- A new bot is avalaible here DeezSpot_bot. ENJOY :)
- I am not responsible for the usage of this program by other people.
- I do not recommend you doing this illegally or against Deezer's terms of service.
- This project is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Go and modify bot_settings.py
- Read the code comments
- Add your chat_id to root_ids
- Modify the bunker_channel variable with your channel id (the others one are optional, but suggested. YES you should create 3 channels :))
- Be sure that in the channel you have setted the bot as admin, you have setted the right permissions and you added as admin also your user bot(personal account) as admin in the channel ALSO IT WON'T WORK
- If you don't know how to get chat id send messages to him @JsonDumpBot
Go and modify .deez_settings.ini
- mail, password, token(arl) are deezer credentials used for login
- the pyrogram api_id & api_hash can be created here
- for create a telegram bot look here
- for acrcloud key, secret, host look at acrcloud (NOW YOU CAN LEAVE HOST VAR EMPTY IF YOU DON'T WANT TO USE IT)
Go and modify set_configs.py
If you don't want to login with arl, which expire, log with normal credentials & delete line 35
Let create a volume
docker volume create deezspot_disk
Build the image
docker build -t deezspot .
Run the container
docker run -v deezspot_disk:/app --rm -it deezspot bash
python deez_bot.py
docker run -v deezspot_disk:/app --rm -it deezspot python deez_bot.py
Detach the container
Press (CTRL + P) + (CTRL + Q) as explained here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19688314/how-do-you-attach-and-detach-from-dockers-process
Attach the container
docker attach <container_id> # you can find it with docker ps
Let create a own env
pip install virtualenv
To install it just type this command
git clone https://github.com/An0nimia/DeezSpot_bot.git && cd DeezSpot_bot && virtualenv bot_env && source bot_env/bin/activate && pip3 install -r req.txt
python3 deez_bot.py
If you know how tmux works
tmux new -s deez_bot
then when you are inside just type
python3 deez_bot.py 1