- Fixed: On some displays certain small icon's animation don't translate properly
- Added: Style Settings option to disable custom theme animations #97
- panes not displaying properly notes and accidentally hiding portions of it when the panes are narrowed with the gutter number list disabled #99 #96
- the mini header signs have been updated for when gutter number list is disabled as well, properly displaying close to the header.
- Removed old font text
This theme transforms Obsidian into a colorful sci-fi/cyberpunk experience, with a original accented design featuring glow effects. Supports a wide range of accent colors, allowing you to customize the colors of Obsidian. This theme gives you a futuristic and eye-catching look that will captivate your attention, have you staring at your notes and even motivated to create more notes all while keeping the functionality and familiarity of the default theme.

Note If Obsidian is having trouble finding an update for theme, consider manually updating it by downloading the theme and manifest file Replacing the existing one in the Cyber Glow folder directory.
Would appreciate any donation if you enjoy this theme, doing this theme in my free time during studies.
- Recommended to install "Style Settings" plugin so that you may have custom checkboxes, custom background and its controls and custom stacked tab width.
No additional plugins are required to have the theme working unlike many other themes.
- Kanban
- Style Settings (more customizations)
- Surfing
- File Exporer Note Count
- Language Tool Integration
- and much more
- If a plugin doesn't look right with this theme let me know.
- Completely consistent and unique design style and in dark/light mode compared to majority of themes
Some styles that first appeared in this CyberGlow:
- Adopt theme wide Accent color support for majority of the theme
- Unique Line Separator featuring Obsidians Logo
- Custom headers that blend well with Canvas.
- A single unified active line hightlight in editor
- Upright Stacked tabs titles for easier reading (no need to crane your neck)
- Custom Left Sidebar toggle in Hidden Window Frame and Obsidian Frame
- Improved stacked tabs compatibility for Custom background support
- First theme with active highlightable panes, so you know what pane is focused on.
- Support with Style Settings
- Custom Background with opacity, brightness, bluryness controls
- Improved opacity controls compared to other themes no weird Opacity gaps not being filled in properly.
- Custom Stacked tabs width control
- Bigger and custom checkboxes for easier viewing
- Custom Background with opacity, brightness, bluryness controls
- [x] checkmark
- [?] ? for question
- [-] - for removed
- [!] ! for important
- [>] > for delayed
- [/] / for half-done/WIP
- [R] R for review
- [+] + for archived
- [b] b for bookmark
- [B] B for brainstorm
- [D] D for planned
- [i] i for idea
- [I] I for info
- [N] N for note
- [<] < for scheduling
- [P] P or p for positive
- [C] C or c for negative
- [Q] Q or " for quote
- [S] S for savings
- [f] f for fire
- [k] k for key
- [w] w for win
- [u] u for up
- [d] d for down
- [l] l for location
- [*] * for star
- Smooth tab and pane switching animation
- Custom file explorer icons plus unique icon depicting which file you are viewing/editing
- Add custom cursive signatures (If you have the optional fonts pack installed)
<cite>Enter Name Here</cite>
<div class= 'signature'>The Name<\div>
- Easily identifiable codeblocks with proper code coloring
- Deathau, his creator of 80's Neon theme inspired the widespread glow effects now present in my theme.
- Benny Guo, formerly Tridiamond, his Obsidianite theme was the basis, originally intended to just a minor tweak of his theme.
- Sailkite on Discord - Helped me with resolve my weird CSS issues and suggested ways to streamline some things
- ChuckHarmston, Adapted his Safari Tab expander snippet.
- Colin Eckert's Things 2 Theme having working minimal headers in live preview and imo useful codeblock gutter line
- SlRvb Adapted ITS Theme's Callout Infoboxes, grid, Kith and captions
Note Be sure to credit me by linking to this repo should you use portions or design elements of my theme.