Webview is a tiny cross-platform library to make web-based GUIs for desktop applications.
⚠️ This project is still in development. Expect breaking changes.
Webview is published to jsr.io and deno.land. The recommended way to use it is to use JSR:
deno add jsr:@webview/webview
or without the CLI:
import { Webview } from "jsr:@webview/webview";
import { Webview } from "@webview/webview";
const html = `
<h1>Hello from deno v${Deno.version.deno}</h1>
const webview = new Webview();
You can run this example directly from the web:
deno run -Ar --unstable https://deno.land/x/webview/examples/local.ts
or in your development environment:
deno run -Ar --unstable examples/local.ts
you can find other examples in the examples/
You can find the official documentation here.
- webkit2gtk (to install using apt:
sudo apt-get install libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev
Make sure to init the webview submodule with:
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
Building on Windows requires admin privileges.
$ deno task build
To run webview_deno without automatically downloading the binaries from
releases you will need to
use the environment variable PLUGIN_URL
and set it to the path where the built
binaries are located. This is usually file://./target/release
$ deno task build
$ PLUGIN_URL=./build/
$ deno run --unstable -A examples/local.ts
$ deno task run examples/local.ts
or if you have the webview library already built and didn't make any changes to it, you can skip the building step with:
$ deno task run:fast examples/local.ts
- Set a custom library URL. Defaults to the latest release assets on Github. Setting this also disables cache forplug
Pull request, issues and feedback are very welcome. Code style is formatted with
deno task fmt
, linted with deno task lint
and commit messages are done
following Conventional Commits
Copyright 2020-2022, the webview_deno team. All rights reserved. MIT license.