diff --git a/docs/index.bs b/docs/index.bs
index 49ca146d..af09a605 100644
--- a/docs/index.bs
+++ b/docs/index.bs
@@ -2936,6 +2936,7 @@ spec: webappsec-referrer-policy; urlPrefix: https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-refe
1. Let |client| be |request|'s [=request/client=].
1. Let |reservedClient| be |request|'s [=request/reserved client=].
1. Let |preloadResponse| be a new [=promise=].
+ 1. Let |fetchInstance| be the instance of the [=/fetch=] algorithm representing the ongoing fetch.
1. Assert: |request|'s [=request/destination=] is not "serviceworker
1. If |request| is a potential-navigation-or-subresource request, then:
1. Return null.
@@ -2961,13 +2962,14 @@ spec: webappsec-referrer-policy; urlPrefix: https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-refe
1. [=header list/Append=] to |preloadRequestHeaders| a new [=header=] whose [=header/name=] is \`Service-Worker-Navigation-Preload
\` and [=header/value=] is |registration|'s [=navigation preload header value=].
1. Set |preloadRequest|'s [=service-workers mode=] to "`none`".
1. Run the following substeps [=in parallel=]:
- 1. [=Fetch=] |preloadRequest|.
+ 1. [=Fetch=] |preloadRequest| and let |preloadFetchInstance| be the instance of the [=/fetch=] algorithm.
To [=process response=] for |navigationPreloadResponse|, run these substeps:
1. If |navigationPreloadResponse|'s [=response/type=] is "`error`", reject |preloadResponse| with a `TypeError` and terminate these substeps.
1. Associate |preloadResponseObject| with |navigationPreloadResponse|.
1. Resolve |preloadResponse| with |navigationPreloadResponse|.
+ 1. If |fetchInstance| is [=fetch/terminated=], then [=fetch/terminate=] |preloadFetchInstance| with the aborted flag set.
1. Else, resolve |preloadResponse| with undefined.
Note: From this point, the [=/service worker client=] starts to use its active service worker's containing service worker registration.
@@ -2987,9 +2989,10 @@ spec: webappsec-referrer-policy; urlPrefix: https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-refe
1. Invoke Run Service Worker algorithm with |activeWorker| as the argument.
1. Queue a task |task| to run the following substeps:
1. Let |e| be the result of creating an event with {{FetchEvent}}.
+ 1. Let |requestObject| be a new {{Request}} object associated with |request| and a new associated {{Headers}} object whose [=guard=] is "`immutable`".
1. Initialize |e|’s {{Event/type}} attribute to {{fetch!!event}}.
1. Initialize |e|’s {{Event/cancelable}} attribute to true.
- 1. Initialize |e|’s {{FetchEvent/request}} attribute to a new {{Request}} object associated with |request| and a new associated {{Headers}} object whose [=guard=] is "`immutable`".
+ 1. Initialize |e|’s {{FetchEvent/request}} attribute to |requestObject|.
1. Initialize |e|’s {{FetchEvent/preloadResponse}} to |preloadResponse|.
1. Initialize |e|'s {{FetchEvent/clientId}} attribute to |client|'s [=environment/id=].
1. If |request| is a non-subresource request and |request|'s [=request/destination=] is not {{RequestDestination/"report"}}, initialize |e|'s {{FetchEvent/reservedClientId}} attribute to |reservedClient|'s [=environment/id=], and to the empty string otherwise.
@@ -3002,6 +3005,7 @@ spec: webappsec-referrer-policy; urlPrefix: https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-refe
1. If |e|'s [=FetchEvent/respond-with error flag=] is set, set |handleFetchFailed| to true.
1. Else, set |response| to |e|'s [=FetchEvent/potential response=].
1. If |e|'s canceled flag is set, set |eventCanceled| to true.
+ 1. If |fetchInstance| is [=fetch/terminated=], then [=queue a task=] to [=AbortSignal/signal abort=] on |requestObject|'s {{Request/signal}}.
If |task| is discarded or the script has been aborted by the termination of |activeWorker|, set |handleFetchFailed| to true.