On this page, you'll find
NEST 3.0 introduces a more direct approach to accessing node properties and handling connections. The changes will allow you to perform operations that were not possible in previous versions.
Python 3
With NEST 3.0, we no longer support Python 2. Running the code snippets throughout this guide requires a freshly started instance of Python (and sometimes pyplot from matplotlib). Check out our :doc:`Installation instructions <../../installation/linux_install>` for more information on the dependencies.
.. seealso:: See our :doc:`nest2_to_nest3_detailed_transition_guide` to see a full list of functions that have changed.
In NEST 3.0, nest.Create()
returns a NodeCollection object instead of a list of global IDs.
This provides a more compact and flexible way for handling nodes.
In most use cases, you will not need to make any changes to your scripts in NEST 3.0, unless you have used topology or subnets.
NodeCollection supports the following functionality:
- :ref:`Indexing <indexing>`
- :ref:`Iteration <iterating>`
- :ref:`Slicing <slicing>`
- :ref:`Getting the size <get_size>`
- :ref:`Conversion to and from lists <converting_lists>`
- :ref:`Composing two non-overlapping NodeCollections <composing>`
- :ref:`Testing for equality <testing_equality>`
- :ref:`Testing of membership <testing_membership>`
- Access to node properties with :ref:`get() <get_param>` and :ref:`set() <set_param>` or by using :ref:`direct attributes <direct_attributes>`
- :ref:`Parametrization <param_ex>` with spatial, random, distributions, math, and logic parameters
NEST 2.x NEST 3.0 # A list of 10 GIDs is returned nrns = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', 10) # Use lists as arguments in Connect nest.Connect(nrns, nrns) # A NodeCollection object is returned nrns = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', 10) # Use NodeCollection objects as # arguments in Connect nest.Connect(nrns, nrns)
NodeCollections support the following operations:
- Printing
A compact representation of information about the NodeCollection can be printed
>>> nrns = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', 10) >>> print(nrns) NodeCollection(metadata=None, model=iaf_psc_alpha, size=10, first=1, last=10)
- Indexing
Indexing returns a new NodeCollection with a single node
>>> print(nrns[3]) NodeCollection(metadata=None, model=iaf_psc_alpha, size=1, first=3)
- Iteration
You can iterate the nodes in a NodeCollection and receive a single element NodeCollection
>>> for node in nrns: >>> print(node.global_id) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- Slicing
A NodeCollection can be sliced in the same way one would slice a list, with
inside brackets>>> print(nrns[2:9:3]) NodeCollection(metadata=None, model=iaf_psc_alpha, size=2, first=3, last=9, step=3)
- Getting the size
You can easily get the number of nodes in the NodeCollection with
>>> len(nrns) 10
- Conversion to and from lists
NodeCollections can be converted to lists of node IDs
>>> nrns.tolist() [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
And you can create a NodeCollection by providing a list, tuple, numpy array or range of node IDs
>>> print(nest.NodeCollection([2, 3, 4, 8])) NodeCollection(metadata=None, model=iaf_psc_alpha, size=3, first=2, last=4; model=iaf_psc_alpha, size=1, first=8) >>> print(nest.NodeCollection(range(1,4))) NodeCollection(metadata=None, model=iaf_psc_alpha, size=3, first=1, last=3)
Note however that the nodes have to be already created. If any of the node IDs refer to a non existing node, an error is thrown.
- Composing
When composing two NodeCollections, NEST tries to concatenate the two into a single NodeCollection.
>>> nrns = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', 10) >>> nrns_2 = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', 3) >>> print(nrns + nrns_2) NodeCollection(metadata=None, model=iaf_psc_alpha, size=13, first=1, last=13)
If the node IDs are not continuous or the models are different, a composite will be created:
>>> nrns_3 = nest.Create('iaf_psc_delta', 3) >>> print(nrns + nrns_3) NodeCollection(metadata=None, model=iaf_psc_alpha, size=10, first=1, last=10; model=iaf_psc_delta, size=3, first=14, last=16)
Note that composing NodeCollections that overlap or that contain metadata (see section on :ref:`spatially distributed nodes <topo_changes>`) is not supported.
- Test of equality
You can test if two NodeCollections are equal, i.e. that they contain the same node IDs
>>> nrns == nrns_2 False >>> nrns_2 == nest.NodeCollection([11, 12, 13]) True
- Test of membership
You can test if a NodeCollection contains a certain ID
>>> 2 in nrns True >>> 11 in nrns False
- Direct attributes
You can directly get and set parameters of your NodeCollection
>>> nrns.V_m = [-70., -60., -50., -40., -30., -20., -10., -20., -30., -40.] >>> nrns.V_m (-70.0, -60.0, -50.0, -40.0, -30.0, -20.0, -10.0, -20.0, -30.0, -40.0) >>> nrns.C_m = 111. >>> nrns.C_m (111.0, 111.0, 111.0, 111.0, 111.0, 111.0, 111.0, 111.0, 111.0, 111.0)
If your nodes are spatially distributed (see :ref:`spatially distributed nodes <topo_changes>`), you can also get the spatial properties of the nodes
>>> spatial_nodes.spatial {'center': (0.0, 0.0), 'edge_wrap': False, 'extent': (1.0, 1.0), 'network_size': 4, 'shape': (2, 2)}
returns the parameters in the collection. You can call get()
several ways.
To get all parameters in the collection, use get()
without any function arguments.
This returns a dictionary with tuples.
>>> nodes_exp = nest.Create('iaf_psc_exp', 5)
>>> nodes_exp[:3].get()
{'archiver_length': (0, 0, 0),
'beta_Ca': (0.001, 0.001, 0.001),
'C_m': (250.0, 250.0, 250.0),
'Ca': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
'delta': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
'E_L': (-70.0, -70.0, -70.0),
'element_type': ('neuron', 'neuron', 'neuron'),
'frozen': (False, False, False),
'global_id': (11, 12, 13),
'I_e': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
'local': (True, True, True),
'model': ('iaf_psc_exp', 'iaf_psc_exp', 'iaf_psc_exp'),
'node_uses_wfr': (False, False, False),
'post_trace': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
'recordables': (('I_syn_ex',
('I_syn_ex', 'I_syn_in', 'V_m', 'weighted_spikes_ex', 'weighted_spikes_in'),
('I_syn_ex', 'I_syn_in', 'V_m', 'weighted_spikes_ex', 'weighted_spikes_in')),
'rho': (0.01, 0.01, 0.01),
'supports_precise_spikes': (False, False, False),
'synaptic_elements': ({}, {}, {}),
't_ref': (2.0, 2.0, 2.0),
't_spike': (-1.0, -1.0, -1.0),
'tau_Ca': (10000.0, 10000.0, 10000.0),
'tau_m': (10.0, 10.0, 10.0),
'tau_minus': (20.0, 20.0, 20.0),
'tau_minus_triplet': (110.0, 110.0, 110.0),
'tau_syn_ex': (2.0, 2.0, 2.0),
'tau_syn_in': (2.0, 2.0, 2.0),
'thread': (0, 0, 0),
'thread_local_id': (-1, -1, -1),
'V_m': (-70.0, -70.0, -70.0),
'V_reset': (-70.0, -70.0, -70.0),
'V_th': (-55.0, -55.0, -55.0),
'vp': (0, 0, 0)}
To get specific parameters in the collection, use
get([parameter_name_1, parameter_name_2, ... , parameter_name_n])
Get the parameters V_m and V_reset of all nodes
>>> nodes = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', 10, {'V_m': -55.})
>>> nodes.get(['V_m', 'V_reset'])
{'V_m': (-55.0, -55.0, -55.0, -55.0, -55.0, -55.0, -55.0, -55.0, -55.0, -55.0),
'V_reset': (-70.0,
To get a specific parameter from the collection, you can use get(parameter_name)
This will return a tuple with the values of that parameter.
>>> nodes.get('t_ref')
(2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0)
If you have a single-node NodeCollection, get()
will return a dictionary with
single values or a single value, depending on how it is called.
>>> nodes[0].get(['V_m', 'V_reset'])
{'V_m': -55.0, 'V_reset': -70.0}
>>> nodes[0].get('t_ref')
To select fields at a deeper hierarchy level, use get(parameter_name, property_name)
this will return an array. You can also use get(parameter_name, [property_name_1, ..., property_name_n])
and get a dictionary with arrays.
>>> sd = nest.Create('spike_detector')
>>> sd.get('events', 'senders')
array([], dtype=int64)
Lastly, you can specify the output format (pandas and JSON for now). The
output format can be specified for all the different get()
versions above.
>>> nodes[0].get(['V_m', 'V_reset'], output='json')
'{"V_m": -55.0, "V_reset": -70.0}'
sets the values of a parameter by iterating over each node.
As with get()
, you can set parameters in different ways.
To set several parameters at once, use nodes.set(parameter_dict)
, where the
keys of the parameter_dict are the parameter names. The values could be a list
the size of the NodeCollection, a single value, or a nest.Parameter
nodes[:3].set({'V_m': [-70., -80., -90.], 'C_m': 333.})
You could also set a single parameter by using nodes.set(parameter_name=parameter)
As parameter, you can either send in a single value, a list the size of the NodeCollection,
or a nest.Parameter
nodes.set(t_ref=3.0) nodes[:3].set(t_ref=[3.0, 4.0, 5.0]) nodes.set(t_ref=nest.random.uniform())
Note that some parameters, like global_id, cannot be set. The documentation of a specific model will point out which parameters can be set and which are read-only.
While you should aim to use NodeCollections to create connections whenever possible,
there may be cases where you have a predefined set of pairs of pre- and post-synaptic nodes.
In those cases, it may be inefficient to convert the individual IDs in the pair to NodeCollections
to be passed to the Connect()
function, especially if there are thousands or millions of
pairs to connect.
To efficiently create connections in these cases, you can pass NumPy arrays to Connect()
This variant of Connect()
will create connections in a one-to-one fashion.
nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', 10) # Node IDs in the arrays must address existing nodes, but may occur multiple times. sources = np.array([1, 5, 7, 5], dtype=np.uint64) targets = np.array([2, 2, 4, 4], dtype=np.uint64) syn_spec = {'synapse_model': 'static_synapse'} nest.Connect(sources, targets, syn_spec=syn_spec)
The synapse model has to be specified. You can also specify weights, delays, and receptor type
for each connection as arrays. All arrays have to have lengths equal to those of sources
and targets
weights = np.array([0.5, 0.5, 2., 2.]) delays = np.array([1., 1., 2., 2.]) syn_spec = {'weight': weights, 'delay': delays, 'synapse_model': 'static_synapse'} nest.Connect(sources, targets, syn_spec=syn_spec)
Just like a NodeCollection is a container for node IDs, a SynapseCollection is a
container for connections. In NEST 3, when you call GetConnections()
SynapseCollection is returned. SynapseCollections support a lot of the same operations
as NodeCollections.
- :ref:`Indexing <conn_indexing>`
- :ref:`Iteration <conn_iterating>`
- :ref:`Slicing <conn_slicing>`
- :ref:`Getting the size <conn_size>`
- :ref:`Testing for equality <conn_testing_equality>`
- :ref:`Get connection parameters <conn_get>`
- :ref:`Set connection parameters <conn_set>`
- :ref:`Setting and getting attributes directly <conn_direct_attributes>`
- :ref:`Iterator of sources and targets <conn_s_t_iterator>`
.. seealso:: You can find a :doc:`full example <../../auto_examples/synapsecollection>` in our example network page.
- Printing
Printing a SynapseCollection produces a table of source and target node IDs
>>> nest.Connect(nodes[:2], nodes[:2]) >>> synColl = nest.GetConnections() >>> print(synColl) *--------*-------------* | source | 1, 1, 2, 2, | *--------*-------------* | target | 1, 2, 1, 2, | *--------*-------------*
- Indexing
Indexing returns a single connection SynapseCollection.
>>> print(synColl[1]) *--------*----* | source | 1, | *--------*----* | target | 9, | *--------*----*
- Iteration
A SynapseCollection can be iterated, yielding a single connection SynapseCollections.
>>> for conn in synColl: >>> print(conn.source) 1 1 2 2
- Slicing
A SynapseCollection can be sliced with
inside brackets>>> print(synColl[0:3:2]) *--------*-------* | source | 1, 2, | *--------*-------* | target | 1, 1, | *--------*-------*
- Getting the size
We can get the number of connections in the SynapseCollection with
>>> len(synColl) 4
- Test of equality
Two SynapseCollections can be tested for equality, i.e. that they contain the same connections.
>>> synColl == synColl True >>> synColl[:2] == synColl[2:] False
- Getting connection parameters
Just as with NodeCollection, you can get parameters of the connections with
. The same function arguments as for :ref:`NodeCollections get() <get_param>` apply here. The returned values also follow the same rules.If you call
without any arguments, a dictionary with all parameters is returned as a list if the number of connections is bigger than 1 and a single integer if number of connections is equal to 1.>>> synColl.get() {'delay': [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], 'port': [0, 1, 2, 3], 'receptor': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'sizeof': [32, 32, 32, 32], 'source': [1, 1, 2, 2], 'synapse_id': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'synapse_model': ['static_synapse', 'static_synapse', 'static_synapse', 'static_synapse'], 'target': [1, 2, 1, 2], 'target_thread': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'weight': [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]}
will return a list of parameter values, whileget([parameter_name_1, ... , parameter_name_n])
returns a dictionary with the values.>>> synColl.get('weight') [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
>>> synColl[2].get(['source', 'target']) {'source': 2, 'target': 1}
It is also possible to select an alternative output format with the
keyword. Currently it is possible to get the output in a json format, or a Pandas format (if Pandas is installed).
- Setting connection parameters
Likewise, you can set the parameters of connections in the SynapseCollection. Again the same rules as with
on NodeCollection applies, see :ref:`set_param` for more details.If you want to set several parameters at once, use
. You can use a single value, a list, or anest.Parameter
as values. If a single value is given, the value is set on all connections.>>> synColl.set({'weight': [1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0], 'delay': 2.0})
Updating a single parameter is done by calling
. Again you can use a single value, a list, or anest.Parameter
as value.>>> synColl.set(weight=3.7)
>>> synColl.set(weight=[4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5])
Note that some parameters, like source and target, cannot be set. The documentation of a specific model will point out which parameters can be set and which are read-only.
- Setting and getting attributes directly
You can also directly get and set parameters of your SynapseCollection
>>> synColl.weight = 5. >>> synColl.weight [5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0] >>> synColl.delay = [5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4] >>> synColl.delay [5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4]
If you use a list to set the parameter, the list needs to be the same length as the SynapseCollection.
- Iterator of sources and targets
returns an iterator over the source IDs or target IDs, respectively.>>> print([s*3 for s in synColl.sources()]) [3, 3, 6, 6]
NEST 3.0 introduces parameter objects, i.e., objects that represent values drawn from a random distribution or values based on various spatial node parameters. Parameters can be used to set node status, to create positions in space (see :ref:`Topology section <topo_changes>` below), and to define connection probabilities, weights and delays. The parameters can be combined in different ways, and they can be used with some mathematical functions that are provided by NEST.
The following parameters and functionalities are provided:
- :ref:`Random parameters <random_ex>`
- :ref:`Spatial parameters <spatial_ex>`
- :ref:`Spatially distributed parameters <distrib_ex>`
- :ref:`Mathematical functions <math_ex>`
- :ref:`Clipping, redrawing, and conditional parameters <logic>`
- :ref:`Combination of parameters <combine_ex>`
The random module contains random distributions that can be used to set node and connection parameters, as well as positions for spatially distributed nodes.
Parameter Description nest.random.uniform(min=0.0, max=1.0)Draws samples based on a uniform distribution. nest.random.normal(mean=0.0, std=1.0)Draws samples based on a normal distribution. nest.random.exponential(beta=1.0)Draws samples based on a exponential distribution. nest.random.lognormal(mean=0.0, std=1.0)Draws samples based on a lognormal distribution.
For every value to be generated, samples are drawn from a distribution. The distribution uses NEST's random number generator, and are therefore thread-safe. Note that arguments can be passed to each of the distributions above to control the parameters of the distribution.
n = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', 10000, {'V_m': nest.random.normal(mean=-60.0, std=10.0)})
node_ids = n.global_id
v_m = n.get('V_m')
fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(figsize=(12, 6),
[3, 1]},
ax[0].plot(node_ids, v_m, '.', alpha=0.5, ms=3.5)
ax[1].hist(v_m, bins=40, orientation='horizontal');
ax[1].set_xlabel('num. nodes');
The spatial module contains parameters related to spatial positions of the nodes.
To create spatially distributed nodes (see section on :ref:`spatially distributed nodes <topo_changes>` for more),
use nest.spatial.grid()
or nest.spatial.free
Parameter Description nest.spatial.grid(shape, center=None, extent=None, edge_wrap=False)Create spatially positioned nodes distributed on a grid with dimensions given by shape=[nx, ny(, nz)]. nest.spatial.free(pos, extent=None, edge_wrap=False, num_dimensions=None)Create spatially positioned nodes distributed freely in space with dimensions given by pos or num_dimensions. grid_nodes = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', positions=nest.spatial.grid(shape=[10, 8])) nest.PlotLayer(grid_nodes);
free_nodes = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', 100,
positions=nest.spatial.free(nest.random.uniform(min=0., max=10.),
After you have created your spatially distributed nodes, you can use spatial property to set node or connection parameters.
Parameter Description nest.spatial.pos.x nest.spatial.pos.y nest.spatial.pos.z Position of a neuron, on the x, y, and z axis.Can be used to set node properties, but not for connecting. nest.spatial.source_pos.x nest.spatial.source_pos.y nest.spatial.source_pos.z Position of the source neuron, on the x, y, and z axis.Can only be used when connecting. nest.spatial.target_pos.x nest.spatial.target_pos.y nest.spatial.target_pos.z Position of the target neuron, on the x, y, and z axis.Can only be used when connecting. nest.spatial.distance Distance between two nodes. Can only be used when connecting. nest.spatial.distance.x nest.spatial.distance.y nest.spatial.distance.z Distance on the x, y and z axis between the source and target neuron.Can only be used when connecting.These parameters represent positions of neurons or distances between two neurons. To set node parameters, only the node position can be used. The others can only be used when connecting.
positions = nest.spatial.free([[x, 0.5*x] for x in np.linspace(0, 1.0, 10000)]) spatial_nodes = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', positions=positions) parameter = -60 + nest.spatial.pos.x + (0.4 * nest.spatial.pos.x * nest.random.normal()) spatial_nodes.set({'V_m': parameter}) node_pos = np.array(nest.GetPosition(spatial_nodes)) node_pos[:,1] v_m = spatial_nodes.get('V_m'); fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(figsize=(12, 6)) ax.plot(node_pos[:,0], v_m, '.', ms=3.5) ax.set_xlabel('Node position on x-axis') ax.set_ylabel('V_m');![]()
NEST provides some functions to help create distributions based on for example the distance between two neurons.
The spatial_distributions module contains random distributions that take a spatial parameter as input and applies the distribution on the parameter. They are used for spatially distributed nodes.
Distribution function Arguments Function nest.spatial_distributions.exponential()
x,beta p(x) = e^{-\frac{x}{\beta}}nest.spatial_distributions.gaussian()
x,mean,std p(x) = e^{-\frac{(x-\text{mean})^2} {2\text{std}^2}}nest.spatial_distributions.gaussian2D()
x,y,mean_x,mean_y,std_x,std_y,rho p(x) = e^{-\frac{\frac{(x-\text{mean_x})^2} {\text{std_x}^2}+\frac{ (y-\text{mean_y})^2}{\text{std_y}^2}+2 \rho\frac{(x-\text{mean_x})(y-\text{mean_y})} {\text{std_x}\text{std_y}}} {2(1-\rho^2)}}nest.spatial_distributions.gamma()
x,kappa p(x) = \frac{x^{\kappa-1}e^{-\frac{x} {\theta}}}{\theta^\kappa\Gamma(\kappa)}
With these functions, you can recreate for example a Gaussian kernel as a parameter:
NEST 2.x NEST 3.0 kernel = {"gaussian": {"p_center": 1.0, "sigma": 1.0}} param = nest.spatial_distributions.gaussian( nest.spatial.distance, p_center=1.0, std_deviation=1.0)
N = 21
middle_node = N//2
positions = nest.spatial.free([[x, 0.] for x in np.linspace(0, 1.0, N)])
spatial_nodes = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', positions=positions)
parameter = nest.spatial_distributions.exponential(nest.spatial.distance, beta_Ca=0.15)
# Iterate connection to get statistical connection data
for _ in range(2000):
nest.Connect(spatial_nodes[middle_node], spatial_nodes,
conn_spec={'rule': 'pairwise_bernoulli',
'p': parameter})
targets = nest.GetConnections().get('target')
fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(figsize=(12, 6))
bars = ax.hist(targets, bins=N, edgecolor='black', linewidth=1.2)
pyplot.xticks(bars[1] + 0.5,np.arange(1, N+1))
ax.set_title('Connections from node with NodeID {}'.format(spatial_nodes[middle_node].get('global_id')))
ax.set_xlabel('Target NodeID')
ax.set_ylabel('Num. connections');
Parameter Description nest.random.exp(x) Calculates the exponential of a parameter nest.random.cos(x) Calculates the cosine of a parameter nest.random.sin(x) Calculates the sine of a parameter
The mathematical functions take a parameter object as argument, and return a new parameter which applies the mathematical function on the parameter given as argument.
positions = nest.spatial.free([[x, 0.5*x] for x in np.linspace(0, 1.0, 100)])
spatial_nodes = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', positions=positions)
parameter = -60 + nest.math.exp(nest.spatial.pos.x**4)
# Also available:
# - nest.math.sin()
# - nest.math.cos()
spatial_nodes.set({'V_m': parameter})
node_pos = np.array(nest.GetPosition(spatial_nodes))
v_m = spatial_nodes.get('V_m');
fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(figsize=(12, 6))
ax.plot(node_pos[:,0], v_m, '.', ms=6.5)
ax.set_xlabel('Node position on x-axis')
Parameter Description nest.math.min(x, value)If a value from the Parameter is above a threshold, the value is replaced with the value of the threshold. nest.math.max(x, value)If a value from the parameter is beneath a threshold, the value is replaced with the value of the threshold. nest.math.redraw(x, min, max)If a value from the parameter is outside of the limits given, the value is redrawn. Throws an error if a suitable value is not found after a certain number of redraws. nest.logic.conditional(x, val_true, val_false)Given a condition, yields one value or another based on if the condition evaluates to true or false.
Note that x
is a nest.Parameter
The nest.math.min()
and nest.math.max()
functions are used to clip
a parameter. Essentially they work like the standard min()
functions, nest.math.min()
yielding the smallest of two
values, and nest.math.max()
yielding the largest of two values.
# This yields values between 0.0 and 0.5, where values from the # distribution that are above 0.5 gets set to 0.5. nest.math.min(nest.random.uniform(), 0.5) # This yields values between 0.5 and 1.0, where values from the # distribution that are below 0.5 gets set to 0.5. nest.math.max(nest.random.uniform(), 0.5) # This yields values between 0.2 and 0.7, where values from the # distribution that are smaller than 0.2 or larger than 0.7 gets # redrawn from the distribution. nest.math.redraw(nest.random.uniform(), min=0.2, max=0.7)
The nest.logic.conditional()
function works like an if
statement. Three arguments are required:
- The first argument is a condition.
- The second argument is the resulting value or parameter evalued if the condition evaluates to true.
- The third argument is the resulting value or parameter evalued if the condition evaluates to false.
# A heaviside step function with uniformly distributed input values. nest.logic.conditional(nest.random.uniform(min=-1., max=1.) < 0., 0., 1.)
positions = nest.spatial.free([[x, 0.5*x] for x in np.linspace(0, 1.0, 50)])
spatial_nodes = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', positions=positions)
spatial_nodes.set(V_m=nest.logic.conditional(nest.spatial.pos.x < 0.5,
-55 + 10*nest.spatial.pos.x,
node_pos = np.array(nest.GetPosition(spatial_nodes))
v_m = spatial_nodes.get('V_m');
fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(figsize=(12, 6))
ax.plot(node_pos[:,0], v_m, 'o')
ax.set_xlabel('Node position on x-axis')
NEST parameters support the basic arithmetic operations. Two parameters
can be added together, subtracted, multiplied with each other, or one can
be divided by the other. They also support being raised to the power of a
number, but they can only be raised to the power of an integer or a
floating point number. Parameters can therefore be combined in almost any
way. In fact the distribution functions in nest.spatial_distributions
are just
arithmetic expressions defined in Python.
Some examples:
# A uniform distribution yielding values in the range (-44., -64.). p = -54. + nest.random.uniform(min=-10., max=10) # Two random distributions combined, with shifted center. p = 1.0 + 2 * nest.random.exponential() * nest.random.normal() # The node position on the x-axis, combined with a noisy y-axis component. p = nest.spatial.pos.x + (0.4 * nest.spatial.pos.y * nest.random.normal()) # The quadratic distance between two nodes, with a noisy distance component. p = nest.spatial.distance**2 + 0.4 * nest.random.uniform() * nest.spatial.distance
Using parameters makes it easy to set node properties
NEST 2.x NEST 3.0 for gid in nrns: v_m = numpy.random.uniform(-20., 20.) nest.SetStatus([node_id], {'V_m': V_m}) nrns.V_m=nest.random.uniform(-20., 20)
- Consistently use term synapse_model throughout:
As all PyNEST functions that used to take the list returned by
now use the NodeCollection returned byCreate
, there shouldn't be too many changes on the PyNEST level. One important change though, is that we now usesynapse_model
throughout to reference the synapse model.Most importantly, this will change your
call, where instead of passing the synapse model with themodel
key, you should now use thesynapse_model
key.>>> nrns = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', 3) >>> nest.Connect(nrns, nrns, 'one_to_one', syn_spec={'synapse_model': 'stdp_synapse'})
used to return an entry calledsynapsemodel
. It now returns and entry calledsynapse_model
.- Use allow_offgrid_times throughout:
- In the model
, the parameterallow_offgrid_spikes
is renamedallow_offgrid_times
for consistency with other models. - Use unit ms instead of number of simulation steps:
- The
now has the unit ms instead of number of simulation steps.
- All topology functions are now part of
and notnest.topology
- You can use the
functions for spatial networks, same as you would for non-spatial network - All former topology functions that used to take a layer ID, now take a NodeCollection
- All former topology functions that used to return node/layer IDs now return a NodeCollection
See the reference section :ref:`topo_ref` in our conversion guide for all changes made to functions
All of the functionality of Topology has been moved to the standard
functions. In fact, there is no longer a Topology module in PyNEST. The
functions for creating spatially arranged neuronal networks are now in the nest
Creating spatially distributed nodes is now handled by with the standard nest.Create()
Arguments of node creation have also been changed to make creating
populations with and without spatial information more unified. To create
nodes with spatial positions, nest.Create()
must be provided with the
spatial_nodes = nest.Create(model, positions=spatial_data)
where spatial_data
can be one of the following
This creates nodes on a grid, with a prescribed number of rows and columns, and, if specified, an extent and center. It can be easier to think of the grid as being defined by number of elements in x-direction and y-direction instead of thinking of rows and columns. Some example grid spatial nodes specifications:
nest.spatial.grid(shape=[5, 4], extent=[2., 3.]) # 5x4 grid in a 2x3 square nest.spatial.grid(shape=[4, 5], center=[1., 1.]) # 4x5 grid in the default 1x1 square, with shifted center nest.spatial.grid(shape=[4, 5], edge_wrap=True) # 4x5 grid with periodic boundary conditions nest.spatial.grid(shape=[2, 3, 4]) # 3D 2x3x4 grid
This creates nodes positioned freely in space. The first argument to
can either be a NEST parameter that generates the positions, or an explicit list of positions. Some example free spatial nodes specifications:nest.spatial.free([[5., 1.], [4., 2.], [3., 3.]]) # Three nodes with explicit positions nest.spatial.free(nest.random.lognormal(), # Positions generated from a lognormal distribution num_dimensions=2) # in 2D nest.spatial.free(nest.random.uniform(), # Positions generated from a uniform distribution num_dimensions=3, # in 3D edge_wrap=True) # with periodic boundary conditions
Note the following
For positions generated from NEST parameters, the number of neurons has to be provided in
.The extent is calculated from the positions of the nodes, but can be set explicitly.
If possible, NEST tries to deduce the number of dimensions. But if the positions are generated from NEST parameters, and there is no extent defined, the number of dimensions has to be provided.
spatial_nodes = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', n=5, positions=nest.spatial.free(nest.random.uniform(), num_dimensions=3))
Spatially positioned nodes are no longer subnets, as subnets have been removed, but are rather NodeCollections with metadata. These NodeCollections behave as normal NodeCollections with two exceptions:
- They cannot be merged, as concatenating NodeCollections with metadata is not allowed.
- When setting the status of nodes and connecting spatially distributed NodeCollections you can use spatial information as parameters.
The second point means that we can use masks and position dependent parameters when connecting, and it is possible to set parameters of nodes based on their positions. We can for example set the membrane potential to a value based on the nodes' position on the x-axis:
snodes = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', 10 positions=nest.spatial.free( nest.random.uniform(min=-10., max=10.), num_dimensions=2)) snodes.set('V_m', -60. + nest.spatial.pos.x)
- Composite layers:
It is no longer possible to create composite layers, i.e. layers with multiple nodes in each position. To reproduce this, we now create multiple spatially distributed NodeCollections.
NEST 2.x NEST 3.0 l = tp.CreateLayer( {'rows': 1, 'columns': 2, 'elements': ['iaf_cond_alpha', 'poisson_generator']}) Use l when connecting, setting parameters etc.
sn_iaf = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha' positions=nest.spatial.grid( shape=[2, 1])) sn_poi = nest.Create('poisson_generator', positions=nest.spatial.grid( shape=[3, 1])) Use sn_iaf and sn_poi when connecting, setting parameters etc.
To retrieve the spatial information from your nodes, spatially structured NodeCollections have
a .spatial
parameter that will retrieve all spatial information as a dictionary.
>>> spatial_nodes.spatial
{'center': (0.41717460937798023, 0.3541409997269511, 0.5058779059909284),
'edge_wrap': False,
'extent': (0.6786768797785043, 0.4196595948189497, 0.8852582329884171),
'network_size': 5,
'positions': ((0.1951471883803606, 0.24431120231747627, 0.5770208276808262),
(0.34431440755724907, 0.46397079713642597, 0.8201442817226052),
(0.17783616948872805, 0.4038907829672098, 0.16324878949671984),
(0.3796140942722559, 0.2643292499706149, 0.848507022485137),
(0.6565130492672324, 0.38219101540744305, 0.4020354822278023))}
Note that if you have specified your positions as a NEST parameter, NEST will convert that
to a list with lists, and this is what you will get when calling .spatial
Similar to creating nodes with spatial distributions, connecting is now done with the
standard nest.Connect()
function. Connecting NodeCollections with
spatial data is no different from connecting NodeCollections without
metadata. In a layer-connection context, moving to the standard
function brings with it some notable changes:
Convergent and divergent specification of connection is removed, or rather renamed. See table below.
NEST 2.x
NEST 3.0
here refers to whether the mask and connection probability should be applied to the source neuron or the target neuron. This is only required forpairwise_bernoulli
, asfixed_indegree
implicitly states if we are using the source or target nodes.The connection probability specification
is renamed top
to fit withpairwise_bernoulli
, and is only possible for the connection rules in the table above.Using a
is only possible with the connection rules in the table above.
A grid layer connected with Gaussian distance dependent connection probability and rectangular mask on the target layer:
NEST 2.x NEST 3.0 l = tp.CreateLayer( {'columns': nc, 'rows': nr, 'elements': 'iaf_psc_alpha', 'extent': [2., 2.]}) conn_dict = {'connection_type': 'divergent', 'kernel': {'gaussian': {'p_center': 1., 'sigma': 1.}}, 'mask': {'rectangular': {'lower_left': [-0.5, -0.5], 'upper_right': [0.5, 0.5]}}} nest.ConnectLayers(l, l, conn_dict) l = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', positions=nest.spatial.grid( shape=[nc, nr], extent=[2., 2.])) conn_dict = {'rule': 'pairwise_bernoulli', 'p': nest.spatial_distributions.gaussian( nest.spatial.distance, std=1.), 'mask': {'rectangular': {'lower_left': [-0.5, -0.5], 'upper_right': [0.5, 0.5]}}} nest.Connect(l, l, conn_dict)
A free layer with uniformly distributed positions, connected with fixed number of outgoing connections, linear distance dependent connection probability and delay, and random weights from a normal distribution:
NEST 2.x NEST 3.0 import numpy as np pos = [[np.random.uniform(-1., 1.), np.random.uniform(-1., 1.)] for j in range(1000)] l = tp.CreateLayer({'positions': pos, 'extent': [2., 2.], 'elements': 'iaf_psc_alpha'}) conn_dict = {'connection_type': 'divergent', 'number_of_connections': 50, 'kernel': {'linear': {'a': -0.5, 'c': 1.}}, 'weights': {'normal': {'mean': 0.0, 'sigma': 1.0}}, 'delays': {'linear': {'a': 1.5, 'c': 0.}}, 'allow_multapses': True, 'allow_autapses': False} tp.ConnectLayers(l, l, conn_dict) pos = nest.spatial.free(nest.random.uniform(-1., 1.), num_dimensions=2) l = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', 1000, positions=pos) conn_dict = {'rule': 'fixed_outdegree', 'outdegree': 50, 'p': 1. - 0.5*nest.spatial.distance, 'weight': nest.random.normal(mean=0., std=1.), 'delay': 1.5*nest.spatial.distance, 'multapses': True, 'autapses': False} nest.Connect(l, l, conn_dict)
In NEST 2.x, all recording modalities (i.e. screen, memory, and files) were handled by a single C++ class. Due to the many different responsibilities and the resulting complexity of this class, extending and maintaining it was rather burdensome.
With NEST 3.0 we replaced this single class by an extensible and modular infrastructure for handling recordings: each modality is now taken care of by a specific recording backend and each recorder can use one of them to handle its data.
NEST 3.0 supports the same recording backends for all modalities as in NEST 2.x. If compiled with support for SIONlib, an additional backend for writing binary files in parallel becomes available. This is especially useful on large clusters and supercomputers.
In NEST 2.x, the recording modality was selected by either providing a list of modalities to the record_to property, or by setting one or more of the flags to_file, to_memory, or to_screen to True.
In NEST 3.0, the individual flags are gone, and the record_to property now expects the name of the backend you want to use. Recording to multiple modalities from a single device is no longer possible. Individual devices have to be created and configured if this functionality is needed.
The following examples assume that the variable mm points to a
instance, i.e., mm = nest.Create('multimeter')
was executed.
NEST 2.x NEST 3.0 nest.SetStatus(mm, {'record_to': ["file"]}) nest.SetStatus(mm, {'record_to': ["screen"]}) nest.SetStatus(mm, {'record_to': ["memory"]}) mm.record_to = "ascii" mm.record_to = "screen" mm.record_to = "memory" nest.SetStatus(mm, {'to_file': True}) nest.SetStatus(mm, {'to_screen': True}) nest.SetStatus(mm, {'to_memory': True}) mm.record_to = "ascii" mm.record_to = "screen" mm.record_to = "memory"
You can retrieve the list of available backends using the following command:
Previously, the content and formatting of any output created by a recording device could be configured in a fine-grained fashion using flags like withgid, withtime, withweight, withport and so on. In many cases, this, however, lead to a confusing variety of possible interpretations of data columns for the resulting output.
As storage space is usually not a concern nowadays, the new infrastructure does not have this plethora of options, but rather always writes all available data. In addition, most backends now write the name of the recorded variable for each column as a descriptive meta-data header prior to writing any data.
The accumulator_mode of the multimeter
has been dropped, as it
was not used by anyone to the best of our knowledge and supporting it
made the code more complex and prone to errors. In case of high user
demand, the functionality will be re-added in form of a recording
All details about the new infrastructure can be found in the guide on :doc:`recording from simulations <recording_from_simulations>`.
Subnets are gone. Instead NodeCollections should be used to organize neurons.
NEST 2.x NEST 3.0 net = nest.LayoutNetwork(model, dim) nrns = nest.GetLeaves(net)[0] nrns = nest.Create(model, dim)
Printing the network as a tree of subnets is no longer possible. The
function has been replaced with PrintNodes()
, which
prints ID ranges and model names of the nodes in the network.
NEST 2.x NEST 3.0 >>> nest.PrintNetwork(depth=2, subnet=None) [0] root dim=[15] [1]...[10] iaf_psc_alpha [11]...[15] iaf_psc_exp >>> nest.PrintNodes() 1 .. 10 iaf_psc_alpha 11 .. 15 iaf_psc_exp
With NEST 3.0, some models have been removed. They all have alternative models that can be used instead.
Removed model Replacement model iaf_neuron iaf_psc_alpha aeif_cond_alpha_RK5 aeif_cond_alpha iaf_psc_alpha_presc iaf_psc_alpha_ps iaf_psc_delta_canon iaf_psc_delta_ps subnet no longer needed, use NodeCollection instead
Furthermore, the model iaf_tum_2000 has been renamed to iaf_psc_exp_htum. iaf_psc_exp_htum is the exact same model as iaf_tum_2000, it has just been renamed to match NEST's naming conventions.
Some functions have also been removed. The removed functions where either related to subnets, or they can be replaced by using other functions with indexing into a NodeCollection. The removed functions are (see also :doc:`../ref_material/nest2_vs_3` for a full list of functions that have changed):
- BeginSubnet
- ChangeSubnet
- CurrentSubnet
- DataConnect
- DisconnectOneToOne
- EndSubnet
- GetChildren
- GetElement
- GetLayer
- GetLeaves
- GetLID
- GetNetwork
- LayoutNetwork
- ResetNetwork
- RestoreNodes (have never existed on PyNEST level, it was just a SLI function)