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File metadata and controls

84 lines (58 loc) · 3.84 KB


Ephemeral file hosting. An Uguu clone before it switched to Pomf.

Users can upload files which are hosted for a set period of time before they are removed.

Changelog: See


NB I have only tested this on PHP 7.2.


  • PHP version >= 7.1 (because of ??, define(…, array(…)), function (…) : ?type )
  • Perl, a shell and the find command (for the cleanup script)
  • Optional: php-mbstring if you want to truncate a filename correctly

Deployment steps:

  • Copy src/config.template.php to src/config.php and customize it to your liking.
  • Configure the web server to serve php files and the uploaded files. Make sure that it doesn't execute user-uploaded php files, and that the file size limits in php.ini (upload_max_filesize and post_max_size), and your webserver (client_max_body_size for nginx, LimitRequestBody for Apache) are larger than UWEH_MAX_FILESIZE.
  • Add the file cleaning job to your crontab:
    0,15,30,45 * * * * sh /path/to/uweh/src/ >/dev/null 2>&1 
  • Open status.php in your browser and check that everything is in order. If so, delete it for security.


This project is a rewrite or clone of nokonoko/Uguu, so it is also licensed under the MIT License.

Developer notes

Design goals and caveats

Uweh strives to be simple, not complex. This means no database, no libraries, a small number of files, downloads being directly handled by the webserver and decent documentation.

This leads to some drawbacks: there is no upload progress bar, and the filesize is limited by the webserver.

Execution overview

index.php is the main entry point. It displays the HTML form using UwehTpl.

The user can upload a file by filling out the form, which will send an HTTP POST to index.php. The file will be saved using Uweh\save_file and the user will be redirected to upload.php, passing the saved filepath or the error code through the GET arguments. The redirection prevents form resubmission ie. double uploads.

upload.php displays the file download link with Uweh\get_download_url, or the error message based on GET arguments. If no arguments are present, it just redirects to index.php.

The about page is… about.php.

The api page api.php calls the same functions as index.php (Uweh\save_file, etc…)and formats it nicely.

File expiration is handled by the cleanup script ./src/ which reads the configuration file config.php.

To store the files, Uweh creates a lot of 2-letter subfolders in the files directory: this is to prevent filename collision. The uploaded files are then stored in one of those folders. (You could customize the subfolder length by editing Uweh.php).


  • Document main.css
  • Display a warning message if the user selects a file that will be rejected (in addition to the red outline around the input field).

Documentation status

--    src/                      Source files
OK      Uweh.php                  Main library file
OK      UwehTpl.php               Page fragments to make index.php more straight forward
OK      config.template.php       Configuration file template
OK            File cleanup script run by cron
--    bin/                      Installation helper scripts
OK         Set status.php's password
OK        Set file permissions
OK   Make Uweh include tracking.html
--    public/                   Webserver root
OK      index.php                 Main page
OK      upload.php                Upload success page
OK      about.php                 About page
OK      api.php                   Api page
OK      status.php                Status page
        main.css                  Main stylesheet