
if (uid in record.service_to_specifications) {
specifications = record.service_to_specifications[uid];
$.each(specifications, function(index, uid) {
@@ -977,13 +880,14 @@
return info.fadeToggle();
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.on_analysis_lock_button_click = function(event) {
- on_analysis_lock_button_click(event) {
- var $el, arnum, buttons, context, dialog, el, me, profile_uid, record, template_uid, uid;
* Eventhandler when an Analysis Profile was removed.
+ var $el, arnum, buttons, context, dialog, el, me, profile_uid, record, template_uid, uid;
console.debug("°°° on_analysis_lock_button_click °°°");
me = this;
el = event.currentTarget;
@@ -995,12 +899,10 @@
context["service"] = record.service_metadata[uid];
context["profiles"] = [];
context["templates"] = [];
- // collect profiles
if (uid in record.service_to_profiles) {
profile_uid = record.service_to_profiles[uid];
- // collect templates
if (uid in record.service_to_templates) {
template_uid = record.service_to_templates[uid];
@@ -1011,9 +913,10 @@
return dialog = this.template_dialog("service-dependant-template", context, buttons);
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.on_sample_changed = function(event) {
- on_sample_changed(event) {
* Eventhandler when the Sample was changed.
@@ -1025,17 +928,15 @@
val = $el.val();
arnum = $el.closest("[arnum]").attr("arnum");
has_sample_selected = $el.val();
- console.debug(`°°° on_sample_change::UID=${uid} PrimaryAnalysisRequest=${val}°°°`);
- // deselect the sample if the field is empty
+ console.debug("°°° on_sample_change::UID=" + uid + " PrimaryAnalysisRequest=" + val + "°°°");
if (!has_sample_selected) {
- // XXX manually flush UID field
$("input[type=hidden]", $el.parent()).val("");
- // trigger form:changed event
return $(me).trigger("form:changed");
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.on_sampletype_changed = function(event) {
- on_sampletype_changed(event) {
* Eventhandler when the SampleType was changed.
* Fires form:changed event
@@ -1048,24 +949,21 @@
val = $el.val();
arnum = $el.closest("[arnum]").attr("arnum");
has_sampletype_selected = $el.val();
- console.debug(`°°° on_sampletype_change::UID=${uid} SampleType=${val}°°°`);
- // deselect the sampletype if the field is empty
+ console.debug("°°° on_sampletype_change::UID=" + uid + " SampleType=" + val + "°°°");
if (!has_sampletype_selected) {
- // XXX manually flush UID field
$("input[type=hidden]", $el.parent()).val("");
- // Flush sampletype depending fields
field_ids = ["SamplePoint", "Specification"];
$.each(field_ids, function(index, id) {
var field;
field = me.get_field_by_id(id, arnum);
return me.flush_reference_field(field);
- // trigger form:changed event
return $(me).trigger("form:changed");
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.on_specification_changed = function(event) {
- on_specification_changed(event) {
* Eventhandler when the Specification was changed.
@@ -1077,17 +975,15 @@
val = $el.val();
arnum = $el.closest("[arnum]").attr("arnum");
has_specification_selected = $el.val();
- console.debug(`°°° on_specification_change::UID=${uid} Specification=${val}°°°`);
- // deselect the specification if the field is empty
+ console.debug("°°° on_specification_change::UID=" + uid + " Specification=" + val + "°°°");
if (!has_specification_selected) {
- // XXX manually flush UID field
$("input[type=hidden]", $el.parent()).val("");
- // trigger form:changed event
return $(me).trigger("form:changed");
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.on_analysis_template_changed = function(event) {
- on_analysis_template_changed(event) {
* Eventhandler when an Analysis Template was changed.
@@ -1099,25 +995,19 @@
val = $el.val();
arnum = $el.closest("[arnum]").attr("arnum");
has_template_selected = $el.val();
- console.debug(`°°° on_analysis_template_change::UID=${uid} Template=${val}°°°`);
- // remember the set uid to handle later removal
+ console.debug("°°° on_analysis_template_change::UID=" + uid + " Template=" + val + "°°°");
if (uid) {
$el.attr("previous_uid", uid);
} else {
uid = $el.attr("previous_uid");
- // deselect the template if the field is empty
if (!has_template_selected && uid) {
- // forget the applied template
this.applied_templates[arnum] = null;
- // XXX manually flush UID field
$("input[type=hidden]", $el.parent()).val("");
record = this.records_snapshot[arnum];
template_metadata = record.template_metadata[uid];
template_services = [];
- // prepare a list of services used by the template with the given UID
$.each(record.template_to_services[uid], function(index, uid) {
- // service might be deselected before and thus, absent
if (uid in record.service_metadata) {
return template_services.push(record.service_metadata[uid]);
@@ -1128,32 +1018,23 @@
context["services"] = template_services;
dialog = this.template_dialog("template-remove-template", context);
dialog.on("yes", function() {
- // deselect the services
$.each(template_services, function(index, service) {
return me.set_service(arnum, service.uid, false);
- // trigger form:changed event
return $(me).trigger("form:changed");
dialog.on("no", function() {
- // trigger form:changed event
return $(me).trigger("form:changed");
- // deselect the profile coming from the template
- // XXX: This is crazy and need to get refactored!
if (template_metadata.analysis_profile_uid) {
- field = $(`#Profiles-${arnum}`);
- // uid and title of the selected profile
+ field = $("#Profiles-" + arnum);
uid = template_metadata.analysis_profile_uid;
title = template_metadata.analysis_profile_title;
- // get the parent field wrapper (field is only the input)
$parent = field.closest("div.field");
- // search for the multi item and remove it
- item = $(`.reference_multi_item[uid=${uid}]`, $parent);
+ item = $(".reference_multi_item[uid=" + uid + "]", $parent);
if (item.length) {
- // remove the uid from the hidden field
uids_field = $("input[type=hidden]", $parent);
existing_uids = uids_field.val().split(",");
remove_index = existing_uids.indexOf(uid);
@@ -1163,50 +1044,46 @@
- // deselect the samplepoint
if (template_metadata.sample_point_uid) {
- field = $(`#SamplePoint-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#SamplePoint-" + arnum);
- // deselect the sampletype
if (template_metadata.sample_type_uid) {
- field = $(`#SampleType-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#SampleType-" + arnum);
- // flush the remarks field
if (template_metadata.remarks) {
- field = $(`#Remarks-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#Remarks-" + arnum);
- // reset the composite checkbox
if (template_metadata.composite) {
- field = $(`#Composite-${arnum}`);
+ field = $("#Composite-" + arnum);
field.prop("checked", false);
- // trigger form:changed event
return $(me).trigger("form:changed");
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.on_analysis_profile_selected = function(event) {
- on_analysis_profile_selected(event) {
- var $el, el, me, uid;
* Eventhandler when an Analysis Profile was selected.
+ var $el, el, me, uid;
console.debug("°°° on_analysis_profile_selected °°°");
me = this;
el = event.currentTarget;
$el = $(el);
uid = $(el).attr("uid");
- // trigger form:changed event
return $(me).trigger("form:changed");
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.on_analysis_profile_removed = function(event) {
- on_analysis_profile_removed(event) {
- var $el, arnum, context, dialog, el, me, profile_metadata, profile_services, record, uid;
* Eventhandler when an Analysis Profile was removed.
+ var $el, arnum, context, dialog, el, me, profile_metadata, profile_services, record, uid;
console.debug("°°° on_analysis_profile_removed °°°");
me = this;
el = event.currentTarget;
@@ -1216,7 +1093,6 @@
record = this.records_snapshot[arnum];
profile_metadata = record.profile_metadata[uid];
profile_services = [];
- // prepare a list of services used by the profile with the given UID
$.each(record.profile_to_services[uid], function(index, uid) {
return profile_services.push(record.service_metadata[uid]);
@@ -1226,20 +1102,18 @@
me = this;
dialog = this.template_dialog("profile-remove-template", context);
dialog.on("yes", function() {
- // deselect the services
$.each(profile_services, function(index, service) {
return me.set_service(arnum, service.uid, false);
- // trigger form:changed event
return $(me).trigger("form:changed");
return dialog.on("no", function() {
- // trigger form:changed event
return $(me).trigger("form:changed");
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.on_analysis_checkbox_click = function(event) {
- on_analysis_checkbox_click(event) {
* Eventhandler for Analysis Service Checkboxes.
@@ -1249,12 +1123,12 @@
checked = el.checked;
$el = $(el);
uid = $el.val();
- console.debug(`°°° on_analysis_click::UID=${uid} checked=${checked}°°°`);
- // trigger form:changed event
+ console.debug("°°° on_analysis_click::UID=" + uid + " checked=" + checked + "°°°");
return $(me).trigger("form:changed");
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.on_service_listing_header_click = function(event) {
- on_service_listing_header_click(event) {
* Eventhandler for analysis service category header rows.
* Toggles the visibility of all categories within this poc.
@@ -1265,24 +1139,25 @@
visible = $el.hasClass("visible");
toggle = !visible;
return this.toggle_poc_categories(poc, toggle);
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.on_service_category_click = function(event) {
- on_service_category_click(event) {
- var $btn, $el, category, expanded, poc, services, services_checked;
* Eventhandler for analysis service category rows.
* Toggles the visibility of all services within this category.
* Selected services always stay visible.
+ var $btn, $el, category, expanded, poc, services, services_checked;
$el = $(event.currentTarget);
poc = $el.attr("poc");
$btn = $(".service-category-toggle", $el);
expanded = $el.hasClass("expanded");
category = $el.data("category");
- services = $(`tr.${poc}.${category}`);
+ services = $("tr." + poc + "." + category);
services_checked = $("input[type=checkbox]:checked", services);
- console.debug(`°°° on_service_category_click: category=${category} °°°`);
+ console.debug("°°° on_service_category_click: category=" + category + " °°°");
if (expanded) {
@@ -1295,15 +1170,16 @@
return services.addClass("expanded");
- }
+ };
+ AnalysisRequestAdd.prototype.on_copy_button_click = function(event) {
- on_copy_button_click(event) {
- var $el, $td1, $tr, ar_count, el, field, me, mvl, record_one, td1, tr, uid, value;
* Eventhandler for the field copy button per row.
* Copies the value of the first field in this row to the remaining.
* XXX Refactor
+ var $el, $td1, $tr, ar_count, el, field, i, me, mvl, record_one, results, td1, tr, uid, value;
console.debug("°°° on_copy_button_click °°°");
me = this;
el = event.target;
@@ -1316,10 +1192,7 @@
if (!(ar_count > 1)) {
- // the record data of the first AR
record_one = this.records_snapshot[0];
- // ReferenceWidget cannot be simply copied, the combogrid dropdown widgets
- // don't cooperate and the multiValued div must be copied.
if ($(td1).find('.ArchetypesReferenceWidget').length > 0) {
console.debug("-> Copy reference field");
el = $(td1).find(".ArchetypesReferenceWidget");
@@ -1328,228 +1201,206 @@
value = field.val();
mvl = el.find(".multiValued-listing");
$.each((function() {
- var results = [];
+ results = [];
for (var i = 1; 1 <= ar_count ? i <= ar_count : i >= ar_count; 1 <= ar_count ? i++ : i--){ results.push(i); }
return results;
}).apply(this), function(arnum) {
var _el, _field, _td;
- // skip the first column
if (!(arnum > 0)) {
- _td = $tr.find(`td[arnum=${arnum}]`);
+ _td = $tr.find("td[arnum=" + arnum + "]");
_el = $(_td).find(".ArchetypesReferenceWidget");
_field = _el.find("input[type=text]");
- // flush the field completely
if (mvl.length > 0) {
- // multi valued reference field
$.each(mvl.children(), function(idx, item) {
uid = $(item).attr("uid");
value = $(item).text();
return me.set_reference_field(_field, uid, value);
} else {
- // single reference field
me.set_reference_field(_field, uid, value);
- // notify that the field changed
return $(_field).trigger("change");
- // trigger form:changed event
- // Copy fields
$td1.find("input[type=checkbox]").each(function(index, el) {
- var checked;
+ var checked, j, results1;
console.debug("-> Copy checkbox field");
$el = $(el);
checked = $el.prop("checked");
- // iterate over columns, starting from column 2
return $.each((function() {
- var results = [];
- for (var i = 1; 1 <= ar_count ? i <= ar_count : i >= ar_count; 1 <= ar_count ? i++ : i--){ results.push(i); }
- return results;
+ results1 = [];
+ for (var j = 1; 1 <= ar_count ? j <= ar_count : j >= ar_count; 1 <= ar_count ? j++ : j--){ results1.push(j); }
+ return results1;
}).apply(this), function(arnum) {
var _el, _td;
- // skip the first column
if (!(arnum > 0)) {
- _td = $tr.find(`td[arnum=${arnum}]`);
+ _td = $tr.find("td[arnum=" + arnum + "]");
_el = $(_td).find("input[type=checkbox]")[index];
return $(_el).prop("checked", checked);
- // Copy