Joko explains in his guide Jokos Guide how to setup your Telegram Bot on the raspiblitz. Its very good and because I just added it to my startup routing I want to share it.
Automation is only possbile if you have set up the connection to the telegram bot before, so you don't have to paste the Telegram API Token anymore.
I will use the Systemd Software Manger Tool (part of every linux distribution) to do this. I want to avoid any complicated details and jump in:
- Login via ssh as admin:
ssh [email protected]
- Change to the following directory:
cd /etc/systemd/system/
- create a so called unit-file:
sudo touch bos-telegram.service
- open file with:
sudo nano bos-telegram.service
- copy the following content into it, change VERBINDUNGSCODE with your own code:
# /etc/systemd/system/bos-telegram.service [Unit] Description=bos-telegram Wants=lnd.service After=lnd.service [Service] ExecStart=/home/bos/.npm-global/bin/bos telegram --connect VERBINDUNGSCODE User=bos Restart=always TimeoutSec=120 RestartSec=30 StandardOutput=null StandardError=journal [Install]
- save file and then type the following command in the terminal:
sudo systemctl enable bos-telegram.service
- reboot your node
- wait until your telegram bot shows the new connection to check whether the service is running properly you can type:
sudo systemctl status bos-telegram.service