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Maven Usage Instructions

Project Structure

This module is a multi-module Maven project with the following modules:


A Codename One application. All of your cross-platform application code goes in this module.


Module containing native Android code such as native interface implementations.


Module containing native iOS code, such as native interface implementations.


Module containing native JavaSE code, such as native interface implementations.


Module containing native javascript code for the Javascript port.


Module containing native Windows UWP code for the UWP windows port.


Module where legacy cn1libs will be installed the cn1:install-cn1lib goal.

Running The Project

Running project in the Codename One simulator
mvn verify -Psimulator -Dcodename1.platform=javase -DskipTests
Running project as JavaSE desktop app
mvn verify -Prun-desktop -Dcodename1.platform=javase -DskipTests

Building the Project

Excutable Jar

Build app as executable Jar file locally. Does not use build server

mvn package -Dcodename1.platform=javase -Dcodename1.buildTarget=jar -DskipTests

Output location: javase/target

Xcode Project

Generate an Xcode project that can be opened and built in Xcode. Does not use build server. Requires Mac with Xcode installed

mvn package -Dcodename1.platform=ios -Dcodename1.buildTarget=ios-source -DskipTests

Output location: ios/target/generated-sources

Android Gradle Project

Generate a native Android gradle project that can be opened in Android Studio. Does not use build server. Requires ANDROID_HOME environment variable pointing at Android SDK. Also requires Gradle installed and in path, or GRADLE_HOME environment variable pointing at gradle installation directory.

mvn package -Dcodename1.platform=android -Dcodename1.buildTarget=android-source -DskipTests

Output location: android/target/generated-sources

iOS Debug Build

Build an iOS app using the Codename One build server. Requires Codename One account

mvn package -Dcodename1.platform=ios -Dcodename1.buildTarget=ios-device -DskipTests

Output location: If you add the -Dautomated flag, then it will output the file to ios/target. You can download the result in the Codename One build app.

iOS Release Buld

Build an iOS app release build to submit to the Apple app store, using the Codename One build server.

mvn package -Dcodename1.platform=ios -Dcodename1.buildTarget=ios-device-release -DskipTests

Output location: If you add the -Dautomated flag, then it will output the file to ios/target. You can download the result in the Codename One build app.

Android App

Build an android app using the Codename One build server.

mvn package -Dcodename1.platform=android -Dcodename1.buildTarget=android-device -DskipTests

Output location: If you add the -Dautomated flag, then it will output the file to android/target. You can download the result in the Codename One build app.

Javascript App

Build a web/javascript app using the Codename One build server.

mvn package -Dcodename1.platform=javascript -Dcodename1.buildTarget=javascript -DskipTests

Output location: If you add the -Dautomated flag, then it will output the file to javascript/target. You can download the result in the Codename One build app.

Mac Desktop App

Build a Mac desktop app using the Codename One build server.

mvn package -Dcodename1.platform=javase -Dcodename1.buildTarget=mac-os-x-desktop -DskipTests

Output location: If you add the -Dautomated flag, then it will output the file to javase/target. You can download the result in the Codename One build app.

Windows Desktop App

Build a Windows desktop app using the Codename One build server.

mvn package -Dcodename1.platform=javase -Dcodename1.buildTarget=windows-desktop -DskipTests

Output location: If you add the -Dautomated flag, then it will output the file to javase/target. You can download the result in the Codename One build app.

Windows (UWP) App

Build a Windows UWP app using the Codename One build server.

mvn package -Dcodename1.platform=win -Dcodename1.buildTarget=windows-device -DskipTests

Output location: If you add the -Dautomated flag, then it will output the file to win/target. You can download the result in the Codename One build app.

Other Goals

Install cn1lib

Installs a legacy cn1lib file as a dependency in your project.

mvn cn1:install-cn1lib -Dfile=/path/to/mylib.cn1lib

This will create a module inside the cn1libs module.

Optional Parameters


Optional group ID for the maven module that is created for this cn1lib. Default value will be ${project.groupId}.cn1libs.


Optional artifact ID for the maven module that is created for this cn1lib. Default value is ${project.artifactId}-${libname}


Optional version for the maven module that is created for this cn1lib. Default value is ${project.version}.


Optional boolean (true/false) indicating whether the cn1libs module pom file should be updated automatically. Default value is true.


Optional boolean (true/false) indicating whether it should overwrite an existing cn1lib with the same name. Default value is false.

Create GUI Form

Create a GUI Builder Form.

mvn cn1:create-gui-form -DclassName=com.example.MyForm

This will generate a class in common/src/main/java named com.example.MyForm, and an accompanying .guibuilder XML file in common/src/main/guibuilder.



(Required) The class name of the form that you wish to generate. E.g com.example.MyForm.


The type of GUI component to generate. Supports "Form", "Dialog", and "Container". Default value is "Form"


Whether to use autolayout. This is boolean (true/false), and the default value is true.


Open this form in the GUI Builder using the cn1:guibuilder goal.

mvn cn1:guibuilder -DclassName=com.example.MyForm
Open Codename One Settings

Open the Codename One settings app which allows to to configure your app, and monitor build progress on the build server.

mvn cn1:settings
Generate Native Interfaces

Generate native stubs for all native interfaces in the app.

mvn cn1:generate-native-interfaces