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.. glossary:: iaf integrate and fire gif generalized integrate and fire cond conductance-based psc post synaptic current (current-based) hh hodgkin huxley rng random number generator wfr waveform relaxation method aeif adaptive exponential integrate and fire ht hill and tononi pp point process in inhibitory ex excitatory MAM multi-area model mpi message passing interface stdp spike-timing dependent plasticity synapse st short term plasticity vp virtual process
all parameters listed here are defined as type double in NEST
.. glossary:: **time** milliseconds `ms` tau_m Membrane time constant in ms t_ref Duration of refractory period in ms t_spike point in time of last spike in **capacitance** picofarads `pF` C_m Capacitance of the membrane in pF **current** picoamperes `pA` I_e Constant input current in pA. **conductance** nanosiemens `nS` g_L Leak conductance in nS g_K Potassium peak conductance in nS. g_Na Sodium peak conductance in nS. **spike rates** spikes/s **modulation frequencies** herz `Hz` frequency frequncy in Hz **voltage** millivolts `mV` V_m Membrane potential in mV E_L Resting membrane potential in mV. V_th Spike threshold in mV. V_reset double Reset potential of the membrane in mV. V_min Absolute lower value for the membrane potential in mV E_ex Excitatory reversal potential in mV. E_in Inhibitory reversal potential in mV. E_Na Sodium reversal potential in mV. E_K Potassium reversal potential in mV.