Build an image and publish it to the private registry
./build.rb [email protected]:1uptalent/someproject.git
This creates an image tagged as: localhost:9010/someproject:20140127_111245_250efbd_amuino
The tag is automatically generated from the last commit date, the last commit hash and the git user email.
This command starts a new container based on the given image. Other containers based on the same repository (some project
) are then stopped and removed.
./deploy.rb vagrant@localhost:2222 localhost:9010/someproject:20140127_111245_250efbd_amuino
The first parameter is a comma separated list of hosts. Connection will be stablished via ssh, so remember to ssh-add
the relevant keys.
The second parameter is the full name of the image, as seen by the server.
Rollbacks are only a convenience/shortcut over manually looking up the previous version and using the deploy.rb
script. It also does some housekeeping.
./rollback.rb vagrant@localhost:2222 rails-docker
Removes the more recent tag (using the commit timestamp) from the registry and uses the previous one to do a new deploy.