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File metadata and controls

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API Reference


una.listen(server || port)

Used to start the Una instance. Una will attach the server to the server if it is passed in. If a port number is passed in, a HttpServer listening at the port will be launched instead.


Enable the server mode.


When a screen or controller joins a new room, the initial state will be the JSON object init_state.

una.server_mode.registerInitState({tomato: 0, potato: 0});

una.server_mode.registerOnControllerEvent(event_key, callback)

When a controller sends a new payload keyed by event_key to the server, your callback will be called with the following parameters:

  • UnaServer: the UnaServer instance associated with the room
  • una_header: una_header associated with the controller that sent the payload
  • payload: The payload sent by the controller
una.server_mode.registerOnControllerEvent('vote', function(UnaServer, una_header, payload) {
    var state = UnaServer.getState(); 
    if (payload.type == 'tomato')
    else if (payload.type == 'potato') 

una.server_mode.registerOnScreenEvent(key, callback)

When a screen send a new payload keyed by key to the server, your callback will be called with the following parameters:

  • UnaServer: the UnaServer instance associated with the room
  • una_header: una_header associated with the controller that sent the payload
  • payload: The payload sent by the controller
una.server_mode.registerOnScreenEvent('reset', function(UnaServer, una_header, payload) {
    var state = UnaServer.getState();
    state.tomato = 0;
    state.potato = 0; 

una.set(config_key, config_value)

Sets configuration key. The available keys are as follows:

  • floodControlDelay: delay in milliseconds
    Discard subsequent messages that fall within milliseconds of the previous message.

An express app instance attached to the Una instance.


The currently running http server instance for the Una instance.

A shortcut to the express library.


UnaServer.sendToControllers(event_key, payload)

Sends payload of event_key to all controllers from the server.

UnaScreen.sendToControllers('game_end', {winner: 'tomato'});

UnaServer.sendToScreens(event_key, payload)

Sends payload of event_key to all screens from the server.

UnaScreen.sendToScreens('clear_screen', null);


Returns the current room state associated with the UnaServer instance.


Set the new state associated with the UnaServer instance.


UnaScreen.register(room_id, user_data, callback)

Register the current UnaScreen to a room_id. Optionally, you can supply the user_data, an object that could be used to identify this particular screen instance, and it will be stored in the una header.

Your user_data should be a JavaScript object identifying the screen instance.

When the registration has been complete, your callback function will be called with an object with the following keys:

  • success: Whether the screen has registered successfully
  • (in server mode) state: The current state of the room at the moment the screen joins.
  • (optional) error: The error message if the registration has failed.
UnaScreen.register('room1', {name: 'screen'}, function(res) {
    if (res.success) {
        // Screen has registered successfully


Register the controller join event with your callback. When a new controller has joined the Screen, your callback function will be called with an object containing the following keys:

  • una: The una header

Your callback should return true if you wish to accept the controller. This allows you to limit the number of controllers that your screen can handle at any time.

The default implementation will always accept any incoming controllers up till the limit imposed by the server.

var player_ids = [];
UnaScreen.onControllerJoin(function(data) {    
    if (player_ids.length > 2)
        return false;
    return true;


Register the controller leave event with your callback. When a new controller has joined the Screen, your callback function will be called with an object containing the following keys:

  • una: The una header
var player_ids = [];
UnaScreen.onControllerLeave(function(data) {    
    var index = player_ids.indexOf(;
    player_ids.slice(index, 1);

UnaScreen.onControllerInput(key, callback)

Register the controller input event associated with key with your callback. When a controller sends a message to the screen, your callback will be called with an object containing the following keys:

  • una: The una header
  • payload: The payload object that was sent by the controller
UnaScreen.onControllerInput('move', function(res) {
    console.log('Moving ninja ' + + ' in the ' + res.payload.direction);

UnaScreen.sendToController(controller_id, key, payload)

Sends payload to the controller identified by controller_id. You may obtain the id of the controller by inspecting the una header of any controller event.

UnaScreen.sendToController(ctrl_id, 'disable', {button: 'shoot'});

UnaScreen.onServerInput(key, callback)

Register the server input event identified with key with your callback, in server mode. When a server sends a message to the screen, your callback will be called with an object containing the following keys:

  • payload: The payload object that was sent by the server.
UnaScreen.onServerInput('clear_screen', function(res) {
    // Clear the screen 

UnaScreen.sendToServer(key, payload)

Sends payload to the server, with the key.

UnaScreen.sendToServer('reset', null);


UnaController.register(room_id, user_data, callback)

Register the current UnaScreen to a room_id. Optionally, you can supply the user_data, an object that could be used to identify this particular controller instance, and it will be stored in the una header.

Your user_data should be a JSON object identifying the controller instance.

When the registration has been complete, your callback function will be called with an object with the following keys:

  • **success: Whether the controller has registered successfully
  • (in server mode) state: The current state of the room at the moment the screen joins.
  • (optional) error: The error message if the registration has failed.

Note that for controllers, registration is only complete after the Screen has accepted the controller's registration request.

var ctrl_info = {'name': 'Foxy', 'color': blue};
UnaController.register('room1', ctrl_info, function(res) {
    if (res.success) {
        // Controller has registered successfully

UnaController.sendToScreen(key, payload)

Sends payload to the screen.

if (userIsShooting) {
    UnaController.sendToScreen('shoot', true);

UnaController.onScreenInput(key, callback)

Register the screen input event with your callback. When a screen sends sends a message to this controller, your callback will be called with an object containing the following keys:

  • una: The una header
  • payload: The payload object that was sent by the screen

UnaController.onServerInput(key, callback)

Register the server input event identified with key with your callback, in screenless mode. When a server sends a message to your controller, your callback will be called with an object containing the following keys:

  • payload: The payload object that was sent by the server.

UnaController.sendToServer(key, payload)

Sends payload to the server, with key.

UnaController.sendToServer('vote', {type: 'tomato'});

Una Header

The Una Header object consists of the following keys:

  • id: The associated with the originator of the event
  • user_data: The user_data associated with the originator of the event
  • room: The current room_id
  • type: Either "screen", "controller" or "server"