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inwenhuchen/KGPT (press backspace or delete to remove)When I use bash scripts/webnlg/ 0 test
checkpoint_webnlg/checkpoint_finetune_sequence_head8_layer6_GPT2_maxfact12_from_ep14/ to reproduce the
results ,and I find when ...
- 1
- Opened on May 27, 2023
- #9
hi, thanks for publish this great work!
i have some question about data use
1. in test set of web nlg, there are some example that do not have a text label, how did you evaluate them
2. webnlg have ...
- Opened on Dec 28, 2021
- #8
bash scripts/webnlg/ 0 challenge
checkpoint_webnlg/checkpoint_finetune_sequence_head8_layer6_GPT2_maxfact12/ We didn t change the code. File
/home/xushoukai/KGPT-webnlg/code/ ...
- 2
- Opened on May 12, 2021
- #7
Hey, downloaded your pretrained weights from recent Google Drive link and ran script specified in reproducing results.
Got this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File code/ , line 453, ...
- 5
- Opened on May 10, 2021
- #6
Nice job! I have several questions as follow: (1) I found some differences between code and paper, e.g., property
embedding hasn t been used, and various parameter values (batch size/learning rate) are ...
- 4
- Opened on Mar 19, 2021
- #5
Hi, I have a problem when I am trying to evaluate all the fine-tuned models using graph encoder. It gives me the
following errors: torch.nn.modules.module.ModuleAttributeError: GraphGatedTransformerDecoder ...
- 1
- Opened on Dec 29, 2020
- #4
When I tried to run: bash scripts/webnlg/ 0
It gave me the following error. Traceback ...
- 3
- Opened on Dec 26, 2020
- #3
Hi, when I try to run the , I get the following error. Segmentation fault (core dumped) both the Sequence Encoder
and Graph Encoder
Anyone have a solution to this error please let me know
- 3
- Opened on Oct 29, 2020
- #2

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