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Common repo for Ambire, a wallet that makes self-custody easy and secure for the EVM ecosystem, thanks to hybrid account abstraction

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Common ground for the Ambire apps

This package puts together the core business logic behind Ambire web and mobile apps.


yarn install


  1. When a change is needed, submit a PR against the develop branch (or against the main branch, in case it's a hotfix).

  2. When a new version for ambire-common is needed, create a new git tag, issue a new release and describe what has changed. Follow semantic versioning when choosing a tag name.


Always commit in ambire-common code that's compatible with web & mobile both 🤞


Tip during development: After cloning the web or the mobile app and doing npm install (or yarn install), delete the node_modules/ambire-common directory and git clone the ambire-common (this) repository into node_modules/ambire-common instead. This way you can modify and commit changes to ambire-common and they will be instantly visible on the web or the mobile app during development.

Tip during development: When updating the ambire-common version in the web app package.json, do not manually change your package.json and run npm install. Instead, execute npm install "github:AmbireTech/ambire-common#v0.11.0". Otherwise, for some reason, package-lock file don't update accordingly and they persist refs to the previous ambire-common version. The issue either comes from npm instelf, or for something really specific in web's package-lock file.

Tip during development: There is another way to link ambire-common. The way it should work is to clone ambire-common wherever you want, then run yarn link inside ambire-common dir (npm link is not working atm). Then go to ambire-wallet or wallet-mobile dir and run yarn link "ambire-common". In case of errors - delete node_modules in all projects dir, then run yarn cache clean --force && npm cache clean --force, npm ci and yarn link "ambire-common". It's possible to need update for ambire-wallet postinstall script with the webpack hack - change newValue: "include: [paths.appSrc, paths.appNodeModules + '/ambire-common']," with newValue: "include: [paths.appSrc, /\.(ts|tsx)$/],", if there are some import errors and you are working in version without this update. Run yarn link "ambire-common" after every npm i/ci inside wallet projects, etc. Make sure there is no node_modules folder inside ambire-common as it looks like the peer deps does not act like such in this case.

Tip for hotfixes: In case you immediately need the change on PROD, you can simply (temporarily) ref in app's package.json instead a tag ("ambire-common": "github:AmbireTech/ambire-common#v0.11.2") a specific commit SHA ("ambire-common": "github:AmbireTech/ambire-common#2e8639e004044bda3fe7efa3290672d63bfe5f8a").

How to compile files to the dist folder: tsc src/libs/portfolio/getOnchainBalances.ts -t es2020 -m commonjs --esModuleInterop true --sourceMap true --resolveJsonModule true --outDir ./dist

Update contract/token info (generates humanizerInfo.json)

yarn generate:contractInfo

Editor Config

Make sure your code editor has plugins that support the following configuration files: .editorconfig, .prettierrc, tsconfig.json, eslintrc.js, import-sorter.json.

Deploy scripts

How to deploy Ambire 7702:

  • npx hardhat compile
  • npx hardhat run scripts/deploy7702.js --network optimism
  • npx hardhat verify --network optimism 0xfe77D030Ac0531f5A62bAe502712b1F1cf976DD9