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Validator Client

When connected to a beacon node, performs the duties of a staked validator
(e.g., proposing blocks and attestations).

Usage: lighthouse validator_client [OPTIONS]

      --beacon-nodes <NETWORK_ADDRESSES>
          Comma-separated addresses to one or more beacon node HTTP APIs.
          Default is http://localhost:5052.
      --beacon-nodes-tls-certs <CERTIFICATE-FILES>
          Comma-separated paths to custom TLS certificates to use when
          connecting to a beacon node (and/or proposer node). These certificates
          must be in PEM format and are used in addition to the OS trust store.
          Commas must only be used as a delimiter, and must not be part of the
          certificate path.
      --broadcast <API_TOPICS>
          Comma-separated list of beacon API topics to broadcast to all beacon
          nodes. Default (when flag is omitted) is to broadcast subscriptions
          only. [possible values: none, attestations, blocks, subscriptions,
      --builder-boost-factor <UINT64>
          Defines the boost factor, a percentage multiplier to apply to the
          builder's payload value when choosing between a builder payload header
          and payload from the local execution node.
      --builder-registration-timestamp-override <UNIX-TIMESTAMP>
          This flag takes a unix timestamp value that will be used to override
          the timestamp used in the builder api registration.
  -d, --datadir <DIR>
          Used to specify a custom root data directory for lighthouse keys and
          databases. Defaults to $HOME/.lighthouse/{network} where network is
          the value of the `network` flag Note: Users should specify separate
          custom datadirs for different networks.
      --debug-level <LEVEL>
          Specifies the verbosity level used when emitting logs to the terminal.
          [default: info] [possible values: info, debug, trace, warn, error,
      --gas-limit <INTEGER>
          The gas limit to be used in all builder proposals for all validators
          managed by this validator client. Note this will not necessarily be
          used if the gas limit set here moves too far from the previous block's
          gas limit. [default: 30000000]
      --genesis-state-url <URL>
          A URL of a beacon-API compatible server from which to download the
          genesis state. Checkpoint sync server URLs can generally be used with
          this flag. If not supplied, a default URL or the --checkpoint-sync-url
          may be used. If the genesis state is already included in this binary
          then this value will be ignored.
      --genesis-state-url-timeout <SECONDS>
          The timeout in seconds for the request to --genesis-state-url.
          [default: 180]
      --graffiti <GRAFFITI>
          Specify your custom graffiti to be included in blocks.
      --graffiti-file <GRAFFITI-FILE>
          Specify a graffiti file to load validator graffitis from.
      --http-address <ADDRESS>
          Set the address for the HTTP address. The HTTP server is not encrypted
          and therefore it is unsafe to publish on a public network. When this
          flag is used, it additionally requires the explicit use of the
          `--unencrypted-http-transport` flag to ensure the user is aware of the
          risks involved. For access via the Internet, users should apply
          transport-layer security like a HTTPS reverse-proxy or SSH tunnelling.
      --http-allow-origin <ORIGIN>
          Set the value of the Access-Control-Allow-Origin response HTTP header.
          Use * to allow any origin (not recommended in production). If no value
          is supplied, the CORS allowed origin is set to the listen address of
          this server (e.g., http://localhost:5062).
      --http-port <PORT>
          Set the listen TCP port for the RESTful HTTP API server. [default:
      --http-token-path <HTTP_TOKEN_PATH>
          Path to file containing the HTTP API token for validator client
          authentication. If not specified, defaults to
      --log-format <FORMAT>
          Specifies the log format used when emitting logs to the terminal.
          [possible values: JSON]
      --logfile <FILE>
          File path where the log file will be stored. Once it grows to the
          value specified in `--logfile-max-size` a new log file is generated
          where future logs are stored. Once the number of log files exceeds the
          value specified in `--logfile-max-number` the oldest log file will be
      --logfile-debug-level <LEVEL>
          The verbosity level used when emitting logs to the log file. [default:
          debug] [possible values: info, debug, trace, warn, error, crit]
      --logfile-format <FORMAT>
          Specifies the log format used when emitting logs to the logfile.
          [possible values: DEFAULT, JSON]
      --logfile-max-number <COUNT>
          The maximum number of log files that will be stored. If set to 0,
          background file logging is disabled. [default: 10]
      --logfile-max-size <SIZE>
          The maximum size (in MB) each log file can grow to before rotating. If
          set to 0, background file logging is disabled. [default: 200]
      --metrics-address <ADDRESS>
          Set the listen address for the Prometheus metrics HTTP server.
      --metrics-allow-origin <ORIGIN>
          Set the value of the Access-Control-Allow-Origin response HTTP header.
          Use * to allow any origin (not recommended in production). If no value
          is supplied, the CORS allowed origin is set to the listen address of
          this server (e.g., http://localhost:5064).
      --metrics-port <PORT>
          Set the listen TCP port for the Prometheus metrics HTTP server.
          [default: 5064]
      --monitoring-endpoint <ADDRESS>
          Enables the monitoring service for sending system metrics to a remote
          endpoint. This can be used to monitor your setup on certain services
          (e.g. This flag sets the endpoint where the beacon node
          metrics will be sent. Note: This will send information to a remote
          sever which may identify and associate your validators, IP address and
          other personal information. Always use a HTTPS connection and never
          provide an untrusted URL.
      --monitoring-endpoint-period <SECONDS>
          Defines how many seconds to wait between each message sent to the
          monitoring-endpoint. [default: 60]
      --network <network>
          Name of the Eth2 chain Lighthouse will sync and follow. [possible
          values: mainnet, gnosis, chiado, sepolia, holesky]
      --proposer-nodes <NETWORK_ADDRESSES>
          Comma-separated addresses to one or more beacon node HTTP APIs. These
          specify nodes that are used to send beacon block proposals. A failure
          will revert back to the standard beacon nodes specified in
      --secrets-dir <SECRETS_DIRECTORY>
          The directory which contains the password to unlock the validator
          voting keypairs. Each password should be contained in a file where the
          name is the 0x-prefixed hex representation of the validators voting
          public key. Defaults to ~/.lighthouse/{network}/secrets.
      --suggested-fee-recipient <FEE-RECIPIENT>
          Once the merge has happened, this address will receive transaction
          fees from blocks proposed by this validator client. If a fee recipient
          is configured in the validator definitions it takes priority over this
  -t, --testnet-dir <DIR>
          Path to directory containing eth2_testnet specs. Defaults to a
          hard-coded Lighthouse testnet. Only effective if there is no existing
      --validator-registration-batch-size <INTEGER>
          Defines the number of validators per validator/register_validator
          request sent to the BN. This value can be reduced to avoid timeouts
          from builders. [default: 500]
      --validators-dir <VALIDATORS_DIR>
          The directory which contains the validator keystores, deposit data for
          each validator along with the common slashing protection database and
          the validator_definitions.yml
      --web3-signer-keep-alive-timeout <MILLIS>
          Keep-alive timeout for each web3signer connection. Set to '0' to never
          timeout. [default: 20000]
      --web3-signer-max-idle-connections <COUNT>
          Maximum number of idle connections to maintain per web3signer host.
          Default is unlimited.

      --beacon-nodes-sync-tolerances <SYNC_TOLERANCES>
          A comma-separated list of 3 values which sets the size of each sync
          distance range when determining the health of each connected beacon
          node. The first value determines the `Synced` range. If a connected
          beacon node is synced to within this number of slots it is considered
          'Synced'. The second value determines the `Small` sync distance range.
          This range starts immediately after the `Synced` range. The third
          value determines the `Medium` sync distance range. This range starts
          immediately after the `Small` range. Any sync distance value beyond
          that is considered `Large`. For example, a value of `8,8,48` would
          have ranges like the following: `Synced`: 0..=8 `Small`: 9..=16
          `Medium`: 17..=64 `Large`: 65.. These values are used to determine
          what ordering beacon node fallbacks are used in. Generally, `Synced`
          nodes are preferred over `Small` and so on. Nodes in the `Synced`
          range will tie-break based on their ordering in `--beacon-nodes`. This
          ensures the primary beacon node is prioritised. [default: 8,8,48]
          If this flag is set, Lighthouse will query the Beacon Node for only
          block headers during proposals and will sign over headers. Useful for
          outsourcing execution payload construction during proposals.
          Disable the performance of attestation duties (and sync committee
          duties). This flag should only be used in emergencies to prioritise
          block proposal duties.
          If present, do not attempt to discover new validators in the
          validators-dir. Validators will need to be manually added to the
          validator_definitions.yml file.
          Disables the service that periodically attempts to measure latency to
          If present, do not include timestamps in logging output.
          If present, do not configure the system allocator. Providing this flag
          will generally increase memory usage, it should only be provided when
          debugging specific memory allocation issues.
          Disable Lighthouse's slashing protection for all web3signer keys. This
          can reduce the I/O burden on the VC but is only safe if slashing
          protection is enabled on the remote signer and is implemented
          Enables functionality required for running the validator in a
          distributed validator cluster.
          If this flag is set, Lighthouse will delay startup for three epochs
          and monitor for messages on the network by any of the validators
          managed by this client. This will result in three (possibly four)
          epochs worth of missed attestations. If an attestation is detected
          during this period, it means it is very likely that you are running a
          second validator client with the same keys. This validator client will
          immediately shutdown if this is detected in order to avoid potentially
          committing a slashable offense. Use this flag in order to ENABLE this
          functionality, without this flag Lighthouse will begin attesting
          Enable per validator metrics for > 64 validators. Note: This flag is
          automatically enabled for <= 64 validators. Enabling this metric for
          higher validator counts will lead to higher volume of prometheus
          metrics being collected.
  -h, --help
          Prints help information
          Enable the RESTful HTTP API server. Disabled by default.
          If present, allow access to the DELETE /lighthouse/keystores HTTP API
          method, which allows exporting keystores and passwords to HTTP API
          consumers who have access to the API token. This method is useful for
          exporting validators, however it should be used with caution since it
          exposes private key data to authorized users.
          If present, any validators created via the HTTP will have keystore
          passwords stored in the secrets-dir rather than the validator
          definitions file.
          If present, do not require the slashing protection database to exist
          before running. You SHOULD NOT use this flag unless you're certain
          that a new slashing protection database is required. Usually, your
          database will have been initialized when you imported your validator
          keys. If you misplace your database and then run with this flag you
          risk being slashed.
          Force outputting colors when emitting logs to the terminal.
          If present, compress old log files. This can help reduce the space
          needed to store old logs.
          If present, log files will be generated as world-readable meaning they
          can be read by any user on the machine. Note that logs can often
          contain sensitive information about your validator and so this flag
          should be used with caution. For Windows users, the log file
          permissions will be inherited from the parent folder.
      --long-timeouts-multiplier <LONG_TIMEOUTS_MULTIPLIER>
          If present, the validator client will use a multiplier for the timeout
          when making requests to the beacon node. This only takes effect when
          the `--use-long-timeouts` flag is present. The timeouts will be the
          slot duration multiplied by this value. This flag is generally not
          recommended, longer timeouts can cause missed duties when fallbacks
          are used. [default: 1]
          Enable the Prometheus metrics HTTP server. Disabled by default.
          If this flag is set, Lighthouse will always prefer blocks constructed
          by builders, regardless of payload value.
          If present, read all user inputs from stdin instead of tty.
          This is a safety flag to ensure that the user is aware that the http
          transport is unencrypted and using a custom HTTP address is unsafe.
          If present, the validator client will use longer timeouts for requests
          made to the beacon node. This flag is generally not recommended,
          longer timeouts can cause missed duties when fallbacks are used.
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