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Migrate AutoAugment and RandAugment to TensorFlow Addons. #1226

dynamicwebpaige opened this issue Mar 5, 2020 · 63 comments

Migrate AutoAugment and RandAugment to TensorFlow Addons. #1226

dynamicwebpaige opened this issue Mar 5, 2020 · 63 comments
Feature Request help wanted Needs help as a contribution image


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Describe the feature and the current behavior/state.
RandAugment and AutoAugment are both policies for enhanced image preprocessing that are included in EfficientNet, but are still using tf.contrib.

The only tf.contrib image operations that they use, however, are rotate, translate and transform - all of which have been included in TensorFlow Addons.

Relevant information

  • Are you willing to contribute it (yes/no):
    No, but am hoping that someone from the community will pick it up (potentially a Google Summer of Code student)?

  • Are you willing to maintain it going forward? (yes/no):

  • Is there a relevant academic paper? (if so, where):
    AutoAugment Reference:
    RandAugment Reference:

  • Is there already an implementation in another framework? (if so, where):
    See link above; this would be a standard migration from tf.contrib.

  • Was it part of tf.contrib? (if so, where):

Which API type would this fall under (layer, metric, optimizer, etc.)

Who will benefit with this feature?
Anyone doing image preprocessing, especially for EfficientNet.

@seanpmorgan seanpmorgan added Feature Request help wanted Needs help as a contribution image labels Mar 5, 2020
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bhack commented Mar 5, 2020

For the Gsoc probably we need to think more generally about preprocessing.
We have still numpy based operations in
Also It needs to be investigated if there will be any integration between AutoAugment/Autokeras.

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For the Gsoc probably we need to think more generally about preprocessing.
We have still numpy based operations in

@bhack can you please elaborate more on what you mean by this. Thanks

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bhack commented Mar 5, 2020

Many images operations in Keras are still not in addons or in tf.image but numpy implemented:
Other image operations are going in TF.IO or
I think that we need to unify image processing so that eventually ops could benefit from the compiler stack soon or later (MLIR & friends).

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bhack commented Mar 5, 2020

Also about AutoKeras can the policy be handled by Autokeras so that autoaugment could be used more generally in other projects/experiments with Autokeras+keras_preprocessing instead of being embedded in Efficientnet?

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abhichou4 commented Mar 5, 2020

Also about AutoKeras can the policy be handled by Autokeras so that autoaugment could be used more generally in other projects/experiments with Autokeras+keras_preprocessing instead of being embedded in Efficientnet?

I don't think AutoKeras handles policies as such. And if policies are just series of operations we could store them maybe as named tuples. A parser (for the lack of a better word) could then return a ImageAugmentation object using a policy. The methods of this class could use Keras preprocessing, tf.image etc. Seems messy. Is this better than porting already implemented image ops in tfa.image?

We could train models with various policies using this as proof of concept.

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bhack commented Mar 5, 2020

AutoKeras was "recently" already integrated with keras preprocessing
I agree that probably we can investigate what is needed to expand over Autoaugment (or other kind of) policies.
But I think that in AutoAugmentation is also important to have ops that could benefit maximum performance (also in scheduling) cause you will not do these operations offline.

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I'm interested in it and I have benefited a lot from AutoAugment.

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seanpmorgan commented Mar 10, 2020

So while looking at how AutoKeras is handling hyperparameter containers, at first glance it seems like a suitable replacement for Hparams:

We initially decided not to move HParams when we left tf.contrib (even though its convient and works very well) since we didn't want to diverge from officially support APIs.

Adding KerasTuner as a dependency has its own challenges, but I'm wondering if there is a better way to align with the eco-system though using it.

@omalleyt12 @gabrieldemarmiesse Do you have any thoughts about use re-using KerasTuner's HyperParameter object (likely overkill for whats needed in AutoAugment). Or just general thoughts on how AutoAugment in addons fits with the KerasTuner and Keras Preprocessing advances?

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bhack commented Mar 11, 2020

We still have also AutoAugment variant policy in

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Should these augmentations be added as part of a submodule in addons?

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bhack commented Mar 11, 2020

I don't know. Probably.. It had its own sub "library" for augmentation 😄
It is quite standard to find fragmentation under google-research repos.

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bhack commented Mar 11, 2020

/cc @carlini

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carlini commented Mar 11, 2020

The remixmatch repository is intended to faithfully reproduce the the experiments of the corresponding ICLR'20 paper. We do not intend for this repository to be the source of truth for any particular implementation.

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@seanpmorgan I don't think that we should depend on Keras-Tuner, except when implementing papers where the end result is a hyperparameter search algorithm.

For papers that use a search algorithm to produce a result, like AutoAugment and RandAugment, we should hardcode the final numbers here and here and make sure our API/architecture is modular enough for other people to plug it into an hyperparameter search algorithm.

In short, let's make it easy for users to change those values, it's up to them to plug our API in keras-tuner if they want.

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bhack commented Mar 16, 2020

@gabrieldemarmiesse What do you think about Remixmatch AutoAugment variant that learns the policy on training?

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@bhack could you expand? I'm not sure I understand your question.

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bhack commented Mar 16, 2020

@gabrieldemarmiesse I meant how we could generally organize policies as I think that with just a first AutoAugment variant I think we would organize polices a little bit.

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carlini commented Mar 16, 2020

ReMixMatch's augment policy (CTA) is slightly different from standard augmentation policies because it requires to integrate it with the training loop. At every minibatch step, the policy needs to be "trained" with a second minibatch of examples so that it can determine the magnitude of perturbations that are allowed.

cc @david-berthelot

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bhack commented Mar 16, 2020

Yes we need to consider also but it seems to me it doesn't introduce new augmentation policies.

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bhack commented Mar 17, 2020

AutoAugment is also (is it just a copy?) in today released EfficientDet
We really need a place, like this one, to handle an official AutoAugment extendible API. 😄

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carlini commented Mar 18, 2020

Fixmatch uses the same augmentations as ReMixMatch.

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bhack commented Mar 18, 2020

Thank you for the FixMatch confirmation. Instead I see that @mingxingtan in EfficientDet added some extra AutoAugmentations

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vinayvr11 commented Mar 18, 2020

Hello i want to work on this i am applying for this year GSOC. So did all of the operations are present in Tensorflow Addons. Or we need to create them from scratch.

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bhack commented Mar 18, 2020

@vinayvr11 There is an inital PR at #1275.
If you can start contribute some ops with PR before be evalauted for GSOC It is better.
Please open a ticket and mention @abhichou4 to not overlap with him before you start.

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I'll make an issue regarding this, listing all image ops to add. We can also discuss how they can be handled more generally in tfa.image.

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Ok thank you @bhack.

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Hello @bhack could you please help me to find out some more issues in Tensorflow Addons or tf.image() so that i can mention them in GSOC.
Thank you

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bhack commented Mar 21, 2020

@vinayvr11 these are general hints for every studen.
I suppose that all the image ops and bboxs ops the we have listed from the sparse repositoriees plus the design of an augmentation policy API to porting the policies of the relative repositories that we have mentioned could be enough for a proposal.
There are also some colorspace conversions that I mentioned if you want to expand the ops coverave and there are also some operations in Mediapipe calculators that could be interesting to see if could be covered in addon.
For all the applicants I suggested to study a little bit the policy papers that we have mentioned and the relative repositories to try to make a credibile estimation of the amount of work and figure out a timeline in the proposal.
Having a credibile roadmap in the proposal is a positive evaluation point for the Mentor to figure out that you have really understand the nature of the work that needs to be done in the GSOC.

I suggest you also to partially go ahead, as you can, with PR so that they have a valid sample of your coding. I.e. If possibile take an operator that it Is not already already expressed in Tensorflow (i.e. Numpy/PIL) in these referenced repositories so that Mentors could have a feedback about Tensorflow coding ability other than porting.

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Thank you very much for this @bhack. Actually i also found some loss functions and optimizers that are listed in tf.contrib but not in Tensorflow 2.x so can i also mention them in proposal.

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@bhack : could you please review my proposal this will be a great help for me

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bhack commented Mar 21, 2020

@vinayvr11 See @dynamicwebpaige Best Practice on how to collect a feedback.

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bhack commented Mar 22, 2020

@dynamicwebpaige I don't know how many slots we could have on similar tasks at GSOC but another related "proxy task" could be image text augmentation like CVPR 2020

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@bhack @vinayvr11 please keep this thread focused on autoaugment and randaugment. Feel free to use direct messages or to open new issues if you think the topic changed. Having an issue with 40+ messages make the life of the maintainers quite hard.

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bhack commented Mar 22, 2020

@gabrieldemarmiesse probably was better to open a Gitter channel dedicated to Gsoc other than Gitter addons for this kind of threads to not force ISSUES to go off-topic. Google doesn't official support any realtime chat channel and If you see the Google Summer of code Tensorflow page still points to (you find also off-topic Gsoc issue there).
That repo is mainly used for official RFC also if there Is not a real policy for that repo for ISSUES.
Also IHMO this ISSUE Is quite special, cause involved GSOC in the description and started wtih a very partial overview for a GSOC proposal related to image transformations and polcies. As we have seen just refencing some other repos quickly emergerd the fragmentation of independet Google teams working on this topic.
I think here we are more interested about a general approach to the transformation and policies and IHMO it Is a better target for a GSOC proposal to have a complete overivew other then porting code.
So this moved forward a more general discussion.
For the operations as you seen we have already independent tickets and PR in addons to track the work.

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bhack commented Apr 3, 2020

How we are going to coordinate with image processing that is landing in

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bhack commented Apr 3, 2020

E.g. @haifeng-jin is using that operations in autokeras.

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bhack commented Apr 4, 2020

/cc @tanzhenyu as from Git blame is working on the image_preprocessing ops in Keras.

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image preprocessing ops only contain basic operations like rotate and translate, it doesn't have all the 'advanced' ops like blend, bbox, or augment.
That said, it might be good to have a standalone repo like keras-image with useful layers / utils that relies on tfa.image?

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bhack commented Apr 4, 2020

I think we need to de-duplicate code as possible not just cause It Is a waste of time but also cause It Is confusing for newcomers (users and candidate contributors).
I.e. If we collect image ops here in TFA i suppose that the natural upstream Is tf.image as in our migration to core process documentation.
What about the mentioned policies in this thread? Are these in the addons perimeter? Or in the Keras standalone perimeter? Or in keras-team/autokeras@49281da?

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tanzhenyu commented Apr 4, 2020

I think we need to de-duplicate code as possible not just cause It Is a waste of time but also cause It Is confusing for newcomers (users and candidate contributors).
I.e. If we collect image ops here in TFA i suppose that the natural upstream Is tf.image as in our migration to core process documentation.
What about the mentioned policies in this thread? Are these in the addons perimeter? Or in the Keras standalone perimeter? Or in keras-team/autokeras@49281da?

Why upstream? Sounds like tfa.image is a complimentary suite of tf.image?

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bhack commented Apr 4, 2020

I meant as TF Addons Is historically the fusion of Tensor contrib comunity and keras-contrib comunity we have two official upstream promotion paths as you can see in point 3.
So if we all agree to add new image operation in tfa this mean that the natural promotion path Is tf.image not Keras.
Then there Is the second point that we mentioned in this thread. What about autoaugmentation policies API? Is in TF addon and could be candidate upstream in Keras? Is in Autokeras? Is It in experimental Keras?

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I meant as TF Addons Is historically the fusion of Tensor contrib comunity and keras-contrib comunity we have two official upstream promotion paths as you can see in point 3.
So if we all agree to add new image operation in tfa this mean that the natural promotion path Is tf.image not Keras.
Then there Is the second point that we mentioned in this thread. What about autoaugmentation policies API? Is in TF addon and could be candidate upstream in Keras? Is in Autokeras? Is It in experimental Keras?

I agree with @gabrieldemarmiesse, tfa shouldn't rely on Keras-tuner and include learnable policies. It could just be hard-coded. For autoaugmentation policies API it seems a keras-image repo (which will rely on both tfa.image and Keras-tuner, and AutoKeras can rely on that) would be better fit IMHO.

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bhack commented Apr 4, 2020

I think that we need to discuss this a little bit cause we need to clarify also what Is the difference contributing in keras.experimental and in TF Addons also to route Gsoc students, contributors etc and to not sparsify implementations on multiple repos also cause currently It Is hard to have a monthly overview across the Tensorflow/Keras ecosystems.

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I think that we need to discuss this a little bit cause we need to clarify also what Is the difference contributing in keras.experimental and in TF Addons also to route Gsoc students, contributors etc and to not sparsify implementations on multiple repos also cause currently It Is hard to have a monthly overview across the Tensorflow/Keras ecosystems.

Yep we definitely need this to be modular and architectural. I will attend the next meeting

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bhack commented Apr 4, 2020

Yep we definitely need this to be modular and architectural. I will attend the next meeting

We need to involve somebody from the google-research repo to be sure that Google's internal polices will not create a problem for that team to contribute and feed a policy API under Keras org. As you can see in this thread many of the mentioned auto-augmentations and ops are coming from the google-research repos.
See also the already mentioned tensorflow/community#223

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Some follow-up on this: Francois and I discussed and decided that the new keras_cv will include autoaugment and randaugment.

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seanpmorgan commented May 28, 2020

Closing as this is now going to be implemented elsewhere in the ecosystem. Since we've already merged a few components we can deprecate them as they're available.

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It's been close to a year with no word from on high, keras_cv looks pretty sparse still, has there been any news?

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