- This project is a Student Result Management System that allows teachers and administrators to manage student marks and generate reports on student performance. The system also includes a student interface where students can view their marksheets and track their academic progress over time.
- Admin interface for adding and managing student marks
- Student interface for viewing marksheets and academic progress
- Security features to ensure authorized user access
- Reports and analytics on student performance
- User-friendly interface for teachers, administrators, and students
- Java Swing
- 👉 To use the Student Result Management System, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Download the JDBC driver for MySQL and add it to your project's classpath.
- Set up the MySQL database using the SQL script provided.
- Run the system using the main class file.
- Login as an administrator or student to access the respective interfaces.
When you run the system, you will be prompted to log in as either an administrator or a student.
- To log in as an admin, use the username "admin" and the password "pass".
- To log in as a student, use the student roll number that were assigned to you by the administrator.
- 👉 The main components of the code are:
- 📍adminindex: The main JFrame that displays the options for students and admin.
- 📍studentadmin: It provides an interface for adding a unique roll number for each student, which can be used to access their marksheet.
- 📍adminHome: It provides an interface for the admin to access the system using their username and password.
- 👉 I used some external resources for guidance :