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Completion command

Kenneth Auchenberg edited this page Nov 2, 2019 · 7 revisions

Stripe CLI supports autocompletion for macOS and Linux to make it easier for you to use the right commands with th e CLI.

You set started by setting up autocompletion by running stripe completion and depending on your platform and shell the relevant instructions are show to you.


Running stripe completion will generate a stripe-completion.zsh file, which you'll need to either source this file or move it to zsh's autocomplete folder.

To source, run: source stripe-completion.zsh. To load automatically, move to zsh's autocomplete directory: mv stripe-completion.zsh %s


Running stripe completion will generate a stripe-completion.bash file, which you'll need to either source this file or move it to Bash's autocomplete folder.

To source, run: source stripe-completion.bash. To load automatically, move to bash's autocomplete directory: mv stripe-completion.bash %s


		if == "zsh" {
			return rootCmd.GenZshCompletionFile("stripe-completion.zsh")
			fileName := "stripe-completion.zsh"
			fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Generating zsh completion file in: %s", ansi.Bold(fileName)))
			fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("To source, run: `source %s`", fileName))
			fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("To load automatically, move to zsh's autocomplete directory: `mv %s %s`", fileName, installDirectory[userOS]["zsh"]))
			return rootCmd.GenZshCompletionFile(fileName)
		return rootCmd.GenBashCompletionFile("stripe-completion.bash")

		fileName := "stripe-completion.bash"
		fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Generating bash completion file in: %s", ansi.Bold(fileName)))
		fmt.Println("You'll need to either source this file or move it to bash's autocomplete folder.")
		fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("To source, run: `source %s`", fileName))
		fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("To load automatically, move to bash's autocomplete directory: `mv %s %s`", fileName, installDirectory[userOS]["bash"]))
		return rootCmd.GenBashCompletionFile(fileName)


Windows is currently not supported.