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API Hosted on:
API Documentation:
Down To Meet: An event management website built using React, Express, Node.js, MongoDB Atlas, AWS S3, API hosted on Heroku.
- Steps to make this project work
- Features
- Screenshots
- clone this repo using
"git clone"
- open cmd with pwd ./DownToMeet-MERN and type
"npm install"
this will create npm modules and package-lock.json - create .env file with content like
mongo_DB_Connection = mongodb+srv://<username>:<password><dbname>?retryWrites=true&w=majority
ACCESS_KEY_ID = "Provided through AWS S3"
SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = "Provided through AWS S3"
- Type
npm run dev
ornodemon backend/server
,this will make the express server run at localhost:8000 - For frontend to work follow these steps
cd client
npm install
- Type
npm run dev
ornpm start
,this will make the react app start at localhost:3000
- Password hashing during register/login for security using npm package "bcrypt"
- Using tokens and verifying for protecting routes using npm package "jsonwebtoken"
- Creating events with proper validations
- Storing images on AWS S3 and using timestamp for unique identification of image using npm package "multer"
- Displaying events ascendingly sorted with base of Date
- Filtering events based on event-type(seminar/webinar/workshop and Your events)
- Deleting events that you have created.
- Requesting registration for event as an attendee.
- Accepting/Rejecting participant request as an organizer of event.
- Viewing number of participants and all details of participants.