A tool to anonymize personal data. This is usefull when you want to send your data to an external services (like api.ai) without exposing your user true data.
npm install anonymize-personal-data --save
var Anonymize = require('anonymize-personal-data');
var anonymizedData =
Anonymize.removePersonalData("Je vais a Paris ce weekend et mon email est [email protected]", "fr");
var unAnoymizedData = Anonymize.restorePersonalData(anonymizedData.text, anonymizedData.data);
console.log(anonymizedData, unAnoymizedData);
This module contain 2 methods :
This method take a string in entry and a local and return an object with a text field containing an anonymized string
var data = Anonymize.removePersonalData("STRING", "local");
This method allow for easy de-anonynization of a string.
var originalString = Anonymize.restorePersonalData(anoymizedData.text, anoymizedData.data);
For now the tool support the local 'fr' (France) with the following data :
- All French name and lastname according to insee
- All French City name
- All French zipcode
- All French Phone number
- All email address
- French Vehicule registration number
- French National healthcare number (SECU)
For now the tool support the local 'uk' (United Kingdom) with the following data :
- UK name and lastname according to internet
- All UK Town name
- All UK County name
- All UK zipcode
- All UK Phone number
- All email address
- UK Vehicule registration number
- UK National healthcare number (NIH)
- UK VAT numbers
- UK Child Benefits Regference number
To add a new local, create a new directory in dictionary named with local name. Then add in this directory some list or regexp file. List files are list of keyword to replace, separate by a \n (ex : city name). Regexp files contain a regexp matching a data you want to replace (ex : email address)