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Commit 552c801

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[202205][platform-daemon][platform-common] advance submodule head (#12870)
platform-daemon: * f057b9a 2022-11-30 | [ycabled] fix minor appl_db retrieving logic for update (#319) (HEAD -> 202205) [vdahiya12] * 9983106 2022-11-15 | [chassisd] update chassisd to write fabric and lc asics on sep erate table (#311) (HEAD -> 202205) [arlakshm] * 8324c26 2022-11-10 | [ycabled] fix exception-handling logic for ycabled (#306) [vdahiya12] * eaf73f8 2022-11-07 | [ycabled] move swsscommon API's from subroutines to call them exactly once per task_worker/thread (#303) [vdahiya12] platform-common: * 4b528a0 2022-11-21 | Add missing PM and VDM related EEPROM read (#326) (HEAD -> 202205) [mihirpat1] * 8ca6c17 2022-11-14 | Initial commit (#323) [mihirpat1] * 47f87d9 2022-11-23 | EEPROM/DOM Info: The Compliance Code will show "unknown" by using FINISAR 10G LR XCVR (#319) [ChiouRung Haung] * 6273850 2022-06-01 | [ssd_generic] Fix innodisk health regex (#287) [Alexander Allen] Signed-off-by: Ying Xie <[email protected]> Signed-off-by: Ying Xie <[email protected]>
1 parent 7855cd8 commit 552c801