Ideas for Science with MICADO, with priority for SCAO observations
To provide Information to the ESO STC on how science cases related to the stellar initial mass function (IMF) will be impacted by the restriction to only observe with SCAO on MICADO for the first 3 years of operations.
- Define the IMF science case in terms of MICADO capabilities
- Find the number of potential MICADO Targets (intra/extra-Galactic), i.e. Young star forming clusters (SFRs)
- See how many targets have at least one GAIA Rb < 15.5 (16) mag star inside the star forming Region
- See what percentage of the cluster's area is >10 (25) arcsec away from a Rb < 15.5 (16) mag star
- Work out what the limiting Magnitude for Brown dwarfs spectral classes (LTY)
- How many of these are then visible within the predicted SCAO strehl ratios at 10 (25) arcsec
- Open cluster census (Hunt+23) -
- Erik Mamajeks Stellar Magnitudes table -