This is a program to auto generate itemfilters for the game Path of Exile. It relies on prices from
Right now this generates a 4 filters at a time it requires a threshold in chaos(the ingame currency). According to a multiplier on the given threshold it assigns rarities to items(unrelated to game rarity) an item fits into a rarity if its value is lesser than the next highest multiplier, the existing rarities are:
- Common(1x)
- Uncommon(12.5x)
- Rare(25x)
- Epic(200x)
- Mythic(1000x)
- Undetermined, used when price could not be determined
- Always show
- Always hide
- Leveling
There 4 item filters that simply apply a cutoff to the items displayed by their rarity determined by price, usually.
- Get prices for uniques, prophecies.
- Filter corrupted items properly, using white socket color and corrupted implicits.
- Get base prices automatically