This package is a client that supports some implementations of the RCON protocol. About RCON
You can get this package using composer
composer require anvilm/php.rcon
use AnvilM\RCON\Clients\Minecraft\MinecraftClient;
$Ip = ''; //Server IP
$Port = 25575; //RCON port
$Client = new MinecraftClient($Ip, $Port);
Before sending commands you need to authenticate:
$Password = '123' // RCON Password
To send a command you need to call the sendCommand method:
$Client->sendCommand('time set day');
- Minecraft
If you want to create your own client, you can use RconClient to exchange packets with the server.
RCON Entity is an object that acts as a DTO and contains data for sending a command and a response from the server, since they use the same structure.
use AnvilM\RCON\Entity\RCON
$data = new RCON(
1, // packet id, the response will have the same id
2 // packet type, may vary by implementation
'time set day' // command
Request method sends a command to the server and waits for a response, if $timeout is not specified it will wait 5 seconds, if a response has arrived it will return an RCON object with the response data.
use AnvilM\RCON\RCONClient;
use AnvilM\RCON\Entity\RCON;
$client = new RCONClient('', 25575);
// Minecraft authorization
$data = new RCON(1, 3, '123');
// Returns new RCON(1, 2, '')
$response = $client->request($data);
This package uses php.transport so you can manage connections and sockets.
To get the current connection use this method:
use AnvilM\RCON\RCONClient;
$client = new RCONClient('', 25575);
$connection = $client->getConnection();
For example, you can close and open connections, but in this case you will have to authenticate again.
// Close connection and create new socket
// Open connection with new socket
// Auth with new socket
new RCON(1, 3, '123')