Thank you for considering contributing to this project! To ensure that submissions run smoothly, please review the following guidelines:
We welcome any contributions that help improve this project. Here are some examples of the kinds of contributions we are looking for:
Bug reports and feature requests
Code improvements and bug fixes
Design and performance improvements
Documentation improvements
If you are uncertain about whether your contribution aligns with the scope of this project, please review what we do not want. Feel free to reach out to the maintainers, if you have any questions.
While we appreciate all contributions that help improve this project, some may not align with our vision, require further discussion, or may be better suited for a fork. Here are some examples that may fall into this category:
Non-Compliance with C++ Best Practices
Error-prone code
If you are uncertain about whether your contribution aligns with the scope of this project, please review what we want. Feel free to reach out to the maintainers, if you have any questions.
To contribute changes, adhere to the GitHub Flow.
Follow Commitizen's commit standards.
To maintain a respectful community, please review our code of conduct.
This project is licensed under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3.