During geekcon 2016 we made a buttplug with wifi access capability. Two models were built. The first is a es8266 Adafruit Huzzah board with a pressure sensor (we recommend to add an mp6050 for next time). The Second is a Linkit 7688 with a torrent server, an accelerometer mp6050, and a webcam.
The ESP model has Firmware Over-The-Air (FOTA) capability, and uses an esp8266 Huzzah. We also used a NodeMCU 0.9, which also works (you might need to change the LED pin).
Simply set your ssid and password, flash an upload the code. Connect a pressure sensor to the I2C pins, and an LED to the led pin. Once conncted, you will have a webserver with the pressure and tempreture readings.
Requires Arduino 1.6.11+
the linkit 7688 dev boards have a good 3v3 regulator, the XC6220
the linkit power draw even under peeks will not surpass the 400mA and at idle can stablise on
this effects the dropout, and temprature.
the MP1583 Step-Down convertor cant hepl as its "4.75V to 23V Operating Input Range", the
i2c Pressure range: 300 ... 1100hPa (+9000m ... -500m relating to sea level) Supply voltage: 1.8 ... 3.6V (VDD)
###MPU6050 python soruce for reading data: *Note: did not work on the duo because of the arduino pins
no worries, just hook both battary and load on the same line ladyada
TP4056 1A Linear Li-lon Battery Charger with Thermal
##video streaming
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 1e4e:0110 Cubeternet
You have our STL in the hardware
folder. Its based off this buttplug mold.
We used a pretty crappy sillicon, and suggest you find your own. to seal the seam we used clay which prooved bad becuase it left brown stains (honst, that is what they are!). Probbably vaseline is abetter choice.
During the event we colected butt jokes reguarding the projects. You are welcome to pull request more:
- We are backend developers -- Guy
- What we use to code? נודNCU -- emmanuel
- Geekcon moto: "No project, no entry" -- Oded
- I don't know where you put it, but I can still ping it -- Guy
- We are in the Butt Jewelry business, I checked, it exists -- Yair
- I will find you QA, there are girls in the Dungeon that will volenteer -- unknown
- ברור שהם עוזרים לגיקון, הם מרחיבים את הקהילה -- Inbar