Total Course Time: 1:28:11
Total Time: 03:10
- Lecture 1: Understanding the stack we will use, Time: 03:10
Total Time: 09:15
- Lecture 2: Create a react app, Time: 02:06
- Lecture 3: Installing and configuring chakra ui, Time: 03:49
- Lecture 4: Creating a Navigation bar, Time: 03:20
Total Time: 12:30
- Lecture 5: Adding Redux toolkit and configuring it, Time: 03:22
- Lecture 6: Creating a slice for authentication, Time: 04:28
- Lecture 7: Using the new state in the NavBar, Time: 04:40
Total Time: 03:58
- Lecture 8: Adding tools to help debugging React and Redux, Time: 03:58
Total Time: 13:52
- Lecture 9: Installing Redux Saga and configuring it, Time: 03:18
- Lecture 10: Creating our Sagas and updating our reducers, Time: 08:05
- Lecture 11: Update the NavBar to use the new actions, Time: 02:29
Total Time: 15:25
- Lecture 12: Installing ans setting up WharfKit, Time: 06:53
- Lecture 13: Updating the authSlice with the new reducers, Time: 02:51
- Lecture 14: Updating our saga to use the new reducers, Time: 03:12
- Lecture 15: Adding the wallet name in the NavBar, Time: 02:29
Total Time: 10:02
- Lecture 16: Restoring existent sessions, Time: 05:38
- Lecture 17: Creating a Session Initializer component, Time: 02:54
- Lecture 18: Fixing the restore session state, Time: 01:30
Total Time: 19:59
- Lecture 19: Creating a State, Reducer and Actions for the tokens, Time: 06:23
- Lecture 20: Request the token values from the WAX blockchain, Time: 06:08
- Lecture 21: Creating a Saga to fetch our tokens, Time: 05:21
- Lecture 22: Registering our sagas with a rootSaga and fixing small mistakes, Time: 02:07
Total Course Time: 1:44:10
Total Time: 16:40
- Lecture 1: Fetching the tokens on user login or session restored, Time: 02:49
- Lecture 2: Understand why the WAX service is not returning the tokens values, Time: 02:17
- Lecture 3: Getting the correct values for the tokens into our storage, Time: 04:21
- Lecture 4: Creating the token component, Time: 04:14
- Lecture 5: Adding spinners and error messages on the token balance component, Time: 02:59
Total Time: 35:12
- Lecture 6: Create a new service to request the user details from the WAX blockchain, Time: 04:17
- Lecture 7: Create a new slice for the user details, Time: 04:51
- Lecture 8: Creating a saga for the user details, Time: 04:13
- Lecture 9: Adding the slice and the reducer to our store, Time: 03:30
- Lecture 10: Parse the WAX response to add the values to the store, Time: 06:59
- Lecture 11: Fix max energy value not loading, Time: 00:48
- Lecture 12: Showing the user details in a new component, Time: 05:52
- Lecture 13: Creating the energy bar component, Time: 04:42
Total Time: 24:38
- Lecture 14: Fetching the tools data from the WAX smart contract, Time: 07:47
- Lecture 15: Create a new slice for the tools details, Time: 04:12
- Lecture 16: Create a new saga for the tools details, Time: 04:48
- Lecture 17: Create a new component to initialize the tools, Time: 05:26
- Lecture 18: Small fixes to query the tools details, Time: 02:25
Total Time: 23:40
- Lecture 19: Creating a new service to request the user staked NFTs, Time: 08:03
- Lecture 20: Creating our slice for the user tools staked on the smart contract, Time: 04:41
- Lecture 21: Creating a saga to fetch the user tools, Time: 06:36
- Lecture 22: Fixing the WAX request, Time: 02:03
- Lecture 23: Fixing the hash values coming from our smart contract table, Time: 02:17
Total Course Time: 1:41:53
Total Time: 28:50
- Lecture 1: Creating a ToolCard component to display the NFTs, Time: 09:05
- Lecture 2: Import the carousel library and start create our component, Time: 02:13
- Lecture 3: Importing state and trying to loop over our tools, Time: 04:28
- Lecture 4: Protecting our component from try to render while the data is loading, Time: 03:36
- Lecture 5: Display the NFTs in the carousel, Time: 04:29
- Lecture 6: Configuring the carousel to display the NFTs correctly, Time: 04:59
Total Time: 1:03:49
- Lecture 7: Displaying the NFT durability, Time: 07:40
- Lecture 8: Add a claim and a fix button for the tool, Time: 06:29
- Lecture 9: Parsing the values of gold and energy the user has, Time: 05:45
- Lecture 10: Disable the claim button when we not able to claim a tool, Time: 05:58
- Lecture 11: Disable the fix button when we not able to fix a tool, Time: 03:13
- Lecture 12: Dispatching the claim action from our component, Time: 04:08
- Lecture 13: Creating a new action for NFT actions, Time: 09:46
- Lecture 14: Creating a saga to claim the NFT, Time: 06:43
- Lecture 15: Create the WAX service to send the claimnft action, Time: 07:44
- Lecture 16: Integrate the claimNft action to our saga, Time: 06:43
Total Time: 09:14
- Lecture 17: Fixing the date time problem with the claim button, Time: 05:03
- Lecture 18: Reloading user and tools data after claiming the tool, Time: 04:11