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Issue with CSL Rendering (OSCOLA no ibid Style) #109

1 task done
daniel-eder opened this issue Dec 15, 2023 · 3 comments · Fixed by #269
1 task done

Issue with CSL Rendering (OSCOLA no ibid Style) #109

daniel-eder opened this issue Dec 15, 2023 · 3 comments · Fixed by #269
bug Something isn't working


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daniel-eder commented Dec 15, 2023


OSCOLA style should have a comma between the edition and the publisher.

A valid rendering from (using this csl json to get the citation example):

Compared to the rendering in

Notice the missing comma.

The CSL style is

Reproduction URL

Operating system

Web app, Windows

Typst version

  • I am using the latest version of Typst
@daniel-eder daniel-eder added the bug Something isn't working label Dec 15, 2023
@laurmaedje laurmaedje transferred this issue from typst/typst Dec 15, 2023
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Might be related to #107

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I found the error: The rendering of group containing choose is wrong:

In hayagriva, a Choose element has a delimiter. This is wrong; according to the specification, this is not a valid attribute on choose.

The rendering done in is therefore wrong.

Instead of the rendering of Choose rendering its children, it should "return" a list of children, which are then properly formatted by Group.

Fixing this will take time, and I am not too familiar with the rendering. Someone else should probably fix this.

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Here is a test fixture that can be put under tests/local or submit to

Test fixture
>>===== MODE =====>>
<<===== MODE =====<<

>>===== DESCRIPTION =====>>
<<===== DESCRIPTION =====<<

>>===== RESULT =====>>
Frank Mittelbach and others, The Latex Companion (2nd edn, Addison-Wesley Professional 2004).
<<===== RESULT =====<<

>>===== INPUT =====>>
    "id": "latex:companion",
    "author": [
        "family": "Mittelbach",
        "given": "Frank"
        "family": "Gossens",
        "given": "Michel"
        "family": "Braams",
        "given": "Johannes"
        "family": "Carlisle",
        "given": "David"
        "family": "Rowley",
        "given": "Chris"
    "citation-key": "latex:companion",
    "edition": "2",
    "issued": { "date-parts": [["2004"]] },
    "publisher": "Addison-Wesley Professional",
    "title": "The LaTeX companion",
    "type": "book"
<<===== INPUT =====<<

>>===== CSL =====>>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<style xmlns="" class="note" version="1.0" demote-non-dropping-particle="never" default-locale="en-GB">
    <title>OSCOLA (Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities) (no Ibid.)</title>
    <link href="" rel="self"/>
    <link href="" rel="template"/>
    <link href="" rel="documentation"/>
      <name>Sebastian Karcher</name>
    <category citation-format="note"/>
    <category field="law"/>
    <summary>The OSCOLA Standards with no ibid. For a Zotero Group showing data-entry in Zotero see:</summary>
    <rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
      <term name="chapter" form="short">
      <term name="section" form="short">
      <term name="paragraph" form="short">
      <term name="translator" form="short">
      <term name="edition" form="short">edn.</term>
      <term name="et-al">and others</term>
  <!--Authors and Persons-->
  <macro name="author-note">
    <!--for bills & hearing this should start with jurisdiction once available-->
      <if type="interview">
        <group delimiter=", ">
          <names variable="interviewer">
            <name delimiter-precedes-last="never" and="text" delimiter=", " initialize="false" initialize-with=""/>
          <names variable="author" prefix="Interview with ">
            <name delimiter-precedes-last="never" and="text" delimiter=", " initialize="false" initialize-with=""/>
      <else-if type="personal_communication">
        <group delimiter=" ">
          <group delimiter=" from ">
            <text variable="genre"/>
            <names variable="author">
              <name delimiter-precedes-last="never" and="text" delimiter=", " initialize="false" initialize-with=""/>
          <names variable="recipient" prefix="to ">
            <name delimiter-precedes-last="never" and="text" delimiter=", " initialize="false" initialize-with=""/>
      <else-if type="broadcast">
        <text variable="publisher"/>
      <else-if type="legal_case legislation" match="any"/>
        <names variable="author">
          <name delimiter-precedes-last="never" and="text" delimiter=", " initialize="false" initialize-with=""/>
          <label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=")" strip-periods="true"/>
            <names variable="editor"/>
            <names variable="translator"/>
            <text macro="title"/>
  <macro name="author-short">
      <if type="interview">
        <group delimiter=", ">
          <names variable="interviewer">
            <name delimiter-precedes-last="never" and="text" form="short" delimiter=", " initialize="false" initialize-with=""/>
          <names variable="author" prefix="Interview with ">
            <name delimiter-precedes-last="never" and="text" form="short" delimiter=", " initialize="false" initialize-with=""/>
      <else-if type="personal_communication">
        <group delimiter=" ">
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            <names variable="author">
              <name delimiter-precedes-last="never" and="text" delimiter=", " form="short" initialize="false" initialize-with=""/>
          <names variable="recipient" prefix="to ">
            <name delimiter-precedes-last="never" and="text" delimiter=", " initialize="false" form="short" initialize-with=""/>
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        <text variable="publisher"/>
        <names variable="author">
          <name delimiter-precedes-last="never" and="text" delimiter=", " initialize="false" initialize-with="" form="short"/>
            <names variable="editor"/>
            <names variable="translator"/>
            <text macro="title"/>
  <macro name="author">
    <!--for bills & hearing this should start with jurisdiction once available-->
      <if type="interview">
        <group delimiter=", ">
          <names variable="interviewer">
            <name delimiter-precedes-last="never" and="text" delimiter=", " initialize-with="" name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=" "/>
          <names variable="author" prefix="Interview with ">
            <name delimiter-precedes-last="never" and="text" delimiter=", " initialize="false" initialize-with=""/>
      <else-if type="personal_communication">
        <group delimiter=" ">
          <group delimiter=", ">
            <names variable="author">
              <name delimiter-precedes-last="never" and="text" delimiter=", " initialize-with="" name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=" "/>
            <text variable="genre"/>
          <names variable="recipient" prefix="to ">
            <name delimiter-precedes-last="never" and="text" delimiter=", " initialize="false" initialize-with=""/>
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        <text variable="publisher"/>
      <else-if type="legal_case legislation" match="any"/>
        <names variable="author">
          <name delimiter-precedes-last="never" and="text" delimiter=", " name-as-sort-order="all" initialize-with="" sort-separator=" "/>
          <label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=")" strip-periods="true"/>
            <names variable="editor"/>
            <names variable="translator"/>
            <text macro="title"/>
  <macro name="editor">
      <if type="chapter paper-conference entry-encyclopedia" match="none">
        <names variable="editor translator container-author" delimiter=", ">
          <name delimiter-precedes-last="never" and="text" delimiter=", " initialize="false" initialize-with=""/>
          <label form="short" prefix=" " strip-periods="true"/>
  <macro name="editor-chapter">
      <text term="in" suffix=" "/>
      <names variable="editor translator container-author" delimiter=", ">
        <name delimiter-precedes-last="never" and="text" delimiter=", " initialize="false" initialize-with=""/>
        <label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=")" strip-periods="true"/>
  <!-- Titles -->
  <macro name="title">
      <if type="book motion_picture treaty" match="any">
        <text variable="title" font-style="italic" text-case="title"/>
      <else-if type="bill legislation" match="any">
        <text variable="title"/>
      <else-if type="legal_case">
        <text variable="title" font-style="italic" strip-periods="true"/>
        <text variable="title" quotes="true" text-case="title"/>
  <macro name="title-short">
      <if type="book motion_picture treaty" match="any">
        <text variable="title" font-style="italic" text-case="title" form="short"/>
      <else-if type="bill legislation" match="any">
        <text variable="title" form="short"/>
      <else-if type="legal_case">
          <if variable="title-short">
            <text variable="title-short" font-style="italic"/>
            <text variable="title" font-style="italic"/>
        <text variable="title" quotes="true" text-case="title" form="short"/>
  <macro name="issued-year">
    <date variable="issued" form="text" date-parts="year"/>
  <macro name="issued-full">
    <date variable="issued" form="text"/>
  <macro name="date-parenthesis">
      <if type="legal_case article-journal article-magazine" match="any">
          <if variable="number authority" match="all">
            <text macro="issued-year" prefix="[" suffix="]"/>
          <else-if variable="volume">
            <text macro="issued-year" prefix="(" suffix=")"/>
          <else-if variable="container-title volume number" match="any">
            <!--no year in square brackets for unreported case w/o medium neutral citation-->
            <text macro="issued-year" prefix="[" suffix="]"/>
      <else-if type="legislation bill" match="any">
        <text macro="issued-year"/>
  <!--publication info -->
  <macro name="publisher">
      <if type="book chapter broadcast personal_communication manuscript paper-conference article-newspaper report legislation motion_picture speech interview thesis entry-encyclopedia webpage post-weblog" match="any">
        <group delimiter=" ">
          <group prefix="(" suffix=")" delimiter=", ">
              <if type="article-newspaper">
                <text variable="publisher-place" strip-periods="true"/>
                <date variable="issued" form="text"/>
              <else-if type="broadcast personal_communication treaty" match="any">
                <date variable="issued" form="text"/>
              <else-if type="legislation bill" match="any">
                <!--this should be jurisdiction we use code instead-->
                <text variable="container-title" strip-periods="true"/>
                <!--this won't work in Zotero yet, but does no harm -->
                <names variable="director">
                  <label form="verb" text-case="capitalize-first" suffix=" "/>
                  <name delimiter-precedes-last="never" and="text" delimiter=", " initialize="false" initialize-with=""/>
                <text macro="editor"/>
                  <!--if none of these, this we don't want edition either. Might be Loose-Leaf-->
                  <if variable="publisher issued genre container-title" match="any">
                    <text macro="edition"/>
                  <if type="speech">
                    <text variable="event"/>
                    <text variable="event-place"/>
                    <text macro="issued-full"/>
                  <else-if type="thesis" match="any">
                    <text variable="genre" strip-periods="true"/>
                    <group delimiter=" ">
                      <text variable="publisher" strip-periods="true"/>
                      <text macro="issued-year"/>
                  <else-if type="webpage post-weblog" match="any">
                    <text variable="container-title" font-style="italic"/>
                    <text macro="issued-full"/>
                  <else-if type="interview" match="any">
                    <text macro="issued-full"/>
                    <group delimiter=" ">
                      <text variable="publisher" strip-periods="true"/>
                      <text macro="issued-year"/>
            <if type="report interview manuscript" match="any">
              <group delimiter=" ">
                <text variable="genre" strip-periods="true"/>
                <text variable="number"/>
  <macro name="looseleaf-note">
      <if type="book">
          <if variable="publisher issued" match="none">
              <if variable="locator">
                <group delimiter=" ">
                  <label variable="locator" form="short" strip-periods="true"/>
                  <text variable="locator"/>
                  <text variable="edition" prefix="(" suffix=")"/>
  <macro name="volume-book">
      <if type="book chapter report" match="any">
        <group delimiter=" ">
          <label variable="volume" form="short" strip-periods="true"/>
          <text variable="volume"/>
  <macro name="edition">
      <if is-numeric="edition">
        <group delimiter=" ">
          <number variable="edition" form="ordinal"/>
          <label variable="edition" form="short" strip-periods="true"/>
        <text variable="edition" strip-periods="true"/>
  <macro name="book-container">
      <if type="chapter paper-conference entry-encyclopedia" match="any">
          <text macro="editor-chapter" prefix=" "/>
          <text variable="container-title" font-style="italic" prefix=", "/>
  <macro name="broadcast-container">
      <if type="broadcast" match="any">
        <text variable="container-title" font-style="italic"/>
  <macro name="bill-number">
      <if type="bill">
        <text variable="number" prefix="[" suffix="]"/>
  <macro name="article-case-info">
      <if type="article-journal article-magazine article-newspaper legal_case" match="any">
        <group delimiter=", ">
          <!--Assume that only cases with a Medium Neutral Citation have a docket number -->
            <if variable="authority number" match="all">
              <group delimiter=" ">
                <text variable="authority" form="short" strip-periods="true"/>
                <text variable="number"/>
          <group delimiter=" ">
            <text variable="volume"/>
              <if type="legal_case">
                  <if variable="container-title">
                    <text variable="container-title" form="short" strip-periods="true"/>
              <else-if type="article-magazine article-newspaper" match="any">
                <text variable="container-title" font-style="italic"/>
                <text variable="container-title"/>
  <macro name="page-first">
      <if type="chapter report paper-conference" match="none">
        <text variable="page-first"/>
  <macro name="court">
      <if type="legal_case">
          <if variable="number" match="none">
            <text variable="authority" prefix="(" suffix=")" strip-periods="true"/>
  <macro name="locator-basic">
    <group delimiter=" ">
        <if locator="page" match="none">
          <label variable="locator" form="short" strip-periods="true"/>
      <text variable="locator"/>
  <macro name="locator-space">
      <if type="legal_case">
          <if locator="paragraph">
            <text variable="locator" prefix="[" suffix="]"/>
          <else-if variable="number container-title volume page" match="all"/>
          <else-if variable="authority">
            <text variable="locator"/>
      <else-if type="legislation book article-journal article-magazine" match="none">
        <text macro="locator-basic"/>
      <else-if type="book">
          <if variable="issued publisher" match="any">
            <text macro="locator-basic"/>
  <macro name="locator-comma">
      <if type="legal_case">
          <if locator="paragraph" match="none">
              <if variable="authority" match="none">
                <text variable="locator"/>
              <else-if variable="number container-title volume page" match="all">
                <text variable="locator"/>
      <else-if type="legislation article-journal article-magazine" match="any">
        <text macro="locator-basic"/>
  <!--Others -->
  <macro name="treaty-catchall">
      <if type="treaty">
        <text variable="genre"/>
  <macro name="URL">
      <if type="legal_case legislation bill" match="none">
          <if variable="URL">
            <group delimiter=" ">
              <text variable="URL" prefix="&lt;" suffix="&gt;"/>
              <group delimiter=" ">
                <text term="accessed"/>
                <date variable="accessed" form="text"/>
  <macro name="author-count">
    <names variable="author">
      <name form="count"/>
        <names variable="editor"/>
  <macro name="sort-type">
    <!--This should just sort secondary sources first. I'm leaving the rest from AGLC for simplicity-->
      <if type="book chapter paper-conference article-magazine article-newspaper article-journal manuscript report speech entry-encyclopedia" match="any">
        <text value="1"/>
      <else-if type="legal_case">
        <text value="2"/>
        <text variable="title"/>
      <else-if type="bill legislation" match="any">
        <text value="3"/>
          <if type="legislation">
            <text variable="title"/>
      <else-if type="treaty">
        <text value="4"/>
        <text value="1"/>
  <citation et-al-min="4" et-al-use-first="1">
    <layout suffix="." delimiter="; ">
        <if position="subsequent">
            <if type="legal_case bill legislation treaty" match="any">
              <!--don't use short form and above note for legal citations -->
              <group delimiter=" ">
                <text macro="author-note"/>
                <text macro="title-short"/>
                <text macro="looseleaf-note"/>
                  <if type="legislation" match="none">
                    <text variable="first-reference-note-number" prefix="(n " suffix=")"/>
                <text macro="locator-basic"/>
              <group delimiter=" ">
                <group delimiter=", ">
                  <text macro="author-short"/>
                    <if disambiguate="true">
                      <text macro="title-short"/>
                <text variable="first-reference-note-number" prefix="(n " suffix=")"/>
                <text macro="locator-basic"/>
          <!--general whole citation -->
          <group delimiter=" ">
            <group delimiter=", ">
              <group delimiter=" ">
                <group delimiter=", ">
                  <text macro="author-note"/>
                    <text macro="title"/>
                    <text macro="book-container"/>
                  <text macro="broadcast-container"/>
                  <text macro="volume-book"/>
                  <text macro="looseleaf-note"/>
                <group delimiter=" ">
                  <text macro="date-parenthesis"/>
                  <text macro="bill-number"/>
                  <text macro="article-case-info"/>
                  <text macro="publisher"/>
              <text macro="treaty-catchall"/>
            <group delimiter=", ">
              <group delimiter=" ">
                <text macro="page-first"/>
                <text macro="court"/>
                <text macro="locator-space"/>
              <text macro="locator-comma"/>
            <text macro="URL"/>
  <bibliography et-al-min="4" et-al-use-first="1" subsequent-author-substitute="&#8212;&#8212;">
      <key macro="sort-type"/>
      <key macro="author" names-min="1" names-use-first="1"/>
      <key macro="author-count" names-min="2" names-use-first="2"/>
      <key macro="author"/>
      <key variable="issued"/>
      <key variable="title"/>
      <group delimiter=" ">
        <group delimiter=", ">
          <group delimiter=" ">
            <group delimiter=", ">
              <text macro="author"/>
                <text macro="title"/>
                <text macro="book-container"/>
              <text macro="broadcast-container"/>
              <text macro="volume-book"/>
              <text macro="looseleaf-note"/>
            <group delimiter=" ">
              <text macro="date-parenthesis"/>
              <text macro="bill-number"/>
              <text macro="article-case-info"/>
              <text macro="publisher"/>
          <text macro="treaty-catchall"/>
        <group delimiter=" ">
          <text macro="page-first"/>
          <text macro="court"/>
        <text macro="URL"/>
<<===== CSL =====<<

>>===== VERSION =====>>
<<===== VERSION =====<<

I can confirm that it fails on af5c146 and #269 fixes it.

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bug Something isn't working
None yet

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3 participants