diff --git a/libraries/entities/src/EntityItemProperties.cpp b/libraries/entities/src/EntityItemProperties.cpp index 8df85bcfe62..96006f345b9 100644 --- a/libraries/entities/src/EntityItemProperties.cpp +++ b/libraries/entities/src/EntityItemProperties.cpp @@ -950,19 +950,19 @@ EntityPropertyFlags EntityItemProperties::getChangedProperties() const { * Material entities render as non-scalable spheres if they don't have their parent set.
* * @typedef {object} Entities.EntityProperties-Material - * @property {Vec3} dimensions=0.1,0.1,0.1 - Used whenmaterialMappingMode == "projected"
- * @property {string} materialURL="" - URL to a {@link Entities.MaterialResource|MaterialResource}. Alternatively, set the
+ * @property {Vec3} [dimensions=0.1,0.1,0.1] - Used when materialMappingMode == "projected"
+ * @property {string} [materialURL=""] - URL to a {@link Entities.MaterialResource|MaterialResource}. Alternatively, set the
* property value to "materialData"
to use the materialData
property for the
* {@link Entities.MaterialResource|MaterialResource} values. If you append "#name"
to the URL, the material
* with that name will be applied to the entity. You can also use the ID of another Material entity as the URL, in which
* case this material will act as a copy of that material, with its own unique material transform, priority, etc.
- * @property {string} materialData="" - Used to store {@link Entities.MaterialResource|MaterialResource} data as a JSON string.
+ * @property {string} [materialData=""] - Used to store {@link Entities.MaterialResource|MaterialResource} data as a JSON string.
* You can use JSON.parse()
to parse the string into a JavaScript object which you can manipulate the
* properties of, and use JSON.stringify()
to convert the object into a string to put in the property.
- * @property {number} priority=0 - The priority for applying the material to its parent. Only the highest priority material is
+ * @property {number} [priority=0] - The priority for applying the material to its parent. Only the highest priority material is
* applied, with materials of the same priority randomly assigned. Materials that come with the model have a priority of
* 0
- * @property {string} parentMaterialName="0" - Selects the mesh part or parts within the parent to which to apply the material.
+ * @property {string} [parentMaterialName="0"] - Selects the mesh part or parts within the parent to which to apply the material.
* If in the format "mat::string"
, all mesh parts with material name "string"
are replaced.
* If "all"
, then all mesh parts are replaced.
* Otherwise the property value is parsed as an unsigned integer, specifying the mesh part index to modify.
@@ -970,18 +970,19 @@ EntityPropertyFlags EntityItemProperties::getChangedProperties() const {
* at each ","
and each element parsed as either a number or a string if it starts with "mat::"
* For example, "[0,1,mat::string,mat::string2]"
will replace mesh parts 0 and 1, and any mesh parts with
* material "string"
or "string2"
. Do not put spaces around the commas. Invalid values are parsed
- * to 0
- * @property {string} materialMappingMode="uv" - How the material is mapped to the entity. Either "uv"
+ * to "0"
+ * @property {string} [materialMappingMode="uv"] - How the material is mapped to the entity. Either "uv"
* "projected"
. In "uv"
mode, the material is evaluated within the UV space of the mesh it is
* applied to. In "projected"
mode, the 3D transform (position, rotation, and dimensions) of the Material
* entity is used to evaluate the texture coordinates for the material.
- * @property {Vec2} materialMappingPos=0,0 - Offset position in UV-space of the top left of the material, range
+ * @property {Vec2} [materialMappingPos=0.0,0.0] - Offset position in UV-space of the top left of the material, range
* { x: 0, y: 0 }
– { x: 1, y: 1 }
- * @property {Vec2} materialMappingScale=1,1 - How much to scale the material within the parent's UV-space.
- * @property {number} materialMappingRot=0 - How much to rotate the material within the parent's UV-space, in degrees.
- * @property {boolean} materialRepeat=true - true
if the material repeats, false
if it doesn't. If
+ * @property {Vec2} [materialMappingScale=1.0,1.0] - How much to scale the material within the parent's UV-space.
+ * @property {number} [materialMappingRot=0] - How much to rotate the material within the parent's UV-space, in degrees.
+ * @property {boolean} [materialRepeat=true] - true
if the material repeats, false
if it doesn't. If
* false
, fragments outside of texCoord 0 – 1 will be discarded. Works in both "uv"
* "projected"
+ *
* @example "hifi_pbr"
, "hifi_shader_simple"
- * @property {ColorFloat|RGBS|string} emissive - The emissive color, i.e., the color that the material emits. A
- * {@link ColorFloat} value is treated as sRGB and must have component values in the range 0.0
- * 1.0
. A {@link RGBS} value can be either RGB or sRGB.
+ * @property {ColorFloat|RGBS|string} [emissive] - The emissive color, i.e., the color that the material emits. A
+ * {@link ColorFloat} value is treated as sRGB and must have component values in the range 0.0
+ * 1.0
. A {@link RGBS} value can be either RGB or sRGB.
* Set to "fallthrough"
to fall through to the material below. "hifi_pbr"
model only.
- * @property {number|string} opacity=1.0 - The opacity, range 0.0
– 1.0
+ * @property {number|string} [opacity=1.0] - The opacity, range 0.0
– 1.0
* Set to "fallthrough"
to fall through to the material below. "hifi_pbr"
* "hifi_shader_simple"
models only.
- * @property {boolean|string} unlit=false - true
if the material is unaffected by lighting, false
+ * @property {boolean|string} [unlit=false] - true
if the material is unaffected by lighting, false
* it is lit by the key light and local lights.
* Set to "fallthrough"
to fall through to the material below. "hifi_pbr"
model only.
- * @property {ColorFloat|RGBS|string} albedo - The albedo color. A {@link ColorFloat} value is treated as sRGB and must have
+ * @property {ColorFloat|RGBS|string} [albedo] - The albedo color. A {@link ColorFloat} value is treated as sRGB and must have
* component values in the range 0.0
– 1.0
. A {@link RGBS} value can be either RGB or sRGB.
* Set to "fallthrough"
to fall through to the material below. "hifi_pbr"
* "hifi_shader_simple"
models only.
- * @property {number|string} roughness - The roughness, range 0.0
– 1.0
+ * @property {number|string} [roughness] - The roughness, range 0.0
– 1.0
* Set to "fallthrough"
to fall through to the material below. "hifi_pbr"
model only.
- * @property {number|string} metallic - The metallicness, range 0.0
– 1.0
+ * @property {number|string} [metallic] - The metallicness, range 0.0
– 1.0
* Set to "fallthrough"
to fall through to the material below. "hifi_pbr"
model only.
- * @property {number|string} scattering - The scattering, range 0.0
– 1.0
+ * @property {number|string} [scattering] - The scattering, range 0.0
– 1.0
* Set to "fallthrough"
to fall through to the material below. "hifi_pbr"
model only.
- * @property {string} emissiveMap - The URL of the emissive texture image, or an entity ID. An entity ID may be that of an
+ * @property {string} [emissiveMap] - The URL of the emissive texture image, or an entity ID. An entity ID may be that of an
* Image or Web entity. Set to "fallthrough"
to fall through to the material below.
* "hifi_pbr"
model only.
- * @property {string} albedoMap - The URL of the albedo texture image, or an entity ID. An entity ID may be that of an Image
+ * @property {string} [albedoMap] - The URL of the albedo texture image, or an entity ID. An entity ID may be that of an Image
* or Web entity. Set to "fallthrough"
to fall through to the material below. "hifi_pbr"
* model only.
- * @property {string} opacityMap - The URL of the opacity texture image, or an entity ID. An entity ID may be that of an Image
+ * @property {string} [opacityMap] - The URL of the opacity texture image, or an entity ID. An entity ID may be that of an Image
* or Web entity. Set the value the same as the albedoMap
value for transparency.
* "hifi_pbr"
model only.
- * @property {string} opacityMapMode - The mode defining the interpretation of the opacity map. Values can be:
+ * @property {string} [opacityMapMode] - The mode defining the interpretation of the opacity map. Values can be:
for ignoring the opacity map information."OPACITY_MAP_MASK"
for using the opacityMap
as a mask, where only the texel greater
for using the opacityMap
as a mask, where only the texel greater
* than opacityCutoff
are visible and rendered opaque."OPACITY_MAP_BLEND"
for using the opacityMap
for alpha blending the material surface
for using the opacityMap
for alpha blending the material surface
* with the background."fallthrough"
to fall through to the material below. "hifi_pbr"
model only.
- * @property {number|string} opacityCutoff - The opacity cutoff threshold used to determine the opaque texels of the
- * opacityMap
when opacityMapMode
. Range 0.0
+ * @property {number|string} [opacityCutoff] - The opacity cutoff threshold used to determine the opaque texels of the
+ * opacityMap
when opacityMapMode
. Range 0.0
* – 1.0
* Set to "fallthrough"
to fall through to the material below. "hifi_pbr"
model only.
- * @property {string} cullFaceMode="CULL_BACK" - The mode defining which side of the geometry should be rendered. Values can be:
+ * @property {string} [cullFaceMode="CULL_BACK"] - The mode defining which side of the geometry should be rendered. Values can
+ be:
to render both sides of the geometry."CULL_FRONT"
to cull the front faces of the geometry."CULL_BACK"
(the default) to cull the back faces of the geometry."fallthrough"
to fall through to the material below. "hifi_pbr"
model only.
- * @property {string} cullFaceMode - The mode defining which side of the geometry should be rendered. Values can be:
for rendering both sides of the geometry."CULL_FRONT"
for culling the front faces of the geometry."CULL_BACK"
(the default) for culling the back faces of the geometry."fallthrough"
to fall through to the material below. "hifi_pbr"
model only.
- * @property {string} roughnessMap - The URL of the roughness texture image. You can use this or glossMap
, but not
- * both.
+ * @property {string} [roughnessMap] - The URL of the roughness texture image. You can use this or glossMap
, but
+ * not both.
* Set to "fallthrough"
to fall through to the material below. "hifi_pbr"
model only.
- * @property {string} glossMap - The URL of the gloss texture image. You can use this or roughnessMap
, but not
- * both.
+ * @property {string} [glossMap] - The URL of the gloss texture image. You can use this or roughnessMap
, but not
+ * both.
* Set to "fallthrough"
to fall through to the material below. "hifi_pbr"
model only.
- * @property {string} metallicMap - The URL of the metallic texture image, or an entity ID. An entity ID may be that of an
+ * @property {string} [metallicMap] - The URL of the metallic texture image, or an entity ID. An entity ID may be that of an
* Image or Web entity. You can use this or specularMap
, but not both.
* Set to "fallthrough"
to fall through to the material below. "hifi_pbr"
model only.
- * @property {string} specularMap - The URL of the specular texture image, or an entity ID. An entity ID may be that of an
+ * @property {string} [specularMap] - The URL of the specular texture image, or an entity ID. An entity ID may be that of an
* Image or Web entity. You can use this or metallicMap
, but not both.
* Set to "fallthrough"
to fall through to the material below. "hifi_pbr"
model only.
- * @property {string} normalMap - The URL of the normal texture image, or an entity ID. An entity ID may be that of an Image
+ * @property {string} [normalMap] - The URL of the normal texture image, or an entity ID. An entity ID may be that of an Image
* or Web entity. You can use this or bumpMap
, but not both. Set to "fallthrough"
to fall
* through to the material below. "hifi_pbr"
model only.
- * @property {string} bumpMap - The URL of the bump texture image, or an entity ID. An entity ID may be that of an Image
+ * @property {string} [bumpMap] - The URL of the bump texture image, or an entity ID. An entity ID may be that of an Image
* or Web entity. You can use this or normalMap
, but not both. Set to "fallthrough"
* fall through to the material below. "hifi_pbr"
model only.
- * @property {string} occlusionMap - The URL of the occlusion texture image, or an entity ID. An entity ID may be that of
+ * @property {string} [occlusionMap] - The URL of the occlusion texture image, or an entity ID. An entity ID may be that of
* an Image or Web entity. Set to "fallthrough"
to fall through to the material below.
* "hifi_pbr"
model only.
- * @property {string} scatteringMap - The URL of the scattering texture image, or an entity ID. An entity ID may be that of an
+ * @property {string} [scatteringMap] - The URL of the scattering texture image, or an entity ID. An entity ID may be that of an
* Image or Web entity. Only used if normalMap
or bumpMap
is specified.
* Set to "fallthrough"
to fall through to the material below. "hifi_pbr"
model only.
- * @property {string} lightMap - The URL of the light map texture image, or an entity ID. An entity ID may be that of an Image
+ * @property {string} [lightMap] - The URL of the light map texture image, or an entity ID. An entity ID may be that of an Image
* or Web entity. Set to "fallthrough"
to fall through to the material below. "hifi_pbr"
* model only.
- * @property {Mat4|string} texCoordTransform0 - The transform to use for all of the maps apart from occlusionMap
- * and lightMap
+ * @property {Mat4|string} [texCoordTransform0] - The transform to use for all of the maps apart from occlusionMap
+ * and lightMap
* Set to "fallthrough"
to fall through to the material below. "hifi_pbr"
model only.
- * @property {Mat4|string} texCoordTransform1 - The transform to use for occlusionMap
and lightMap
+ * @property {Mat4|string} [texCoordTransform1] - The transform to use for occlusionMap
and lightMap
+ * Set to "fallthrough"
to fall through to the material below. "hifi_pbr"
model only.
+ * @property {string} [lightmapParams] - Parameters for controlling how lightMap
is used.
* Set to "fallthrough"
to fall through to the material below. "hifi_pbr"
model only.
- * @property {string} lightmapParams - Parameters for controlling how lightMap
is used.
- * Set to "fallthrough"
to fall through to the material below. "hifi_pbr"
model only.
* Currently not used.
- * @property {string} materialParams - Parameters for controlling the material projection and repetition. - * Set to"fallthrough"
to fall through to the material below. "hifi_pbr"
model only.
+ * @property {string} [materialParams] - Parameters for controlling the material projection and repetition.
+ * Set to "fallthrough"
to fall through to the material below. "hifi_pbr"
model only.
* Currently not used.
- * @property {boolean} defaultFallthrough=false -true
if all properties fall through to the material below
- * unless they are set, false
if properties respect their individual fall-through settings.
+ * @property {boolean} [defaultFallthrough=false] - true
if all properties fall through to the material below
+ * unless they are set, false
if properties respect their individual fall-through settings.
* "hifi_pbr"
and "hifi_shader_simple"
models only.
- * @property {ProceduralData} procedural - The definition of a procedural shader material. "hifi_shader_simple"
model only.
+ * @property {ProceduralData} [procedural] - The definition of a procedural shader material. "hifi_shader_simple"
+ * model only.
// Note: See MaterialEntityItem.h for default values used in practice.