Releases: sonofmagic/weapp-tailwindcss
Releases · sonofmagic/weapp-tailwindcss
What's Changed
- Release: 2.6.0 by @sonofmagic in #210
- Fix/tailwindcss/components by @sonofmagic in #211
Full Changelog: v2.6.0...v2.6.1
What's Changed
- chore(deps): upgrade by @sonofmagic in #201
- Release: 2.4.4 by @sonofmagic in #203
- Chore: demos and deps by @sonofmagic in #204
- Release: 2.5.0~2.5.2 by @sonofmagic in #205
- Demo: taro react multiple-tailwindcss-contexts update by @sonofmagic in #206
- Chore: add readme_en and upgrade deps by @sonofmagic in #208
- docs: 添加转义失效说明 by @Typeve in #209
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.5.2...v2.6.0
What's Changed
- chore: upgrade deps and add more test cases by @sonofmagic in #192
- Docs: Fixed isApp condition misjudgment by @sonofmagic in #193
- Chore: upgrade demos deps by @sonofmagic in #194
- Release: 2.4.3 by @sonofmagic in #200
Full Changelog: v2.4.3...v2.5.2
What's Changed
- Release: 2.3.4 by @sonofmagic in #180
- Chore: use a new logo and a new style for a new journey by @sonofmagic in #182
- Release 2.4.0 by @sonofmagic in #184
- Release: 2.4.1 by @sonofmagic in #186
- e2e by @sonofmagic in #187
- docs: use typedoc to generate doc by @sonofmagic in #189
- test: add cases by @sonofmagic in #190
- chore: rename to weapp-tailwindcss by @sonofmagic in #191
Full Changelog: v2.4.2...v2.4.3
What's Changed
- Docs: update assets and by @sonofmagic in #176
- Docs: changelog 20230518 by @sonofmagic in #177
- dts and build options by @sonofmagic in #178
- Chore: prepare to rename by @sonofmagic in #179
- Feature/new lint by @sonofmagic in #183
Full Changelog: v2.3.0...v2.4.0
What's Changed
- Dev: release 1.2.2 by @sonofmagic in #11
- doc: add doctoc by @sonofmagic in #12
- release: 1.2.3 by @sonofmagic in #13
- Release: 1.2.4 by @sonofmagic in #15
- Fix: webpack5 assets problem by @sonofmagic in #16
- Test: add webpack v5 test case by @sonofmagic in #18
- Release: 1.2.7 by @sonofmagic in #20
- Doc: add h5 issue by @sonofmagic in #22
- Dev by @sonofmagic in #24
- Dev: update demos by @sonofmagic in #26
- DevL doc fix vite by @sonofmagic in #29
- Release: 1.3.0 by @sonofmagic in #30
- v1.3.1 by @sonofmagic in #31
- Relase: 1.3.3 by @sonofmagic in #32
- Release 1.3.4 by @sonofmagic in #34
- doc: add a native case by @sonofmagic in #36
- Dev: lock @babel version 7.17.9 by @sonofmagic in #39
- Dev: release for 1.40 by @sonofmagic in #40
- Dev: Release 1.4.2 Fix performance problem pref.test.ts by @sonofmagic in #41
- fix: TAILWIND_MODE watch only in develop env by @aymonYU in #43
- Dev: FAQ doc commit by @sonofmagic in #44
- Release: 1.4.3 Fix shadow-arbitrary-values by @sonofmagic in #45
- Dev: all arbitrary values usages by @sonofmagic in #46
- Action: test.yml commit by @sonofmagic in #47
- Release 1.5.0 by @sonofmagic in #49
- Dev: FIx #50 and imporve tree-shaking by @sonofmagic in #51
- Dev: Release 1.6.2 fix .d.ts problem by @sonofmagic in #52
- Fixed: issues/53 by @sonofmagic in #54
- Dev: update uni-app vite demo by @sonofmagic in #57
- Doc: rem2rpx ways by @sonofmagic in #58
- Release: 1.6.5 fixed d.ts by @sonofmagic in #59
- 1.6.6 by @sonofmagic in #60
- Release: 1.6.7 by @sonofmagic in #61
- fix: 小程序preflight选择器调整 by @fw6 in #62
- Dev: Release for 1.6.8 by @sonofmagic in #64
- refact: transfer demo folder into monorepo by @sonofmagic in #65
- chore: upgrade npm deps by @sonofmagic in #66
- feat: get weapp bin and commit weapp script by @sonofmagic in #67
- doc: Related projects add weapp-ide-cli by @sonofmagic in #68
- doc: add hbuilder-template by @sonofmagic in #69
- Release 1.6.9 by @sonofmagic in #70
- docs: add hbuilderx usage for vue2/3 by @sonofmagic in #71
- feat: support taro3.5 -> webpack5 version by @sonofmagic in #73
- doc: update and explain for template by @sonofmagic in #76
- Release: 1.7.2 by @sonofmagic in #80
- Release: 1.7.3 by @sonofmagic in #82
- Release: 1.8.0 by @sonofmagic in #83
- Release: 1.8.1 by @sonofmagic in #85
- Release 1.8.2 by @sonofmagic in #86
- Chore: add arbitrary variants test cases by @sonofmagic in #87
- Chore: upgrade test cases by @sonofmagic in #90
- merge: test cases for mangle duplication by @sonofmagic in #91
- Release 1.9.0 by @sonofmagic in #95
- Release: 1.9.2 by @sonofmagic in #96
- Release: 1.9.3 by @sonofmagic in #97
- Release: 1.10.0 by @sonofmagic in #101
- Release: 1.11.1 by @sonofmagic in #102
- Feature/change pkg manager to pnpm by @sonofmagic in #105
- Release: 1.11.3 by @sonofmagic in #106
- Release: 1.11.4 by @sonofmagic in #107
- Doc: add uni-app vite points for attention by @sonofmagic in #111
- Release: 1.11.5 by @sonofmagic in #112
- Release: 1.11.6 by @sonofmagic in #115
- Action: test commit by @sonofmagic in #117
- Release: 1.12.0 by @sonofmagic in #118
- chore: action update nodejs version by @sonofmagic in #119
- Release: 1.12.1 by @sonofmagic in #120
- Release: 1.12.3 by @sonofmagic in #121
- Release: 1.12.4 by @sonofmagic in #125
- docs: supportCustomLengthUnitsPatch addition by @sonofmagic in #126
- Release: 1.12.6 by @sonofmagic in #130
- Release: 1.12.7 by @sonofmagic in #136
- Release 1.12.8 by @sonofmagic in #137
- Docs: add mpx usage doc by @sonofmagic in #139
- Release 2.0.0 by @sonofmagic in #143
- doc: fix typo by @sonofmagic in #144
- Dev by @sonofmagic in #146
- Release 2.0.1 by @sonofmagic in #147
- Docs by @sonofmagic in #149
- Release 2.0.2 by @sonofmagic in #150
- Release 2.0.3 by @sonofmagic in #151
- Release 2.0.4 by @sonofmagic in #154
- Release 2.1.0 by @sonofmagic in #156
- docs: update templates refer links by @sonofmagic in #157
- Release: 2.1.1 by @sonofmagic in #159
- test: update sna...