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Releases: starkware-libs/starknet-specs

Starknet JSON-RPC v0.4.0

07 Aug 04:58
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This version of the RPC is compatible with Starknet 0.12.1.


  • The reverted transaction status has been introduced, and receipts have the optional revert_reason property #99 #106
  • Trace API: code hash is renamed to class hash & simulateTransaction is renamed to simulateTransactions #104
  • Split status into execution_status and finality_status #107
  • Invoke v0 transaction: remove nonce and rename sender_address to contract_address #108
  • Simulation flags: removed SKIP_EXECUTE and added SKIP_FEE_CHARGE #109
  • Added the starknet_estimateMessageFee endpoint #100 #115
  • Refactored errors: many unused error codes were removed, and error codes that correspond to potential gateway replies were added to the write API #113 #119
  • Flattened the transaction structures to make the spec more readable #114
  • Added Cairo v>=2.0.0 ABI specs #117
  • Reintroduced DECLARE_TXN_V0 since it may still be returned in historical blocks #120


18 May 10:56
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StarkNet Node API v0.3.0

This is the 3rd release of the specification for full node API specification for Starknet nodes.


Changes since v0.3.0-rc1

  • removed unused errors: #80
  • add "required" to DECLARE_TXN_V2 and MSG_TO_L1: #82
  • added titles to support code generation: #84
  • added CLASS_ALREADY_DECLARED error: #85
  • added required fields to BROADCASTED_DECLARE_TXN_V2 error: #93
  • required "type" field in PENDING_COMMON_RECEIPT_PROPERTIES: #94
  • added "type" field to BROADCASTED_DECLARE_TXN_V1: #95
  • added the missing optional "stateMutability" field for deprecated classes ABI: #97

Full Changelog: v0.3.0-rc1...v0.3.0


09 Mar 14:43
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v0.3.0-rc1 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • event filter support for disjunction over values in the same key: #55
  • add EVENTS_CHUNK: #70
  • add "required" to schemas with required properties: #67
  • make transaction type explicit: #68
  • starkNet 0.11.0 adjustments (new class structure, declare v2): #65
  • state update response split to pending/none pending: #74
  • felt encoding change - no leading zeros: #72
  • add simulate_tx endpoint and refactor trace: #69
  • bulk API, change estimateFee and simulate to take arrays: #77
  • state_update 0.11.0 refactor: #76

Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.3.0-rc1

API Specification v0.2.1

31 Oct 16:42
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Changes since v0.2.1 RC1:

  2. added constructor type to FUNCTION_ABI_ENTRY
  3. bumped the version of the write api to 0.3.0


03 Oct 07:37
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Release Candidate 1.

This is the first release candidate for v0.2.1 of the specification for Starknet full node API.

What's Changed

  • fix validation script by @lior-stark in #54
  • added deploy_account transaction

API Specification v0.2.0

06 Sep 07:30
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StarkNet Node API v0.2.0

This is the 2nd release of the specification for full node API specification for Starknet nodes.


Changes since v0.2.0 RC1

  1. Remove redundant 'class_hash' in the array of declared contracts
  2. Add invoke receipt properties to deploy receipt
  3. Change some invalid errors to not found errors
  4. Add invalid block id error to get events
  5. 'type' is required in transaction receipt
  6. fixing schema issues

v0.2.0 RC1

24 Aug 14:04
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v0.2.0 RC1 Pre-release

StarkNet Node API v0.2.0 RC1

Release Candidate 1.

This is the first release candidate for v0.2.0 of the specification for Starknet full node API.


  • Renaming account_address to sender_address in invoke transaction
  • Remove contract address from deploy_txn
  • Add broadcasted txn type
  • Adding a distinct l1 handler transaction type
  • Add continuation token for paging
  • Add abi to class
  • Add invoke tx v1
  • Pack storage diff entries per contract address
  • Removing protocol version method
  • Add block id to get class and change invalid contract hash to contract not found
  • Add block_id to starknet_getNonce

API Specification v0.1.0

27 Jul 07:27
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StarkNet Node API v0.1.0

This is the first release of the specification for full node API specification for Starknet nodes.

This version includes:

  1. The main openrpc spec (v0.31.0) - includes the main methods and types to be exposed.
  2. The write API spec (v0.3.0) - includes methods for adding transactions to Starknet.
  3. The optional trace API spec (v0.3.0) - includes method for providing trace functionality.


This is the initial release.
Changes since v0.1.0 RC1:

  • add pending transaction receipt
  • Add version, type, and contract_address_salt to deploy transaction
  • fix: status data uses camelCase
  • Change txn_hash to transaction_hash
  • fix: event filter uses camel case for block range

v0.1.0 RC1

20 Jul 09:05
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v0.1.0 RC1 Pre-release

StarkNet Node API v0.1.0

Release Candidate 1.

This is the first release of the specification for full node API specification for Starknet nodes.

This version includes:

  1. The main openrpc spec (v0.29.0) - includes the main methods and types to be exposed.
  2. The write API spec (v0.3.0) - includes methods for adding transactions to Starknet.
  3. The optional trace API spec (v0.3.0) - includes method for providing trace functionality.


None. This is the initial release.