CHOMP Multiband Clipper is a high-quality, dynamically resizeable, and ergonomic soft clipper for either creative distortion or mastering-grade precision clipping.
You have a clip function for each of the three bands (as well as one for master bus) to select from three clipping algorithms based on algebraic curves:

When selecting a band, use the mouse to drag around the crossover points and the ScrollWheel on your mouse to control the clip cieling. Ctrl/Cmd + ScrollWheel applies a band gain. Extra controls are also to the right to be precise with the band crossover points, band gain and clip cieling, next to a master input and output control.
This project was written in C++ using the JUCE framework.
- Chomp began as a multiband implementation of Free Clip by Jonathan Hyde of Venn Audio ( and uses a modified version of his transfer function algorithms.
- For additional DSP, modules from Vincent Falco's DSP filter suite (
- as well as Jatin Chowdhry's chowdsp_utils ( were ported.
- Also, ff_meters from Daniel Walz / Foleys Finest Audio UG (
CHOMP is licensed under the GPLv3.