Document specifying how the frontend and backend of the application are architectured. Find the repo here:
The backend source code is found in the backend
folder in the root directory of the repo. The API server is written in Rust and utilises the Rocket web framework for handling requests [], and Diesel ORM for querying the database [].
The entry point for the API is found in src/
and notated by rocket::ignite()
. Each endpoint is 'mounted' to the server via certain routes defined by the .mount("/api/routename", routes![route1, route2])
function calls, where route1
(for example) is a function defining a route.
All route endpoints are defined within the src/Routes
directory in their respective files. For instance, all endpoints related to users are defined inside src/Routes/
. You can tell a function is an endpoint because it's notated by a HTTP request decorator, like:
#[post("/login", format = "json", data = "<credentials>")]
pub fn login(conn: DbConn, credentials: Json<PostUser>) -> ApiResponse {...}
If an enpoint requires a connection to the database, it needs to require a parameter with type DbConn
as seen above. If the endpoint should be secured by requirement of JWT token, then include a parameter with type JWT
. For example:
Route: /api/users/<id>
Method: GET
Info: Gets a user based on <id> (Uuid) param
Authorized: True
pub fn get_user(conn: DbConn, _jwt: JWT, id: UuidParam) -> ApiResponse
The frontend is built with React and is still super prototypey, so there isn't a very solid architecture or file structure yet.