Examples for the TrackedFloats.jl repository (formerly FloatTracker.jl
To install the dependencies, open up a Julia REPL and enter the package manager by typing ]
, then run the following:
pkg> activate .
pkg> instantiate
Once the dependencies are loaded, you can run the examples with e.g.:
$ julia --project=. examples/nbody.jl
If the FloatTracker.jl source has updated, run the following from the package manager:
pkg> activate .
pkg> up
You can also add the FloatTracker.jl source as a dev dependency:
pkg> develop FloatTracker.jl
And when you want to switch back to the "normal" version:
pkg> free FloatTracker.jl
See instructions on the Julia package manager docs.
FloatTracker.jl is a Julia library for diagnosing floating-point errors. This repository showcases how it can be used.
We've created several examples of our library in action, most utilizing existing Julia packages.
NBodySimulator simulates n-interacting bodies.
$ julia --project=. examples/nbody.jl
Finch is a DSL for solving partial differential equations numerically.
Install Finch from its github repo and NOT by name (Pkg.add("Finch")
), because that way
leads to willow-ahrens/Finch.jl
$ julia --project=. -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.add("https://github.com/paralab/Finch.git")'
To run an example:
$ julia --project=. examples/finch/example-advection2d-fv.jl
ShallowWaters.jl is a Julia library for simulating a shallow water model. The interesting thing with this project is that the type of float used in the simulation has been parameterized, allowing us to easily inject our TrackedFloat
$ julia --project=. examples/shallow_waters.jl
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