Releases: tangle-network/dapp
Releases · tangle-network/dapp
[0.0.8] @webb-tools/faucet
[0.0.8] - 2023-09-20
- Update new deployment
[1.0.2] @webb-tools/bridge-dapp
[1.0.2] - 2023-09-20
Fixed, Changed and Added
- Adding SEO for Hubble Bridge
- New Orbit & Tangle bridge deployment
[0.0.15] @webb-tools/stats-dapp
[0.0.15] - 2023-09-19
Fixed, Changed and Added
- UI improvements
- Unifying backend to
[0.0.2] @webb-tools/hubble-stats
[0.0.2] - 2023-09-19
Chaged, Added and Fixed
- Fix Bugs in Pool Wrapping Table
- Add TVL change rate + Add Explorer Urls
- Fix Hubble Stats Theme Flickering
[0.0.7] @webb-tools/faucet
[0.0.7] - 2023-09-19
- Unifying background to webb-ui-kit
[1.0.1] @webb-tools/bridge-dapp
[1.0.1] - 2023-09-19
Fixed, Changed and Added
- UI improvements
- Leaf Index Checking & Relayer State
- Adopt use-query-params Hook, Eliminate Excessive useEffect for Default State Handling
- Fix Invalid BigNumber String on Tranfer flow
[0.0.14] @webb-tools/stats-dapp
[0.0.1] @webb-tools/hubble-stats
[0.0.1] - 2023-09-09
- Initial release of the Hubble Stats app
- Include the overview page of the Hubble Bridge system
- Include the pool detail page
[1.0.0] @webb-tools/bridge-dapp
[1.0.0] - 2023-09-09
Fixed, Changed and Added
- Release new Hubble Bridge UI
- Custom the relayer enpoint
- Inputs sync with the URL
- User interaction without wallet connected
- New complete transaction flow with modal
- Refund feature on the transfer flow
- Leaf index validation with edge data on chain on withdraw and transfer flow
[0.0.13] @webb-tools/stats-dapp
[0.0.13] - 2023-09-02
Fixed, Changed and Added
- Adds proposal hooks in stats-dapp to fetch batched proposals (#1511)
- Adds proposal table, proposal status container, fixes theme toggle and dropdown issue (#1525)
- Adds Proposal Details Page to stats-dapp (#1549)
- Stats dApp Fixes: footer, compressed key flex & proposal detail page color (#1554)
- Use PolkadotAPI to show live chain data and Bug fixes in stats-dapp (#1566)
- Stats dApp fixes and adds rotated key status to key timeline (#1576)