9.0.0 (2024-12-04)
- discov2: add functions for new batches api (043eed4)
- stt: add new speech models (4948b8f)
- stt: readd interimResults and lowLatency wss params (ffc67b8)
- WxA: add new functions and update required params (3fe6243)
- Add support for message streaming and new APIs
New functions: create_providers, list_providers, update_providers, create_release_export, download_release_export, create_release_import, get_release_import_status, message_stream, message_stream_stateless, parse_sse_stream_data, list_batches, pull_batches, push_batches
- WxA:
now required formessage
functions - lt: LanguageTranslator functionality has been removed
- discov1: DiscoveryV1 functionality has been removed
- nlu: training_data_content_type default changed to None
8.1.0 (2024-05-17)
- stt: remove interim_results and low_latency wss params (035b29d)
- stt: add speech_begin_event param to recognize func (d026ab2)
- disco-v2: add ocr_enabled parameter (460593f)
8.0.0 (2024-02-26)
- disco-v2: class changes (a109e2e)
- disco-v2: new params for EnrichmentOptions (d980178)
- nlu: add support for userMetadata param (134fa6d)
- stt: new params smart_formatting_version, force, mapping_only (0fa495c)
- wa-v2: new params orchestration and asyncCallout (69523c5)
- wa-v2: support for private variables (6cd5eba)
- wa-v2: Renaming and changing of multiple interfaces
7.0.1 (2022-08-07)
- tts,stt,version: unpinned websocket-client (75432a6)
7.0.0 (2023-03-17)
- assistantv2: use original createSession method signature (ac82c45)
- nlu: require training_data_content_type (d91f007)
- version: change version strings for release (aee877c)
- assistant-v1: update models and add new methods (fbcebd0)
- assistant-v2: update models and add new methods (a1586ec)
- assistantv2: add several new functions (d2d6fbf)
- assistantv2: improved typing (a84cd6c)
- discov2: new aggregation types (41cb185)
- discovery-v2: update models and add several new methods (972a1ae)
- nlu: add trainingParameters (c8e056c)
- nlu: remove all sentimentModel functions (d6e342f)
- nlu: remove beta model param from Sentiment (1469190)
- release: trigger release (c08a117)
- stt, tts: add more models (8b9f6a8)
- stt: add and remove models (14fd5f2)
- stt: update parameters (e40c06c)
- tts: add parameters (b300c55)
- tts: add params and add model constants (546796d)
- wss: add and remove websocket params (1b5f171)
- release: trigger release
- assistantv2: createSession param removed
- assistantv2: removing and changing of classes
- discov2: confidence property removed
- discov2: smartDocumentUnderstanding param removed
- discov2: QueryAggregation structure changed
- nlu: remove all sentimentModel functions and models
6.1.0 (2022-08-10)
- assistantv2: use original createSession method signature (ac82c45)
- assistant-v1: update models and add new methods (fbcebd0)
- assistant-v2: update models and add new methods (a1586ec)
- discovery-v2: update models and add several new methods (972a1ae)
- nlu: add trainingParameters (c8e056c)
- stt: update parameters (e40c06c)
- tts: add parameters (b300c55)
- wss: add and remove websocket params (1b5f171)
6.0.0 (2022-03-21)
OutputData: required text property removed, RuntimeEntity: optional metadata property removed RuntimeResponseGeneric: Three new response types added Workspace: workspaceID changed form required to optional
feat(assistantv2): add three new response types, rename model, remove properties
RuntimeEntity: optional metadata property removed, MessageOutputDebug: nodesVisited type DialogNodesVisited changed to DialogNodeVisited. MessageContext: integrations property added MessageContextGlobalSystem: skipUserInput property added MessageContextStateless: integrations property added MessageInput: attachments property added MessageInputStateless: attachments property added RuntimeResponseGeneric: Three new response types added
refactor(cc): remove compare and comply ヾ(・‿・)
refactor(nlc): remove nlc ヾ(・‿・)
feat(nlu): remove MetadataOptions model
refactor(lt): comment change and test updates
refactor(pi): remove personality insights ヾ(・‿・)
feat(stt/tts): add new property and comment changes
refactor(ta/visrec): remove ta and visrec ヾ(・‿・)
refactor(all): remove remaining traces of removed services
feat(assistantv1): add new dialogNode models and additional properties for Workspace
feat(discov1): update QueryAggregation subclasses
QueryAggregation: QueryAggregation subclasses changed. DocumentStatus: documentID, status, and statusDescription are now optional
feat(stt): change grammarFile property type
addGrammar parameter grammarFile changed from String to Data type
SupportedFeatures: customAcousticModel property added
chore: copyright changes
build(secrets): upload detect-secrets baseline
docs(readme): add deprecation note and remove old references
ci(version): remove python 3.6 support and add 3.9 support
5.3.1 (2022-01-26)
- ws: remove websocket debug code (21399b7)
5.3.0 (2021-09-14)
- disco_v1: update type of status to reflect service changes (ab880f0)
- disco_v2: project types enum updated/fixed (a598231)
- nlu: fix listClassificationsModels response model (9954e59)
- wss: fix on_transcription parsing issue including tests (1b05e1b)
- assistant_v1: add alt_text and sensitivity options, location now optional (0a6c540)
- assistant_v2: same as v1, add more properties (c2ca53b)
- assistant_v2,disco_v1: add answers property to response model, fix typo (611b7c9)
- stt&tts: new models added (67ee967)
5.2.3 (2021-08-26)
- nlc: add deprecation warning (d1ec209), closes #9624
- nlc: move deprecation warning (09a6dd4)
- nlc: move deprecation warning (3658ee8)
5.2.2 (2021-07-06)
5.2.1 (2021-06-28)
- tts: remove origin header from websocket request (e151e82)
5.2.0 (2021-06-10)
- compare-comply: add deprecation notice for CC (d006937)
- lt: fix character encoding for non latin langs (900bd79)
- nlu: remove ListCategoriesModelsResponse (c09022f)
- tts: remove extraneous filename param (d6f9c5d)
- assistantv1: generation release changes (ac146a1)
- assistantv2: generation release changes (d33caba)
- discov2: generation release changes (0ea3ac0)
- nlu: generation release changes (e5e71b6)
- stt-tts: generation release changes (0600855)
5.1.0 (2021-01-12)
- upate core to use 3.3.6 (83d5f6a)
5.0.2 (2020-12-28)
- lock JWT version to 1.7.1 (8fcdfc6)
5.0.1 (2020-12-22)
- Assistant: node dialog response should have agent props (53e532e)
5.0.0 (2020-12-11)
- regenerate services using latest api def and generator (59e7ded)
- regenerate using current api def and add deprecation warnings (c3e1f07)
- regenerate with current API and add deprecation warnings (4faa938)
- regenrate language translator (8fdebc4)
- regenrate services using current api def and generator (e84a0cb)
- regenrate using current api def and generator 3.21 (33e0d93)
- AssistantV1: add support for bulkClassify (e17b24c)
- AssistantV2: add support for bulkClassify (8b14dda)
- CompareComply: remove before and after from list feedback (5af17b7)
- TextToSpeechV1: change voice model signaturess to custom models (12ee072)
- VisRecV4: change start time and end time to date from string (f2f40e7)
- VisRecV4: change start and end time for training usage to date time format
- CompareComply: remove before and after from list feedback
- TextToSpeechV1: This update breaks the users using any methods of type _voice_models
4.7.1 (2020-09-03)
- lock the cloud sdk library version (18d5997)
4.7.0 (2020-09-03)
- DiscoveryV2: add support for analyze document (6353f53)
4.6.0 (2020-08-25)
- generate unit tests using current api defs (99555f0)
- regenrate all services using current api def (9ef3c6e)
- AssistantV2: add support for list logs and delete user data (6b87f9b)
- discoV2: add new apis for enrichments, collections and projects (4388ea2)
- languageTranslatorV3: add support for list languages (de83e96)
4.5.0 (2020-06-04)
- regenerate services based on current API def (c538bd2)
- AssistantV1: add support for spelling suggestions (858af78)
- AssistantV2: add support for stateless messages (c57f248)
- VisualRecognitionV4: add support for downloading a model file (fa2cd1b)
4.4.1 (2020-05-11)
- loading creds from top level directory (03a3509)
4.4.0 (2020-04-24)
- AssistantV2: regenerate based on current API def (46a812c)
- regenerate services using current API def (e9ea20c)
- LanguageTranslator: add support for auto correct (230878a)
- SpeechToText: add support for speech_detector_sensitivity and background_audio_suppression in (9aa13e9)
4.3.0 (2020-02-13)
- assistantv1: New param
(fbe1081) - assistantv1: New param
(b1f99ec) - assistantv1: New param
(d523706) - assistantv1: New param
(4d32257) - assistantv1: New param
(e44cb16) - assistantv1: New params
(3b015f9) - assistantv1: New params
(8bac230) - assistantv1: New params
(e36783d) - assistantv1: New params
model (a44ace8) - assistantv2:
properties inRuntimeEntity
(5ef087f) - assistantv2: New params
(9b7e56e) - vr4: New objects operations (cc9eace)
4.2.1 (2020-01-17)
- nlu: Add model property back in CategoriesOptions (6d5ed34)
4.2.0 (2020-01-16)
- core: Update core version (88106fb)
- stt: New param
(776dc86) - stt: New param
in recognize_using_websocket (040946f)
4.1.0 (2019-11-27)
- assistantv1: New param
(5a5b840) - assistantv1: New param
(6e52e07) - assistantv1: New param
(0134b69) - assistantv1: New properties
(27a8cd7) - assistantv1: New property
(5f93c55) - discoveryv1:
property not part ofQueryNoticesResult
(2ce0ad3) - discoveryv2: Add examples for discoveryv2 (2b54527)
- discoveryv2: New discovery v2 available on CP4D (73df7e4)
- VisualRecognitionv4: New method
4.0.4 (2019-11-22)
- semrelease: Provide proper git message for semantic release (88e2c08)
4.0.3 (2019-11-20)
- bumpversion: Skip for bumpversion (fd38d73)
- semantic: remove tag in bumpversion (bb1a6a9)
- semrelease: Reorder semantic release steps (1a13a0c)
4.0.3 (2019-11-20)
4.0.2 (2019-11-11)
- semantic: Fix semantic release stale commit (f0eaafa)
Moved to https://github.com/watson-developer-cloud/python-sdk/wiki/Changelog