Releases: swagger-api/swagger-ui
Swagger-ui 2.1.1 has been released!
Minor features and helpful bug fixes have been addressed in this release.
Notable Features
All the goodness of swagger-js-2.1.2
#1343, #1402, #1448 allow override of authorization headers with operation parameters
#1093 support for relative references
#830 fix for XSS
#1324 oauth2 fixes, client secret support
Notable bug fixes
#1397, #1447 addressed asCurl
#1152 fixed bug with 1.2 model properties being shown as optional
#1394 IE11 default value fixed
#966 fixed boolean parameter handling
Swagger-UI 2.1.0 Released!
This is the first formal release of swagger-ui with 2.0 spec support. Many thanks to the community for furthering the development of swagger!
Usage notes
Initialization of swagger-ui should be consistent with previous 2.1.x-M versions.
Major changes
With the updated swagger-js, swagger-ui now supports relative references, yaml, and composition support. Please see the swagger-js release notes. In addition to updates to the features to support swagger spec 2.0, the UI does not need to be globally referenced, which means you can deploy multiple instances in a single page.
Notable features
- Passing options to Operation#execute: 4764d33, c84202c
- Proper support for array parameters af39ae0
- Add API-Key to onComplete callback #1170
- Correct handling of empty (201) responses #1173
- Improved handling of enum types #391, #1113
- Support for multiple instances #1086
- Display request headers for sent requests #693
- Added tags for 508 compliance #1021
- Show cUrl output for “try it now” functionality #1315
Notable bug fixes
- Protocol detected from
if not specified e127bf3 - OAuth settings correctly set e127bf3, #1134
- Apply authorizations after UI is loaded 44f2005, #1160
- JS Error on file upload with jQuery #1132
- Responses with type text/plain were not correctly displayed #1109
- Fixed handling for boolean types #1191
- Improved handling of empty/missing content-type header in downloaded responses #1122
- HTTP Basic Auth support regression #1171
- Fixed parameter sorting in UI #1280
- Fixed XSS vulnerability #1262
Swagger-UI 2.1.0-M2 Released!
This is a major overhaul of Swagger-UI internals. Many thanks to @mohsen1 (via @apigee) for driving this release which includes both feature work for Swagger spec 2.0 support as well as infrastructure changes to make the project both easier to enhance and maintain. Without this support, the release would not have been possible.
In 2.1.0-M2, we have moved from coffeescript to pure javascript (#961, #1027). We have also moved to gulp for building and Swagger-UI is now AMD-compliant. Much of the Swagger-UI work is delegated to the Swagger-JS project.
Usage notes
As with swagger-js, there are major internal changes in the handling of 1.x Swagger specifications. Now, all 1.x specifications are converted to 2.0, which means multiple base paths are no longer supported in Swagger UI. Please see the Swagger-JS release notes for more details.
Notable enhancements
#152, #498, #600 Rich response types supported, including image, audio, and download.
#199, #222, #902, #955 support for multiple instances in a single page
#618 examples for 2.0 specs now shown in sample area
#573 pass documentation location in URL for easier sharing
#463 improved model samples with deep hierarchy
#362 improved loading speed by > 1000x
#359 improved build process, now fully platform independent
#781 removed global variables
#777 refactored into single library
#683 added externalDocs into UI
#672 display enum values in models
#621, #1078 remote references for operations, responses
#1057 markdown rendering of descriptions
Notable bug fixes
#524 state parameter passed in oauth2 requests
#554 fixed allowable values (enum) in parameters
#858, #802 reserved words as tag names are now gracefully handled
#696 proper sorting of response codes
#994 /
in tags breaking shebang
There are some unimplemented features of the swagger 2.0 specification in this release. Please see the Milestones and Issues for the final 2.1.0 release.
Swagger-UI v2.1.8-M1 Released!
Several minor fixes and a big upgrade to support remote spec definitions! Read more about what's supported in the Swagger Spec.
New features
Issues addressed
Swagger-UI v2.1.1-M1 Released!
The Swagger team is proud to announce the M1 release of three of our main libraries and tools: swagger-js, swagger-ui and swagger-core. All release provide official initial support for Swagger 2.0’s main features. The missing features will be added in the next milestone releases until the final release is available.
In order to better improve these libraries and tools, we ask that you start using them and provide us with feedback in form of issues on the github repository. The issues are a huge help in finding what’s missing or not working properly (though note some issues are already submitted). We would also appreciate any PRs that improve existing or new tickets.
These releases could not have happened without the intensive support of the Swagger community. Each of the projects had a few PRs that really helped us push these projects forward!
Be aware that the release notes contain the notable changes, but there may some changes that we missed in the list.
Notable Features:
- Available on
- First official milestone release of Swagger 2.0 support. Backwards compatible with Swagger 1.2.
- Upgrade third library dependencies.
- Updated to swagger-js 2.1.1-M1
- Move to Gulp as the build tool.
- Swagger-UI can now load Swagger 2.0 specs if they are defined inline without loading from a remote server.
- Improved testing framework with selenium
- Improved possible security issues (such as XSS).
- Added support for GFM where applicable for Swagger 2.0 specs.
- Modified the responses section to accommodate Swagger 2.0 changes.
- New OAuth2 Access Code flow support.
- Hovering over properties now shows the validation constraints.
- Please note that 2.1.1-M1 lives in Master
Notable Bug Fixes:
- Issue with IE Compatibility view (#859)
- Issue with supportedSubmitMethods() returning null (#856)
- Issue with defaultValue not being filled (#855)
- Issue with deprecated operations (#852)
- Issue with formData parameters (#838)
- Please see the milestones page for unimplemented features (