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Commit 76fde84

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[202205][linkmgrd][utilities][swss-common][sairedis][platform-common] advance submodule head (#11859)
linkmgrd: * 9a993b2 2022-08-23 | [active-active] Remove unnecessary mux wait timeout logs (#122) (HEAD -> 202205) [Jing Zhang] utilities: * ec4b09f 2022-08-26 | Handle non-front-panel ports in is_rj45_port (#2327) (HEAD -> 202205, github/202205) [Stephen Sun] * 4adf897 2022-08-20 | Fix issue: port_type is referenced before initialized (#2323) [Stephen Sun] * 314bafd 2022-08-25 | [service_mgmt]: Fix fetch MULTI_INST_DEPENDENT bug in (#2319) [Ze Gan] * e0166a0 2022-08-25 | portconfig option to configure Tx power and laser frequency of ZR transceiver module (#2197) (#2330) [Prince George] swss-common: * af80c12 2022-06-30 | [select] break the select loop if interrupt_on_signal flag is set (#624) (HEAD -> 202205, github/202205) [Stepan Blyshchak] sairedis: * a1796a5 2022-07-28 | Add support of mdio IPC server class using sai switch api and unix socket (#1080) (HEAD -> 202205) [Jiahua Wang] platform-common: * c1ee4b1 2022-08-20 | [CMIS] Catch Exception to avoid CMIS code crash (#299) (HEAD -> 202205) [Kebo Liu] * 638d225 2022-07-13 | Fix Cmis memmap field offset (#290) [Prince George] Signed-off-by: Ying Xie <[email protected]> Signed-off-by: Ying Xie <[email protected]>
1 parent b722d5f commit 76fde84

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