๐ผKubernetes is a container orchestration tool ,and while working with it errors are part of it ,but it would be time saving if we knew where to debug & fix the issue, as for a beginner things might get overwhelming.
Kuberenetes which is also widely refered to as k8s is open-source container orchestration technology used for managing your applications & automating deployments of software . Initially it was founded & owned by Google kbd>, but now is maintained by Cloud Native Computing Foundation
You can read more about it it here Kubernetes Overview
When deploying application to kubernetes clusters , which is itself a complex system has multiple components involved , at times during
you may face common issues listed below , debugging provides essential information to track down the issue &
- Kubectl describe po podname
- Kubectl get po podname
- Kubectl apply -f deployment File name
- Kubectl describe po podname
- Kubectl logs logs podname
- Also to check if enough resources are allocated (memory)
- Kubectl logs podname
- Kubectl get po podname
- Kubectl apply -f deployment podname
- Lookout for any exceptions in logs /missing variables at code level as well .
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- Kubectl logs podname
- Kubectl describe podname
- Kubectl logs podname
- Kubectl get po podname and check for its state
- Increase system resource usage