- The example hook Counter.sol demonstrates the
hooks - The test template Counter.t.sol preconfigures the v4 pool manager, test tokens, and test liquidity.
Updating to v4-template:latest
This template is actively maintained -- you can update the v4 dependencies, scripts, and helpers:
git remote add template https://github.com/uniswapfoundation/v4-template
git fetch template
git merge template/main <BRANCH> --allow-unrelated-histories
Ensure that you have correctly installed Foundry (Forge) Stable. You can update Foundry by running:
v4-template appears to be incompatible with Foundry Nightly. See foundry announcements to revert back to the stable build
requires foundry
forge install
forge test
Other than writing unit tests (recommended!), you can only deploy & test hooks on anvil
# start anvil, a local EVM chain
# in a new terminal
forge script script/Anvil.s.sol \
--rpc-url http://localhost:8545 \
--private-key 0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80 \
See script/ for hook deployment, pool creation, liquidity provision, and swapping.
When installing dependencies with forge install
, Github may throw a Permission Denied
Typically caused by missing Github SSH keys, and can be resolved by following the steps here
Or adding the keys to your ssh-agent, if you have already uploaded SSH keys
Hook deployment failures are caused by incorrect flags or incorrect salt mining
- Verify the flags are in agreement:
returns the correct flagsflags
provided toHookMiner.find(...)
- Verify salt mining is correct:
- In forge test: the deployer for:
new Hook{salt: salt}(...)
andHookMiner.find(deployer, ...)
are the same. This will beaddress(this)
. If usingvm.prank
, the deployer will be the pranking address - In forge script: the deployer must be the CREATE2 Proxy:
- If anvil does not have the CREATE2 deployer, your foundry may be out of date. You can update it with
- If anvil does not have the CREATE2 deployer, your foundry may be out of date. You can update it with
- In forge test: the deployer for:
Additional resources:
v4-periphery contains advanced hook implementations that serve as a great reference