diff --git a/CHANGES.rst b/CHANGES.rst
index 600963e320..d9a7814266 100644
--- a/CHANGES.rst
+++ b/CHANGES.rst
@@ -4,7 +4,10 @@ Changelog
1.1.0 (Unreleased)
+**Merged PRs from upstream**
+#282 Instrument Calibration Table fixes (pr #2266, Issues #2263 & #2264)
Issue-1999: Allow external Python library functions to be used in Calculation Formulas
LIMS-1504: Calculation formula test widgets
diff --git a/bika/lims/browser/instrument.py b/bika/lims/browser/instrument.py
index 14e94e95d7..8598eeb30f 100644
--- a/bika/lims/browser/instrument.py
+++ b/bika/lims/browser/instrument.py
@@ -3,36 +3,29 @@
# Copyright 2011-2016 by it's authors.
# Some rights reserved. See LICENSE.txt, AUTHORS.txt.
+import json
+from operator import itemgetter
+import plone
+from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Products.CMFPlone.utils import safe_unicode
+from Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile import ViewPageTemplateFile
from bika.lims import bikaMessageFactory as _
-from bika.lims.utils import t
+from bika.lims.browser import BrowserView
+from bika.lims.browser.analyses import AnalysesView
from bika.lims.browser.bika_listing import BikaListingView
+from bika.lims.browser.multifile import MultifileView
from bika.lims.browser.resultsimport.autoimportlogs import AutoImportLogsView
-from bika.lims.content.instrumentmaintenancetask import InstrumentMaintenanceTaskStatuses as mstatus
-from bika.lims.subscribers import doActionFor, skip
-from operator import itemgetter
+from bika.lims.config import QCANALYSIS_TYPES
+from bika.lims.content.instrumentmaintenancetask import \
+ InstrumentMaintenanceTaskStatuses as mstatus
+from bika.lims.utils import t
from plone.app.content.browser.interfaces import IFolderContentsView
from plone.app.layout.globals.interfaces import IViewView
from plone.app.layout.viewlets import ViewletBase
-from zope.interface import implements
-from bika.lims.browser.bika_listing import BikaListingView
-from bika.lims.config import QCANALYSIS_TYPES
-from bika.lims.utils import to_utf8
-from bika.lims.permissions import *
-from operator import itemgetter
-from bika.lims.browser import BrowserView
-from bika.lims.browser.analyses import AnalysesView
-from bika.lims.browser.multifile import MultifileView
-from bika.lims.browser.analyses import QCAnalysesView
-from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
-from Products.CMFPlone.utils import safe_unicode
-from Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile import ViewPageTemplateFile
from zExceptions import Forbidden
-from operator import itemgetter
-from bika.lims.catalog import CATALOG_AUTOIMPORTLOGS_LISTING
+from zope.interface import implements
-import plone
-import json
class InstrumentMaintenanceView(BikaListingView):
implements(IFolderContentsView, IViewView)
@@ -501,34 +494,6 @@ def get_analyses_json(self):
return json.dumps(self.anjson)
-class InstrumentCertificationsViewView(BrowserView):
- """ View of Instrument Certifications
- Shows the list of Instrument Certifications, either Internal and
- External Calibrations.
- """
- implements(IViewView)
- template = ViewPageTemplateFile("templates/instrument_certifications.pt")
- _certificationsview = None
- def __call__(self):
- return self.template()
- def get_certifications_table(self):
- """ Returns the table of Certifications
- """
- return self.get_certifications_view().contents_table()
- def get_certifications_view(self):
- """ Returns the Certifications Table view
- """
- if not self._certificationsview:
- self._certificationsview = InstrumentCertificationsView(
- self.context,
- self.request)
- return self._certificationsview
class InstrumentCertificationsView(BikaListingView):
""" View for the table of Certifications. Includes Internal and
External Calibrations. Also a bar to filter the results
@@ -538,39 +503,38 @@ def __init__(self, context, request, **kwargs):
BikaListingView.__init__(self, context, request, **kwargs)
self.form_id = "instrumentcertifications"
self.columns = {
- 'Title': {'title': _('Cert. Num'),
- 'index': 'sortable_title'},
- 'getAgency': {'title': _('Agency')},
- 'getDate': {'title': _('Date')},
- 'getValidFrom': {'title': _('Valid from')},
- 'getValidTo': {'title': _('Valid to')},
- 'getDocument': {'title': _('Document')},
+ 'Title': {'title': _('Cert. Num'), 'index': 'sortable_title'},
+ 'getAgency': {'title': _('Agency'), 'sortable': False},
+ 'getDate': {'title': _('Date'), 'sortable': False},
+ 'getValidFrom': {'title': _('Valid from'), 'sortable': False},
+ 'getValidTo': {'title': _('Valid to'), 'sortable': False},
+ 'getDocument': {'title': _('Document'), 'sortable': False},
self.review_states = [
- 'columns': [ 'Title',
+ 'columns': ['Title',
- 'transitions': [{}]},
+ 'transitions': []},
self.allow_edit = False
self.show_select_column = False
- self.show_workflow_action_buttons = False
+ self.show_workflow_action_buttons = True
uids = [c.UID() for c in self.context.getCertifications()]
self.catalog = 'portal_catalog'
self.contentFilter = {'UID': uids, 'sort_on': 'sortable_title'}
def folderitems(self):
items = BikaListingView.folderitems(self)
- valid = [c.UID() for c in self.context.getValidCertifications()]
+ valid = [c.UID() for c in self.context.getValidCertifications()]
latest = self.context.getLatestValidCertification()
latest = latest.UID() if latest else ''
- for x in range (len(items)):
+ for x in range(len(items)):
if not items[x].has_key('obj'): continue
obj = items[x]['obj']
# items[x]['getAgency'] = obj.getAgency()
diff --git a/bika/lims/browser/instrument.zcml b/bika/lims/browser/instrument.zcml
index e9f6710e98..2ac071d904 100644
--- a/bika/lims/browser/instrument.zcml
+++ b/bika/lims/browser/instrument.zcml
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
diff --git a/bika/lims/browser/templates/instrument_certifications.pt b/bika/lims/browser/templates/instrument_certifications.pt
index 288590e850..c687d40971 100644
--- a/bika/lims/browser/templates/instrument_certifications.pt
+++ b/bika/lims/browser/templates/instrument_certifications.pt
@@ -48,11 +48,10 @@