This will serve as a pretty minimal online portfolio, but with some interesting features. It will include example code, that is compileable/runnable/editable, in order to let someone show off their coding skillz
A single admin user will exist, who will be able to add more code examples, AND upload pdf publications for the site.
An example portfolio holder
username: "Programmer McProgrammerface,
skills: //list of skills
hackerrank: //hackerrank link
github: //github link
linkedin: //linkedin link
An example PDF publication
name: "Refining Thin Clients Using Linear-Time Models",
filename: //filename,
An example code snippet
language: "C"
code: //insert code here.
(TODO: create a first draft of your Schemas in db.js and link to it)
/doc/main - show main skills and stuff
/doc/research - page for showing all research
/doc/code - page for showing off code snipper
As any user I can view the home page, code page, and research page.
(2 points) Use PDF viewer library
- Will use this library to display research papers that have been uploaded to the server, without requiring the user to download them.
(6 points) Editable/compilable code
- Will use code mirror to display editable code.
- While the library itself isn't 6 points difficult to use, having code be compiled on the server I expect will be difficult
8 points total out of 8 required points
(TODO: list any tutorials/references/etc. that you've based your code off of)