Applying iam integration with service accounts in kubernetes
IAM integration with service accounts in kubernetes requires a few things to be in place.
Firstly, since gen3 is mostly hosted on AWS, we need to create and OIDC [OpenID Connect (protocol)] in AWS. This will allow service accounts in kubernetes pull IAM roles defined in the account your k8s (EKS in our case) is running, and let pods attached to service accounts talk to endpoints or services the roles in question are allowing.
The OIDC creation happens automatically through terraform, nonetheless no roles nor service accounts are created or anything that would get this started. You must define roles and permissions for later to be used by pods attached to service accounts also defined by you.
We have created a script that should help you out in the roles and policies creation in AWS for later use with service accounts. You could check out the options by running gen3 iam-serviceaccount -h
Basically, what is does to get this started is creating a role and a service account. When the service account is created, it will automatically attach the role to it. For more information about what is happening under the hood, please access and
It's worth noting that this kind of configuration will only work with EKS 1.13+. If you are running a lower version, you must update first in order to avoid errors and incompatibilities, then enable the feature. For more information go to
What gen3 iam-serviceaccount
does is basically the following:
$ ISSUER_URL=$(aws eks describe-cluster \
--name ${vpc_name} \
--query cluster.identity.oidc.issuer \
--output text)
$ ISSUER_HOSTPATH=$(echo $ISSUER_URL | cut -f 3- -d'/')
$ ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)
$ PROVIDER_ARN="arn:aws:iam::$ACCOUNT_ID:oidc-provider/$ISSUER_HOSTPATH"
$ cat > irp-trust-policy.json << EOF
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Federated": "$PROVIDER_ARN"
"Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"${ISSUER_HOSTPATH}:sub": "system:serviceaccount:default:my-serviceaccount"
"${ISSUER_HOSTPATH}:aud": "",
$ ROLE_NAME=s3-reader
$ aws iam create-role \
--role-name $ROLE_NAME
--assume-role-policy-document file://irp-trust-policy.json
$ aws iam attach-role-policy \
--role-name $ROLE_NAME \
--policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess
$ S3_ROLE_ARN=$(aws iam get-role \
--role-name $ROLE_NAME \
--query Role.Arn --output text)
$ kubectl create sa my-serviceaccount
$ kubectl annotate sa my-serviceaccount$S3_ROLE_ARN
You can achieve the same results as the two steps above by running something like:
gen3 iam-serviceaccount -c <service-account-name> -p <policy-name>
gen3 iam-serviceaccount -c my-serviceaccount -p 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess'
The above command will create the role with the assume role policy already and also attach the AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess policy to the newly created role.
Once you have a role and a service account, you are ready to configure your deployments/pods/job/daemonsets/etc to use the service acocunt. For that you need to add a few new fields in you configuration.
This is an example deployment:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
app: generic-app
public: "yes"
name: generic-deployment
replicas: 1
app: generic-app
app: generic-app
public: "yes"
serviceAccountName: my-serviceaccount
- image:
name: generic-deployment
command: ["/bin/bash" ]
- "-c"
- |
while true; do echo "I am here"; echo $(whoami); sleep 60; done
imagePullPolicy: Always
Note: environmental variables and mounts are not required, and will be automatically populated by K8s according service-account
The pod that gets deployed off the deployment with the above configuration will be able to talk to S3, in this particular case a read only access.
Usage: [-c|-u|-l] <name> -p <name|arn|filepath> -a <u for update|d for delete> [-n namespace]
For Service account and role manipulation
-c name --create name --create=name Service Account to create, it'll also create a role
with the name minikube-commons-<name>-role in aws
-u name --update name --update=name Update a service account
-l name --list name --list=name List policies for a role
If you create or update a service account role, you must also pass:
-p policy --policy policy --policy=policy Policy you wish to add, delete. I can be either a file
a policy name, or ARN. To delete policies on a role, you
must not use a file, only name
If you are updating aservice account role you must also provide the action to take:
-a action --action action --action=action a for adding and d for deleting
If the service account is inteded for a different namespace than the default:
-n namespace --namespace namespace --namepace=namespace The namespace to manipulate