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Generic Bash PS1 (bashrc) Configuration based on BLFS /etc/bashrc

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AOSC's bash & sh startup files in /etc. This is meant to be a minimal one with some features, and if you really want a cool one, consult things like bashstyle-ng.


  • Colored PS1 with VCS branch display and return-value based prompt bashrc with git, commit b9913ca
  • OS X-like /etc/paths management scheme.
  • Regular somefile.d directorys.
  • Common aliases.


  • bashrc - Bash's global startup file, sourced by ~/.bashrc. Contains stuffs that we think is good for all users.
    • Sources profile for environmental variables
    • Sets some variables for colors
    • Sources bashrc.d
    • Sets up the PS1
    • Sets up aliases
    • Sets up some bash-specific variables.
  • profile - Environment variables for all POSIX login shells
    • Sets up $PATH and $MANPATH:
      • Ignores lines starting with #.
      • Adds each line of /etc/paths.d/._pre* to $PATH,
      • Adds each line of /etc/paths to $PATH,
      • Adds each line of /etc/paths.d/* to $PATH.
      • Then do almost the same for manpaths.
      • If those are still empty, default values {,/usr{,/local}}/{s,}bin and /usr/{,local/}man are used.
    • Sets up $TZ and some common history variables.
    • Sources profile.d.
  • skel - $HOME Skeleton. Contains what we think is good for most users.
    • .bashrc - User bash startup, sources /etc/bashrc.
    • .bash_profile - User bash login, sources ~/.bashrc.
    • .bash_logout - User bash logout.
  • bashrc.d - Files sourced by /etc/bashrc.
    • 20-vcs - VCS aliases and PS1. Provides _vcs_status.
      • .vcs_* - VCS Implementations.
  • profile.d - Files sourced by /etc/profile.


  • GNU Bash for bashrc stuffs. When we are happy, we try to make most parts of bashrc compatible with other bourne/POSIX-like shells, e.g. hush/ash.
  • At least a mostly POSIX-compatible shell for profile. We try our best to guarantee that it's written fully POSIXly. Send us an issue if it's not.
  • Coreutils for profile. More specifically, cat, sed and mkdir. GNU/Busybox ones are preferred. See #Porting for more info.


This briefly describes how bash processes the files. and put here as a sort of reference:

On Startup:

# Pseudo-code functions:
# _bash_optarg: The argument for an option.
# _bash_opts: If this option is set: [[ $- == *$1* ]].
_is_sh(){ [ "$(basename "$BASH")" == "sh" ]; }
_is_posix(){ shopt -oq posix; }
_is_interactive() { case "$-" in *i*) return 0; esac; return 1; }
_is_login(){ [ "${0:0:1}" == - ] || _bash_opts -l; }
# Real bash doesn't change the return value, just for convenience with ||
load_if_exists(){ [ -r "$1" ] || return 1; . "$@"; true; }
if _is_interactive; then
  if _is_login && ! _bash_opts --noprofile; then
    load_if_exists /etc/profile
    if ! _is_sh; then
      load_if_exists ~/.bash_profile ||
      load_if_exists ~/.bash_login ||
      load_if_exists ~/.profile
      load_if_exists ~/.profile
  elif ! _bash_opts --norc; then
    if ! _is_posix; then
      _is_sh || load_if_exists "$(_bash_optarg --rcfile || echo ~/.bashrc)"
      load_if_exists "$ENV"
  elif _is_network_input; then
    is_sh || load_if_exists ~/.bashrc
# Non-interactive (i.e. To run a script) 
  if ! _is_sh; then
    load_if_exists "$BASH_ENV"
_is_sh && shopt -os posix

On exit:

if _is_login && ! _is_sh && ! _is_posix; then
  load_if_exists ~/.bash_logout


The master branch of this repo can be easily ported to other platforms with bash and an echo with -e flag. For earlier bash without \e escaping, perform sed -i -e 's@\\e@\\33@g' ** on the tree.

If you use BSD coreutils, change ls --color=auto to ls -G.

If you use OS X or wants to make an OS X distribution, you had better include the workaround mentioned in #3, in order to avoid "Please install XCode Developer Tools" from appearing too many times.

This package provides an example: Bash 4.3 for OS X.


Those are questions collected over time. I got tired answering this, although some people like @Icenowy keeps annoying me with those.

Why did I get a command lastdir not found error on logout?

Because including that feature was a mistake, and we fixed it. You will need to replace corresponding file(s) with those in /etc/skel, so just run cat /etc/skel/.bash_logout > ~/.bash_logout.

If you have made extra changes to that file, merge them by yourself.

Why are you breaking things?

Because AOSC OS itself is beta. Luckily, although it comes with no warrenty, documented things will not be changed frequently. Data loss should be super rare, or epic, too. Even ourselves use it on production environment.

If those things happens to you, we can buy you some lolipop. You can also open Love Live and perform a 11-time recruit.


Generic Bash PS1 (bashrc) Configuration based on BLFS /etc/bashrc






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